Friday, August 28, 2020

Global Impact & Community Essay Example for Free

Worldwide Impact Community Essay Beside being the most jam-packed city in the United States, the City of New York is viewed as the most intensely populated significant city in North America. It is the country’s most socially various district, as it holds individuals that communicate in 138 unique dialects drawn from in excess of 90 nations. The most perceived social minorities in the district are Native Americans/Alaska Natives, Asian American/Pacific Islanders, Hispanics, and African-American. Settlement History From 1892 to 1954, in excess of 12 million workers entered and scattered everywhere throughout the United States. Hispanic people from South or Central American nation, Mexico, Cuba, or Puerto Rico, included the huge number of those migrants. All through the 1990s, Hispanic starting point involved just about 25 percent of the city’s populace, and Hispanic younger students of the city comprised of right around 35 percent (DeCamp). Hispanics are the biggest minority in the city today, and the populace consistently develops through migration and increment through birth. During the mid twentieth century, the lower eastside of Manhattan was for the most part male networks that comprised of Asian foreigner laborers who had initially moved out to California. â€Å"Since 1965, the Asian populace has been developing consistently, and by 1990, Asians overall spoke to the second biggest gathering of language minorities in New York City† (DeCamp). On the other hand, some African-Americans are relatives from locals that were brought to the United States more than two centuries back, while others emigrated from Africa, South America and Caribbean as of late. It was in 1994 that dark occupants started to show up as once huge mob provided by the Great Migration. Most Famous Ethnic Place-Name, Communities and Districts Harlem is a locale in the New York City that is for quite some time recognized as a significant African-American business, social, and private focus. Until 1873, Harlem was a town free of New York City. It has been described by blast and-bust cycles, with impressive ethnic changes going with each cycle. Harlem stretches out from the East River west to the Hudson River flanked by 159th Street; where it meets Washington Heights, to a fringe down the south. Chinatown is New Yorks major and most energetic ethnic neighborhood which up to now is still quickly developing. Lanes have overflowed with many Chinese cafés, blessing shops and markets. New Yorks Chinatown is the main Chinatown in the United States and is the social, recorded, efficient, and political focal point of the Chinese people group in the district. It is western hemisphere’s biggest site of Chinese fixation. Unmistakable Local Food New York City is a mix of nationalities and societies, and the cooking styles served by its a huge number of cafés are an indication of that assorted variety. A portion of the acclaimed cafés in New York City that offer unmistakable nearby food to ethnic minorities are second Avenue Delicatessen, Inc. , Abyssinia Ethiopian Restaurant, Esthetic Alternatives, Bistro Monk, Charley Os, Ding Ho Laundry, Dragon Gems Inc. , and El Rey Delos Caridad Restaurant. What's more, there are several cafés situated in Chinatown where conventional and bona fide Chinese cooking styles are served. The styles of Chinese food generally unmistakable in the locale are Hunan, Shanghai, Szechwan, and Cantonese. Contemporary Cultural Influences 1. At present, many TV and radio news analysts are offering their types of assistance to a few ethnic networks in New York City. Radio and TV channels, just as their particular telecasters, accept that they are not simply the pipelines of amusement, data, and news, as they see themselves as political and social help to everybody from faraway spots. These telecom systems accept that they are mediums that give chance to every single ethnic foundation to discuss their particular legacy and culture. 2. Due to New York City’s developing ethnic populaces over the previous decades, individuals from minority bunches have been furnished with extra lofts from the City’s private lodging ventures. In excess of 86 condo extensions were worked in the city with the objective set to 20 percent minority inhabitance (Blair). In any case, the objective set isn't planned as the roof to prohibit or constrain minorities. 3. With New York City’s fluctuated and rich culture, it has since a long time ago supported obvious and effective minority organizations. Minority business visionaries acclaimed themselves to a bunch of expected ventures, for example, Latino-claimed bodegas; Korean greengroceries; or Chinese piece of clothing manufacturing plants and cafés. Quite a while back, the financial registration of minority firms of the government tallied to only 4,500 Asian, Latino, and Black organizations in New York City, giving work to about 18,000 individuals, or around 9 percent of 1997’s aggregate. â€Å"Added to that were another 36,000 independently employed minorities† (Malanga). Since that time, a change has happened in the private venture network of New York City. Assembling their broad information as officials in the corporate world, the city’s Asian, Latino, and Black business people not just kept up their various notable customary minority enterprises yet in addition climbed away from them by opening distributing adventures, plan and realistic shops, counseling firms, and advertisement organizations. End New York City’s status as one of the most lively social districts of the United States is molded by hundreds of years of movement; in any case, the quantity of outside brought into the world New Yorkers is as yet expected to increment throughout the following decade. Asian, Latino, and Black will be numerically raised to regularly developing extents of the city’s populace, and it isn't improbable that sooner rather than later, the greater part the city’s occupants will have been brought into the world outside the United States. In like manner, inferable from the various cultures’ impact, ethnic networks, business, and so on are likewise expected to thrive. Works Cited Blair, William. 3 May 1984. â€Å"Accord in Minority Suit Provides for More Subsidized Apartments. † The New York Times. 30 April 2009 http://www. nytimes. com/1984/05/03/nyregion/accord-in-minority-suit-accommodates progressively sponsored lofts. html? n=Top%2FReference%2FTimes%20Topics%2FSubjects%2FM%2FMinorities%20(US). Desert, Suzanne. The Linguistic Minorities of New York City. New York: Office of Information, Community Service Society of New York, 1991. Malanga, Steven. 2002. â€Å"Minority Business Triumphs in Gotham. † City Journal. 30 April 2009 http://www. city-diary. organization/html/12_2_minority_business. html.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Homosexuality as a Theological Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Homosexuality as a Theological Issue - Essay Example Christians end up at the focal point of this wave, as individuals admire them for direction on the stand they should take. The shared characteristic of this in philosophy especially, is that individuals need to know Christian’s remain in this homosexuality issue. All things considered, various scholars have composed various articles communicating their thoughts on the homosexuality as a social issue. In my examination in this article, I will place into thought three author’s compositions, and their thinking about homosexuality. A brief rundown of every one of these philosophical thinking will frame the premise of their examination and differentiation. Indisputably, I will draw customized thoughts and musings on the homosexuality issue. Koranteng-Pipim, in his article, â€Å"Three Conflicting Views on Homosexuality† tries to discover the church’s remain on homosexuality. The greatest issue is whether they ought to acknowledge or dismiss these people at what ever point they join their gathering. The two stands have their exceptional moral results. In any case, he singles out the instance of seventh day adventurist church, which has accepted three ways to deal with homosexuality (Koranteng-Pipim 1). Regardless of the way that the congregation in past has expected a renunciation remain on this issue, the ongoing ascent of professional gay gatherings keep on producing the congregation on expecting a full-acknowledgment way to deal with these individuals. Notwithstanding, he noticed that a few sections inside contemporary Adventism are moving towards the certified acknowledgment see in tending to homosexuality. Koranteng-Pipim contends that in spite of the fact that these different perspectives have risen, the renunciation see remains the official situation of the Seventh-day Adventist church (Koranteng-Pipim 2). Various principles bolster these disparity sees. The essential fundamentals on the side of these perspectives incorporate the ide a of homosexuality, profound quality of homosexuality, way out of homosexuality and reaction to homosexuality. The rejection see holds that homosexuality is a bending of human sexuality, it is wicked and evil, and that God has the capacity of changing any circumstance (Koranteng-Pipim 6). In their contentions however, those supporting for full acknowledgment need to consent to being conceived again and hence completely absorbed in the congregation. In his article, â€Å"Homosexuality and Christian Faith: A Theological Reflection† Jennings calls attention to that gay people and homosexuality is one of the significant significance consultations of denominational bodies. This issue has drawn various emotions among the advocates and adversaries of homosexuality issue. On one side are the supporters of the conventional sexuality; while then again is the gathering on the side of the rising patterns in sexuality (Jennings 137). Nonetheless, he sees that philosophical reflection has prominently been absent from this traditionalist liberal encounter. He sees that individuals hold numerous predispositions in the issue of homosexuality in the general public. He anyway doesn't propose a religious philosophy of homosexuality, yet proposes how major standards of Christian philosophy light up this inquiry or complex of issues. He takes a gander at various standards of religious philosophy, for example, one by Karl Barth, which recommends that that Christian confidence obliges the benevolent God, who is the Supreme Being (Jennings 137). The incomparable aim is to legitimize, spare and reclaim humankind, however not based on a segregation among better and more awful people yet exclusively based on God’s own thoughtful political race. He contends that in the event of an infringement of this religious standard, it puts in human hands the ability to actualize our own salvation. The second standard as he brings up is the all inclusiveness

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Corporate Government and Ethics Behavior

Question: Talk about the Corporate Government and Ethics Behavior. Answer: Presentation: Reasonable exchange has developed as a development for supporting moral conduct in buyer dynamic. The continuous development of the reasonable exchange markets has made significant traps for the business network as far as understanding the moral practices. The expansion of interest for reasonable exchange idea could be approved by the various factors, for example, the inclination of organizations to focus on a particular reason for a generous timeframe and securing a superior picture through endeavors for commitment to the general public. The bigger piece of reasonable exchange understandings were in this way reliant on cause-based promoting which demonstrated references to the social duties of associations (Hoffman, Frederick Schwartz, 2014). The utilization of reasonable exchange development has been built up as a business brand and is related with the picture which mirrors that reasonable exchange shoppers are obligated to give basic commitments, for example, monetary guide to poo r ranchers in the creating countries and giving a reasonable cost to the makers. Fundamentally, Fairtrade gives accreditation to items procured from remote sources, for example, espresso, bananas, gold and cotton and particularly those which are related with a specific reason (Matten, 2015). This model can be seen on account of African cotton which is useful for getting budgetary help for the came up short on local cotton ranchers. The commitments of reasonable exchange are seen in the salvage of the ranchers from the grasp of destitution. Anyway discusses relating to moral commercialization have shown that if the target of Fairtrade is to give help to the maker network then the premium for the makers must be expanded by following through on a reasonable cost to the makers. In this manner, the moral issues related with reasonable exchange are discovered to be to a great extent connected with the worries of customers towards natural and social causes and the expanding request of pres ent day ideas, for example, community oriented utilization (Nica, 2013). The significant moral issues related with reasonable exchange could be classified into two segments which are uncalled for exchanging and the effect of occupying budgetary just as physical assets from less created countries to moderately well-off countries. The thought of the moral issues has additionally been alluded in numerous settings in different research works. For instance, the moral thought relating to the extra cash paid by clients for reasonable exchange items is demonstrative of the recommendation that whether the arrangement of extra cost being procured by reasonable exchange is practical. Moreover, the probabilities of the extra cash being utilized by reasonable exchange to serve makers additionally goes under inquiry as it endeavors to understand another significant part of moral conduct in the acts of reasonable exchange. The uncalled for exchanging part additionally should be inspected in settin g of the difficulty relating to moral worries of business associations and the utilization of reasonable exchange rehearses (Weber Wasieleski, 2013). The moral issues relating to the execution of reasonable exchange on a worldwide stage have been talked about in the accompanying segments of the report alongside clear signs to the suggestions which have been inferred for providing food the different necessities of the general public just as the business principles. Exercises of reasonable exchange: The idea of Fairtrade has been supported by fluctuating echelons of the general public and it has the help of individuals from all features of society running from the grassroots till bureaucratic levels. The approval of the brand of reasonable exchange on a worldwide level has been considered from particular features of business condition which demonstrate commitments as budgetary assets, time and arrangement of adaptable open doors for exchanging. Numerous private firms, people and government organizations are bit by bit getting intrigued by the idea of reasonable exchange and henceforth the interest for the idea can be properly comprehended (Clarke Bassell, 2013). The proprietors of the Fairtrade Foundation grant organizations in prosperous countries to use the brand name of the association nearby their own brands as a byproduct of a specific measure of charge. For the most part, the association assembles greatest portion of its income from this kind of expense and different guide s are gotten from government gifts and awards. Reasonable exchange should occupy the extra permit pay obtained from brands to the makers in creating countries. Be that as it may, the permit salary is to a great extent used for advancement of the brand which could make significant issues identified with the moral worries of Fairtrade (Idowu, Capaldi Zu, 2013). Induction of higher edges and proving the picture of retailers as steady of worldwide concerns could be accepted as significant components remembered for the accentuation of the practices in reasonable exchange on association and industry arranged advantages as opposed to understanding any encouraging results for ranchers and providers (Gao Hafsi, 2015). The different courses through which cash needs to go through so as to arrive at the last goal of profiting ranchers has been seen in reasonable exchange as the additional expenses of cooperatives, costs on social ventures and premiums for reasonable exchange makers and ranchers . In this manner the need of catching moral measures for the exercises of reasonable exchange has been set up in setting of associations receiving relationship with reasonable exchange accreditation and the possibilities for reasonable exchange to exceed expectations in future market situations (Knudsen, Moon Slager, 2015). Moral rules must be satisfied if there should arise an occurrence of reasonable exchange in light of the fact that the key goal of the reasonable exchange idea is focused on the goal of giving a considerable bit of leeway to makers in creating countries and expanding the market offers for results of local starting point. Moral standards for Fair exchange: It is suitable to consider that Fair exchange is an idea which is intended for the moral prosperity of clients, industry, gatherings, people and associations on a bigger premise. The establishment for the reasonable exchange method of accreditation of items and the expanding view of business associations towards the reasonable exchange practice has made inquiries which relate to the improvement of better returns for makers and along these lines extending the degree for possibilities of maintainability in complex evolving situations. The investigation of dispersion of the riches among the maker networks having a place with the third world according to the reasonable exchange practices would demonstrate a short outline of the moral standards which are required for the associations receiving reasonable exchange rehearses (Swanson Frederick, 2016). Reasonable exchange affirmation is a mandatory prerequisite for providers of reasonable exchange confirmed items and they are commonly indivi duals from helpful offices or manor firms much of the time. The various substances of the nearby makers need to conform to certain political necessities, for example, the inclusion of ranchers, gathering and preparing openings encouraged by essential cooperatives and the optional offices which have the approval to send out in the interest of the makers. The sending out cooperatives are subject to acquire an extra measure of cash which is named as social premium and these cooperatives give the motivation to ranchers. While a few cooperatives will in general give positive impetuses to ranchers, some others could depend on noxious exercises and along these lines limit the money related returns for ranchers (Soltani Maupetit, 2015). Along these lines, the assessment of moral standards as for the reasonable exchange rehearses must be introduced in setting of the interaction between shopper, cooperatives, merchants, retailers, bistros and packers. The reasonable exchange establishment has extended its help and subsequently the moral issues must be tended to first regarding increment in quite a while of desperation and passing in occasion of preoccupation of assets and funds from less fortunate countries to progressively created countries. The moral concerns related with reasonable exchange are gotten from an utilitarian methodology which applies assets which are equipped for rendering greatest peripheral utility. If there should arise an occurrence of the advantages of reasonable exchange to ranchers, the moral ramifications calls attention to the perspective which decides the impact of loss of a specific measure of cash to various people (Ntim Soobaroyen, 2013). For instance, the loss of five dollars would be unimportant in a market store while a similar sum could be an alleviation for an individual hoping to spare his family from starvation. Besides, the extension for uncalled for exchanging can likewise be considered as a conspicuous sign in the area of corporate morals. Uncalled for exchanging is acknowledged when the makers or the advertisers don't give real data to clients and thus gives identified with wrong client choices could prompt insulting of the picture of the association. Thusly out of line exchanging is responsible for changes in impression of clients about an item just as association. In the event of reasonable exchange items, the associations ought not stifle proof identified with budgetary guide gave to the ranchers and the ambiguities relating to the consumption of the extra cost paid by clients (Doh, Husted Yang, 2013). Clients are bound to lose trust in the reasonable exchange development on the off chance that they find that the extra sum paid by them isn't being utilized for the proposed purposes and in the event that they discover any clues that they are not being educated regarding the proof identified with utilization of the extra salary accumulated from reasonable exchange activities (Subramaniam, Kansal Babu, 2015) . Infringement of morals: The primary concern is tended to by assessing the sum which is given to the trading helpful. Reasonable exchange doesn't have any significant enactment for de

What is wrong with the education system Research Paper

What's up with the training framework - Research Paper Example Besides, the quality and amount of administrations gave by educators can be legitimately connected to the part of instructor residency and association of training, taking into account that these viewpoints center around the government assistance of instructors while neglecting the government assistance of understudies and the instruction framework all in all. Educator Tenure The greatest factor in thought with instructor residency is the way that it improves lack of concern of educators being secured by the tenureship strategy, since they stop to fear putting their employments under dangers. In thought to upgrade of smugness among educators, it turns into sure that amount and nature of administrations being offered by these instructors might be undermined. All the more thus, instructors who are seen to straightforwardly bargain quality and amount of work can't be handily terminated, since, contrasted with customary educators, it is progressively costly and difficult to fire tenured e ducators. This is because of the way that there is a protracted and complex documentation process that tries to demonstrate that unsuitable and lackluster showing of the residency instructor to be terminated. Other than demonstrating and archiving the terrible showing cases of a tenured educator, a courtroom should basically investigate the charges consent to the cases (Nixon, Packard and Douvanis, 2007, p. 43-45). Directors regularly try to get rid of inadequately performing instructors with an end goal to improve training gauges; be that as it may, getting rid of failing to meet expectations educators who are tenured is more expensive than holding them. This part of maintenance prompts amassing of non-performing instructors and therefore subsequently influencing the training framework in general. The instruction framework is in an emergency considering the way that teachers’ execution is basic to the achievement of the understudies and the training framework all in all. The calling of educators needs to enroll and hold the most splendid and best instructors with advancement, security and different advantages being accentuated on merit. In spite of the fact that instructors need security and work confirmation from unjustified lose of employment most likely from political impacts, the frameworks ought not overprotect them to the degree that exhibition issues are undermined (Philips, 2009, p.3). Holding the best educators needs to begin from the principals having the option to assess and fire their instructors concerning understudy accomplishment and execution guidelines of educators. Horrible showing of educators should be basically managed given the way that numerous understudies originate from unsteady homes and accordingly profoundly needing admirably performing instructor so as to support their nature of training independent of their flimsy lives. Educators ought to be made a decision about dependent on the showing administrations they render and th eir capacity to affect emphatically on the lives of understudies in the study halls they instruct. Instructor residency adversely impacts on the training framework in spite of the fact that the approach was essentially intended to set up reasonable techniques to shield educators from political, prejudicial, and individual treatment by managers. The strategy has anyway been abused to ensure inept educators rather securing able instructors to empower high maintenance of best educators for encouraging high training measures. Be that as it may, businesses can beat ineptitude factor by employing skillful instructors who are qualified concerning genuine execution issue. Educator residency should just be utilized to shield instructors from bad form and legislative issues educational committees and outer forces may use against them and guarantee instructors

Microsoft Word Tips Adjusting Text Alignment - Get Proofed!

Microsoft Word Tips Adjusting Text Alignment - Get Proofed! Changing Text Alignment Great arranging is significant. All things considered, you need your content to be anything but difficult to peruse, so it should be introduced on the page (or screen) unmistakably and reliably. What's more, content arrangement is a major piece of this. In this post, at that point, we’re seeing how to change the content arrangement in Microsoft Word. Modifying Text Alignment The arrangement choices in MS Word control how content is situated comparable to the page edges. This can be controlled by means of the â€Å"Paragraph† area of the â€Å"Home† tab on the lace. From left to right: Align Left, Center, Align Right, and Justify. From left to right, you have four arrangement choices accessible. These are: Adjust Left †Used to adjust the content to one side edge Focus †Used to situate message midway on the page Adjust Right †Used to adjust the content to the correct edge Legitimize †Used to spread content equally over the page so the principal word on each line starts at the left edge and the final word closes at the correct edge To apply arranging, just select the pertinent content (or spot the cursor where you need to type) and select an arrangement choice. On the other hand, you can choose the content you need to alter and tap the bolt in the base corner of the â€Å"Paragraph† area to open another window. You would then be able to choose a choice from the dropdown â€Å"Alignment† menu and snap â€Å"OK.† The Paragraph menu. Which Option Should You Use? For the fundamental body of your work, you have two principle alternatives: Align Left and Justify. Legitimize is well known in light of the fact that it makes flawless squares of content, so it looks clean. It is additionally helpful in the event that you have different segments of content on the page (this is the reason papers and magazines regularly utilize supported content). Adjust Left is the default for the vast majority, however, especially in the distributing business. This is on the grounds that it’s simple to peruse and forestalls â€Å"rivers† (i.e., vertical clear spaces) showing up in the content. Content arrangement choices. In many records, Center ought to be put something aside for headings and subheadings. You may likewise utilize it for short entries that should be separate from the encompassing content. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you have to introduce a more extended entry in the page, for example, a square statement, you should utilize the indent choices rather than arrangement. Adjust Right, in the interim, isn't utilized for much by any stretch of the imagination. There are some uncommon events when it is valuable, for example, for situating a subtitle comparative with a picture. Ordinarily, however, it just makes things harder to peruse. The key with arranging in any report, in any case, is clearness and consistency. The best arrangement choice to pick is in this way the one that makes your report as simple to peruse as could reasonably be expected. On the off chance that you need a little help with your arranging, however, connect to perceive how we can help.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Internet Marketing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Web Marketing - Article Example While getting it on the web, it promptly vanishes. Be that as it may, it can't be a disservice. Online you can find out pretty much all the particular and contrast and attempt with discover something which impeccably fits into your financial plan without the contribution of sales rep suspicion. Be that as it may, only one out of every odd sales rep can disclose to all of you pretty much all the determinations of each portable. Second Price; it is in every case hard to do whether the item is selling on the web or in stores. Cell phones have same selling costs however the organization which is offering association with it needs to discover how much a client is eager to pay and it is progressively essential to set your cost in the wake of thinking about of contender's cost. Almost certainly web has made valuing a great deal serious and expanded weight on the customary retailers. Steadfast clients are bound to get a prize on web with consequently getting the rehashed client followed. Installment is additionally simple, yet there are numerous accounts of extortion included. Third Place; E-advertising has gotten an extraordinary change the web based buying. As clients can purchase items legitimately from the producer's removing retailers absolutely, with a test of conveying the item inside the time allotment. Cell phones can be purchased straightforwardly, from the sites like Nokia, Samsung and so on.

Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international Essay

Talk about some issue of individual, neighborhood, national, or universal concern and its significance to you - Essay Example This is on the grounds that it is as simple as ABC to make bogus profiles via web-based networking media. Lawbreakers utilize this chance to gain admittance to others’ profiles by sending companion demands. When endorsed, they gain admittance to the victim’s individual information, photos and collections which they may advance to grown-up locales, or this may prompt telephonic discussions and gatherings, and no one thinks about the results. The criminal can likewise receive character of genuine individuals by utilizing their hacked photos and data, to draw in companions. This subject holds a solid spot among moral issues in e-showcasing. Web sagacious people are getting increasingly more educated about bogus e-promoting or counterfeit e-business commercials. Bogus personality helps the criminal in preplanned assaults against installment frameworks like benefits and clinical protection. E-showcasing morals require that so as to complete powerful e-promoting, the e-advertiser must put together the business with respect to legit grounds. On the off chance that he is straightforward in showing his character, buyers will consequently come to him since e-customers consistently work with the names they can trust. Thus, it is deceptive to receive the character of another effective association as doing so will in general carry damage to the notoriety of the proprietor of the cloned personality. As per PR Log, a Press Release, twenty phony character production lines had been fixed which were being worked by crooks who delivered cloned driving licenses and serv ice bills. The Metropolitan Police had the option to find these manufacturing plants in an Operation, captured the hoodlums and shut the production lines. On the off chance that such lawbreakers continue getting captured, at that point this would be a decent exercise for the individuals who consider crossing the moral limits in interfacing with internet based life and in doing e-advertising. Anna Johnson uncovered in her article that as indicated by an exploration led by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, about

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Overnight Program Now Taking Requests

Overnight Program Now Taking Requests In case you havent checked your MyMIT account lately, I thought Id mention here that the MIT Overnight Program is open for business. You can stay overnight on campus beginning on September 30th, and since we need two weeks notice prior to your arrival, weve already begun taking requests. There are a variety of details on this page, but heres a quick overview: You can request a 1 or 2 night stay Overnights are available Sunday Thursday (we cant host Fridays, Saturdays, certain holidays, finals week, etc.) Please try not to request a visit less than 2 weeks in advance You can only select dates up to 60 days in advance During January and February, preference is given to seniors and to admitted students, and starting in March, the program is only open to admitted students Please note: host-matching is done by people, not by a computer (its an art!) so it can take up to a week for you to receive a response after submitting your ONP request. Thanks for your patience! If you have any questions about the ONP, please leave them in the comments. Thanks! On a totally unrelated note Tonight were gonna party like its 1999. Because this entry is the 1,999th MIT Admissions blog entry. Which means The next post will be #2000. Woot! Any bets on which blogger will get it?