Monday, February 24, 2020

BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control Coursework

BSBOHS404B contribute to the implementation of strategies to control OHS risk - Coursework Example However, for a mobile crane to qualify for registration, it must have a rating capacity greater than 10 t. In addition, before registration, the mobile crane in question must undergo thorough inspection by a competent person. Further, mobile crane owners are required to ensure that cranes are in good condition all the time. According to Workplace Health and Safety Regulation 211 requirements, registration of mobile cranes is done on January 31 every year (The State of Queensland par. 3). Even though there has always been a requirement for the registration of air conditioning units, this requirement was crapped under WHS Regulation 2011. This implies that there is no longer a requirement for the registration of an air conditioner (The State of Queensland 36). Like fired pressure that must be registered under, WHS Regulation 2011, the same applies to unfired pressure vessels. Registration of unfired pressure vessel is required under the regulation to ensure that it is in good condition and does not pose health and safety risk to workers. In fact, before registering unfired pressure vessel, a thorough investigation is conducted by a competent person to ensure that the vessel meets the health and safety requirements. Compliance with the health and safety regulations aims to guarantee safety and health of workers using the vessel (State of Queensland 23). An air compressor falls under pressure vessels, which require registration under schedule 5, Part 2 of WHS Regulation 2011. According to this regulation, any pressure vessel classified as hazard level A, B, or c must be registered. An air compressor is one of the pressure vessels that falls under these categories, thus must be registered. To qualify for registration, the threshold for the compressor design must be Volume x Design Pressure_> 30MPa.L. Once the threshold is met, then the supplier of the air compressor must ensure that its design is registered with the

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting (Labour Essay

Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting (Labour Party environment policy statement, 2009). Discuss in the context of British government and politics - Essay Example ons Reduction Target (CERT), which has provided a large investment in household energy efficiency between 2002 and 2008 and brought in carbon saving; delivering more seaward wind facility than any society in the globe; and implementing the world’s first long-term, legally binding greenhouse emission reduction programme (Carter 2007). Hence, in their environment policy statement in 2009, the Labour Party declared, â€Å"Labour is making Britain greener, cleaner and less polluting† (The Labour Party 2010: para 5). However, this activities, campaigns, and achievements of the Labour Party have not been examined in the context of British government and politics comprehensively. This essay will attempt to contribute in this area of knowledge. The primary issue that will be addressed here is the role of the British government and its relationship with the people. These issues have gained a new significance. A decade into the existence of this Labour government, policy-makers seem to be certain that their mission has changed. Gordon Brown, as he reflects on his experience, addressed communities breaking new ground for elected legislators to pursue (Worley 2009). However, in one domain specifically, we oblige our policy-makers to lead rather than follow, and to take risks. That domain is the environment. The media response has been unsurprising. Conservative channels that were quick to criticise David Cameron’s demand for stricter aviation taxes are imploring that the electorate cannot take any more. They are incapable of justifying their standpoint beyond complaining about nursemaid states and fiddling with, or supporting, the assertions of climate-change denouncers (Worley 2009). Newscasters respond even more recklessly, with Channel 4 exposing a feature film that go against all the facts and with the BBC misinterpreting its demand to ‘balance’ by advocating discussion between the two parties, as if they embody corresponding bodies of evidence. Brown has taken

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Metrics Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Metrics Plan - Case Study Example Therefore, the metric is based on % completion. A practice whose percentage completion falls below 70% is considered non compliant, that which falls between 71% - 95% is considered degraded and that above 95% compliant. With the overall practice compliance of 37.79%, the 11th Marine Regiment is considered non compliant in conducting EMS practices. Out of the 8 practices, none was compliant, meaning the scores were below 95%. However, there was 100% compliance in the training of some course such as spill abatement and EMS training. TNA describes procedures for identifying abilities, skills and knowledge necessary to achieve desired performance requirements which is keeping the environment safe (Jean, 2006). There are three elements to the TNA; Demographic Information, Installation Environmental Characteristics, and Quantified Environmental Training Requirements. For the purposes of this Metrics Plan, the Quantified Environmental Training Requirements were used to collect and analyze data. The TNA was used to identify what practices are performed, their location, number of personnel requiring training, and what training is required to enable personnel to perform their activity in an environmentally safe manner. Maintaining environmental compliance is everyone’s responsibility. While working aboard Camp Pendleton, you are required to know and understand how EMS practices impact your work activities and the environment. Environmental compliance means performing all your work tasks in a safe, efficient, and environmentally responsible manner that will protect and prevent harm to human health, natural resources, and the environment. This Metric Plan will help you develop the skills you need to maintain an environmentally friendly work environment and to complete your work tasks in accordance with your installations environmental policy. To fulfill the training requirements of the 8 explicit environmental

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Radiation Treatment of Foods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Radiation Treatment of Foods - Research Paper Example The preservation of the quality of the food in terms of flavor, texture and components is also another advantage of the radiation method as compared to other methods (Alothman et al. 201). The first benefit of radiation in food preservation is in terms of effectiveness in disinfection from different forms of contaminants. The use of radiation is recognized as a physical and non-thermal method of food preservation also referred to as cold-pasteurization used to decrease or even remove pathogens and contaminants from food. The process is commonly used for the â€Å"removal of pathogens in fruit juices, hindering the spoilage of seafood and meat products and prevention of microbial growth such as Salmonella in poultry products.† Lower doses referred to as radurization are used to hinder enzyme action such as sprouting and ripening (Dionisio et al. 1267). The process of decontamination then can improve the shelf-life of the food and related products (Alothman et al. 202). The effi ciency of radiation treatment on the basis of price and time is another important advantage. The process of radiation treatment is time-efficient due to the fact that compared to other methods it has short processing time.