Monday, September 30, 2019

Night World : Daughters of Darkness Chapter 9

Mary-Lynnette's hearing had gone funny. Sheheard Kestrel's words like a character remembering a phrase In a bad movie. Kill them, kill them, kill them. Mark laughed In a very strange way. This is going to be really rotten for him, MaryLynnette thought, curiously dispassionate. I mean, if we were going tolive through this, which we're not, it would be really rotten for him. He was already afraidof girls, and sort of pessimistic about life in general â€Å"Why don't we all sit down?† Rowan said with astifled sigh. â€Å"We've got to figure this out.† Mark threw back his head and gave another shortbark of a laugh. â€Å"Why not?† he said. â€Å"Let's all sit down, why not?† They're fast as whippets, Mary-Lynnette thought.If we run now, they'll catch us. But If we sit, and they get comfortable, and I distract them-or hitthem with something†¦ â€Å"Sitl† she ordered Mark briskly. Rowan and Kestrel moved away from the deer and sat. Jade stood with her hands on her hips for a moment, then sat,too. Sitting, Mark was still acting punch-drunk. Hewaved the flashlight around. â€Å"You girls aresomethingelse. You girls are really-â€Å" â€Å"We're vampires,† Jade said sharply. â€Å"Yeah.† Mark laughed quietly to himself. â€Å"Yeah,† he said again. Mary-Lynnette took the flashlight away from him. She wanted control of it. And it was heavy plastic and metal. It was a weapon. And while one layer of her mind was thinking:Shine the light in their eyesat just the rightmoment andthen hit oneof them; another part was thinking:Shemeans they'repeoplewhothinkthey're vampires;peoplewith that weird disease that makes them anemic; and one final part was saying:Youmight as well faceit;they're real. Mary-Lynnette's world view had been knocked rightout of the ballpark. â€Å"Don't you justhate that,† Mark was saying. â€Å"You meet a girl and she seems pretty nice and you tell all your friends and then before you know it she turnsout to be avampire.Don't you just hate it when that happens?† Oh. God, he's hysterical, Mary-Lynnette realized. She grabbed his shoulder and hissed in his ear, â€Å"Get a grip, now.†, â€Å"I don't see what the point is in talking to them,Rowan,† Kestrel was saying. â€Å"You know what wehave to do.† And Rowan was rubbing her forehead. â€Å"I was thinkingwe might influence them,† she said in an undertone. â€Å"You know why that won't work.† Kestrel's voice was soft and flat. â€Å"Why?† Jade said sharply. â€Å"They followed us for a reason,† Rowan saidtiredly. She nodded toward the hole. â€Å"So they've been suspicious for a while-for how long?† She looked at Mary-Lynnette. â€Å"I saw you dig the hole Tuesday night,† MaryLynnette said. She nodded toward the hole. â€Å"Is that your aunt in there?† There was a brief silence and Rowan looked selfconscious. Then she inclined her head slightly. Gracefully. â€Å"Oh, hell,† Mark said. His eyes were shut and his head was rolling on his neck. â€Å"Oh,hell. They've got Mrs. B. in a bag.† â€Å"Two days,† Rowan said to Jade. â€Å"They've suspected for two whole days. And we can't remove memories that are interlaced with other things for that long. We'd never know if we got them all.† â€Å"Well, we could just takeeverything for the last two days,† Jade said. Kestrel snorted. â€Å"And have two more people wandering around with lost time?† Mary-Lynnette's mind went click. â€Å"Todd Akers andVic Kimble,† she said. â€Å"You did something to give them amnesia.I knew there had to be a connection.† â€Å"There's no other choice for us,† Kestrel said quietly to Rowan. â€Å"And you know it as well as I do.† She's not being malicious, Mary-Lynnette realized.Just practical. If a lioness or a wolf or a falcon could talk, it would say the same thing. â€Å"We have to either kill or die; it's as simple as that.† Despite herself, Mary-Lynnette felt something like fascination-and respect. Mark had his eyes open now. And Rowan was looking sad, so sad. It's awful, her expression said, but somebody here is going to have to get hurt. Rowan bowed her head, then lifted it to face MaryLynnette directly. Their eyes met, held. After a moment Rowan's face changed slightly and she nodded. Mary-Lynnette knew that in that instant they werecommunicating without words. Each recognizing the other as an alpha female who was willing to fightand die for her kin. Meaning they were both big sisters. Yes, somebody's going to get hurt, Mary-Lynnette thought. You threaten myfamily,I fight back. She knew Rowan understood. Rowan was going to really hate killing her†¦. â€Å"No,† a voice said passionately, and MaryLynnette realized it was Jade. And the next second Jade was on her feet, hands clenched, words erupting like a steam boiler exploding. â€Å"No, youcan'tkill Mark. I won'tletyou.† Rowan said, â€Å"Jade, I know this is hard-â€Å"Kestrel said, â€Å"Jade, don't be a wimp-â€Å" Jade was trembling, body tensed like a cat ready to fight. Her voice was louder than either of them. â€Å"You just can't do itl I think -Ithink-† â€Å"Jade-â€Å" â€Å"I thinkhe's my soulmate!† Dead silence. Then Rowan groaned. â€Å"Oh, dear†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Kestrel said, â€Å"Oh,sure.† They were both looking at Jade. Focused on her. Mary-Lynnette thought, now. She swung the flashlight viciously at Kestrel, wanting to take her out first, betting that Rowan would stay behind if Kestrel were hurt. But the swing never connected, Mark threw himself in front of her, slamming into her arm. â€Å"Don't hurt Jade!† Then everything was just a mad tangle. Arms, legs,grasping fingers, kicking feet. Jade and Mark both yelling for it to stop. Mary-Lynnette felt the flashlight wrenched out of her hand. She found long hair, got hold of it, yanked. Someone kicked her, and pain blossomed in her ribs. Then she felt herself being dragged backward Mark was holding her, pulling her away from thefight. Jade was lying on top of Kestrel and clutching at Rowan. Everybody was panting. Mark was almost crying. â€Å"We just can't do this,† he said. â€Å"This is terrible.This is all wrong.† Meanwhile Jade was snarling, â€Å"He's my soulmate,okay?Okay? I can't do anything with himdead!† â€Å"He's not your soulmate, idiot,† Kestrel said in a somewhat muffled voice. She was facedown on the carpet of needles. â€Å"When you're soulmates, it hits you like lightning, and you know that's the one person in the world you were meant to be with. Youdon'tthink you're soulmates; you just know it's your destiny whether you like it or not.† Somewhere, deep in Mary-Lynnette's brain, something stirred in alarm. But she had more urgentthings to worry about. â€Å"Mark, get out of here,† she said breathlessly. ?Run!? Mark didn't even ease his grip. â€Å"Why do we have to be enemies?† â€Å"Mark, they're killers .You can't justify that. They killed their own aunt.† Three faces turned toward her, startled. A half-fullmoon had risen above the trees, and Mary-Lynnette could see them clearly. â€Å"We didnot!† Jade said indignantly. â€Å"What made you think that?† Rowan asked.Mary-Lynnette felt her mouth hang open. â€Å"Be cause you buried her, for God's sakel† â€Å"Yes, but we found her dead.† â€Å"Somebody staked her,† Kestrel said, brushingpine needles out of her golden hair. â€Å"Probably a vampire hunter. I don't suppose you'd know anything about that.† Mark gulped. â€Å"Staked her-with a stake?† â€Å"Well, with a picket from the fence,† Kestrel said. â€Å"She was already dead?† Mary-Lynnette said toRowan. â€Å"But then why on earth did you bury her in the backyard?† â€Å"It would have been disrespectful to leave her in the cellar.† ‘But why didn't you have her taken to a cemetery?†Rowan looked dismayed. Jade said, â€Å"Um, you haven't seen Aunt Opal.† â€Å"She's not looking so good,† Kestrel said. â€Å"Kind ofhard and stiff. You might say mummified.† â€Å"It's what happens to us,† Rowan said almostapologetically. Mary-Lynnette slumped back against Mark, trying to get her new world view into place. Everything was whirling. â€Å"So†¦ you were just trying to hide her. But †¦ you did do something to Todd Akers and Vic Kim-â€Å" â€Å"Theyattackedus,† Jade interrupted. â€Å"They were thinking very bad things and they pinched our arms.† â€Å"They-?† Mary-Lynnette sat up suddenly. All at once she understood. â€Å"Oh, my God. Those jerks!† Why hadn't she thought of that? Todd and Vielast year there bad been rumors about them jumping some girl from Westgrove. So they'd tried it on these girls, and †¦ Mary-Lynnette gasped and then snorted with half inhaled laughter. â€Å"Oh, no. Oh, I hope you got them good â€Å"We just bit them a little,† Rowan said. â€Å"I wish I'd been there tosee it.† She was laughing. Rowan was smiling. Kestrel was grinning barbarically. And suddenly Mary-Lynnette knew that they weren't going to fight anymore. Everybody took a deep breath and sat back and looked at one another. They do look different from normal humans, Mary-Lynnette thought, staring at them in the moonlight. It's so obvious once you know. They wereinhumanly beautiful, of course. Rowanwith her soft chestnut hair and sweet face; Kestrelwith her feral sleekness and golden eyes; Jade with her delicate features and her hair like starshine. Likethe Three Graces, only fiercer. â€Å"Okay,† Rowan said softly. â€Å"We seem to have asituation here. Now we've got to figure somethingout.† â€Å"We won't tell on you,† Mark said. He and Jadewere gazing at each other. â€Å"We've got Romeo and Juliet on our hands here is what we've got,† Mary-Lynnette said to Rowan. But Kestrel was speaking to Rowan, too. â€Å"No matterwhatthey promise, how do we know we can be lieve them?† Rowan considered, eyes roving around the clearing. Then she let out a long breath and nodded. â€Å"There's only one way,† she said. â€Å"Blood-tie.† Kestrel's eyebrowsflew up. â€Å"Oh, really?† â€Å"What is it?† Mary-Lynnette asked. â€Å"A blood-tie?† Rowan looked helpless. â€Å"Well, it's akinship ceremony, you know.† When Mary-Lynnette just looked at her, she went on: â€Å"It makes our families related. It's like, one of our ancestors did it with a family of witches.:' Witches, Mary-Lynnette thought. Oh †¦gosh. Sowitches are real, too. I wonder how many other things are real that I don't know about? â€Å"Vampires don't usually get along with witches,† Rowan was saying. â€Å"And HunterRedfern-that's our ancestor-had a real blood feud going with themback in the sixteen hundreds.† â€Å"But then he couldn't have kids,† Jade said gleefully. â€Å"And he needed a witch to help or the wholeRedfern familywould end with him. So he had to apologize and do a kinship ceremony. And then he had all daughters.Ha ha.† Mary-Lynnette blinked. Ha ha? â€Å"So, you see, we're part witch. All the Redfern are,† Rowan was explaining in her gentle teachingvoice. â€Å"Our father used to say that's why we're so disobedient,† Jade said. â€Å"Because it's in our genes . Because in witchfamilies, womenare in charge.† Mary-Lynnette began to like witches. â€Å"Ha ha,† shesaid. Mark gave her a skittish sideways look. â€Å"The point is that we could do a ceremony like that now,† Rowan said. â€Å"It would make us family forever. We couldn't betray each other.† â€Å"No problem,† Mark said, still looking at Jade. â€Å"Fine with me,†Jade said, and gave him a quick, fierce smile. But Mary-Lynnette was thinking. It was a serious thing Rowan was talking about. You couldn't do something like this on a whim. It was worse than adopting a puppy; it was more like getting married. It was a lifetimeresponsibility. And even if these girls didn't kill humans, they killed animals. With their teeth. But so did people. And not always for food. Wasit worse to drink deer blood than to make baby cows into boots? Besides, strange as it seemed, she felt dose to the three sisters already. In the last couple of minutesshe'd established more of a relationship with Rowanthan she ever had with any girl at school. Fascination and respect had turned into a weird kind of instinctive trust. And besidethat, what other real choice was there? Mary-Lynnette looked at mark, and then atRowan. She nodded slowly. â€Å"Okay.† Rowan turned to Kestrel. â€Å"So I'm supposed to decide, am I?† Kestrel said.†We can't do it without you,† Rowan said. â€Å"You know that.† Kestrel looked away. Her golden eyes were narrowed. In the moonlight her profile was absolutely perfect against the darkness of trees. â€Å"It would mean we could never go home again. Make ourselves kin to vermin? That's what they'dsay.† â€Å"Who's vermin?† Mark said, jolted out of his communion with Jade. Nobody answered. Jade said, with odd dignity, â€Å"Ican't go home, anyway. I'm in love with an Outsider. And I'm going to tell him about the Night World. SoI'm dead no matter what.† Mark was opening his mouth-to protest that Jade shouldn't take such arisk forhim,Mary-Lynnette thought-when Jade added absently, â€Å"And so is he, of course.† Mark shut his mouth. Rowan said â€Å"Kestrel, we've come too far to go back.† Kestrel stared at the forest for another minute orso. Then suddenly she turned back to the others, laughing. There was something wild in her eyes. â€Å"All right, let's go the whole way,† she said. â€Å"Tell them everything. Break every rule. We might as well.† Mary-Lynnette felt a twinge. She hoped she wasn'tgoing to regret this. But what she said was â€Å"Just how do we do this-ceremony?† â€Å"Exchange blood. I've never done it before, but it's simple.† â€Å"It might be a little bit strange, though,† Jade said â€Å"because you'll be a little bit vampires afterward.† â€Å"A little bit what?† Mary-Lynnette said, her voice rising in spite of her. â€Å"Just a little bit.† Jade was measuring out tiny bitsof air between her index finger and thumb. â€Å"A drop.† Kestrel cast a look skyward. â€Å"It'll go away in a few days,† she said heavily, which was what MaryLynnette wanted to know. â€Å"As long as you don't get yourself bitten by a vampire again in the meanwhile,† Rowan added. â€Å"Otherwise, it's perfectly safe. Honestly.† Mary-Lynnette and Mark exchanged glances. Not to discuss things, they'd gone beyond that now. Just to brace themselves. Then Mary-Lynnette took a deep breath and flicked a bit of fern off her knee. â€Å"Okay,† she said, feeling lightheaded but determined. â€Å"We're ready.†

Occupational Therapy In The Uk Health And Social Care Essay

This treatment of wellness demands will be based on Susan Como and structured in essay signifier, get downing with a brief debut to her and her household. Susan Como is a married 21 twelvemonth old adult female. As a kid she suffered minor afflictions ( eczema and Mumps ) which appear non to be prolonged or damaging to her long-run wellness so I am traveling to concentrate on her wellness from the twelvemonth 2000. In 2001 Susan suffered from repeated thorax infections which will non be disregarded as a minor affliction yet does non use in relation to the context of this treatment as it was many old ages ago and does non look to be afflicting her any more, although relentless unwellness can be a precursor to depression ( Fox, 2008 ) which she began enduring from after she gave birth to Billy in 2003. The gestation and birth caused no complications, nevertheless she was diagnosed with postpartum depression the same twelvemonth and has suffered from important clinical depression of all time since. Billy is now 4 old ages old and has been diagnosed with planetary developmental hold. Susan is married to Saul, whom she perceives herself to be really near to, although her household do non look to O.K. of him. Her hubby Saul works really long hours, and likes to pass the clip he is non working socialization and imbibing intoxicant, and provides her with really small in the manner of support, with respects to rearing. This makes Susan the primary health professional of Billy, and he has been described as â€Å" clingy † , the premise being that this term is used to intend excessively attached to his female parent and highly emotional and distressed at their separation. The forenoons Billy spends at baby's room are difficult for Susan as she finds it hard to make full her clip and delaies for him to return place once more. Billy is due to get down go toing full yearss at school shortly, which is traveling to give Susan even more clip to make full. Though at times her depression has been managed by medicine and cognitive behavioral therapy, Susan is presently sing an addition in depressive symptoms and is frightened she may go really badly once more due to the absence of Billy when he is at school all twenty-four hours. Susans wellness demands in relation to occupational therapy are traveling to be the chief focal point of this essay. It is historically logical that occupational therapy rules be applied to mental wellness jobs as that is where the foundations of occupational therapy as it is known today began. Elizabeth Casson ( 1881-1954 ) a outstanding figure in the debut of occupational therapy to the UK began with incorporating pattern into a residential unit for female psychiatric patients, Dorset House in Bristol. The first school of occupational therapy was attached to Dorset House which opened in 1930 ( Creek, 2008, pp.11-12 ) and all work within the field of occupational therapy in the UK stems from this ( Long & A ; Cronin-Davis, 2006 ) . Throughout the history of occupational therapy, there have been shifts in the manner it is taught, applied and theorised, with the focal point being on different paradigms. However, since the 1970 ‘s the focal point of occupational therapy has returned to its core belief: that business should be at the Centre of occupational therapy. ( Molineux, 2004 ) . Occupational therapy is defined by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists as â€Å" a client-centred wellness profession concerned with advancing wellness and good being through business † ( WFOT, accessed 08/10/10 ) . There are, nevertheless, many different definitions of occupational therapy and no individual definition to embrace all that occupational therapy does. The implicit in premise is that if people are given meaningful and purposeful businesss to make full their clip, it is contributing to a better province of physical and mental wellness, and a better quality of life. Definitions are debatable in themselves as they need farther definitions to clear up the term which they encompass, such as business. Wilcock ( 1998 ) defines business as â€Å" All purposeful human activity † , the focal point on this definition so inquiries what is meant by meaningful and purposeful? The activity must hold important significance for the client and be directed towards a end for the client that will help them in their day-to-day lives. A0TA ( 2002 ) expands this thought to integrate leting a client to heighten their occupational battle, intending to utilize the accomplishments they have in order to portion in an activity. In Susans instance, it would be unpointed giving her a ‘meaningless ‘ business such as doing a cup of tea, this would non profit her wellness or well-being at all as her unwellness does non forestall her ability to do a cup of tea. A more worthwhile business could be practising assertiveness or assurance, to talk up when she needs aid from her hubby. This would keep a batch more significance and intent to Susan. Occupational therapy focuses on spread outing the accomplishments the client already has and habilitating the accomplishments that would be good to their day-to-day lives and which they agree has great intent in their lives. Most definitions of occupational therapy focal point on the human usage of business. Occupational scientific discipline is the name given to the survey of worlds as occupational existences ( Yerxa, 2000 ) saying that worlds need to carry through businesss in their life. Wilcock ( 1993 ) outlined three major maps of business throughout history. These involved fulfilling immediate demands such as self-care and shelter, developing accomplishments and engineering to last ( against marauders, for illustration ) and keeping and developing the being. A theory linked to this thought is the 1 of temporal version. Creek ( 2003 ) negotiations about the issue of temporal version ( intending the manner people use their clip ) and the negative impact on the encephalon of non being meaningfully occupied. Harmonizing to this theory, if Susan does non do good usage of the clip she is entirely when Billy is at school and is merely sitting making nil, or waiting to pick him up as she has been, her ence phalon can steal into a province of confusion ; it will non be working as population norms would propose it should and could go forth her highly vulnerable to cognitive disfunction. As she has a history of depression and is already disquieted about her depression acquiring worse when Billy returns to school, Susan is at great hazard of this go oning therefore it is pertinent she should hold her occupational demands identified and addressed. Harries ( 2009 ) wrote an article about a adult female who suffered from anxiousness jobs. In relation to utilizing her clip efficaciously she negotiations of maintaining her head and organic structure stimulated in order to battle her anxiousness and stating that when she is non stimulated and there is non every bit much busying her head, the anxiousness can increase once more. Although Susan does non endure from anxiousness jobs, there could be some analogues between her depression and the anxiousness in this illustration ; symptoms of both app ear to increase with the deficiency of business. The deductions of this theory can non be to the full supported though ; although many people feel the demand to be active or occupied, this can non be generalised to all worlds. For illustration, speculation could be classed as non physically exciting the encephalon or carry throughing an activity as such yet it is considered both meaningful and purposeful. Occupational individuality involves how you see and separate yourself through the businesss in your life ( Kielhofner, 2009 ) . For illustration, if person plays tennis they may see their individuality as ‘a tennis participant ‘ . It can be assumed from the grounds stated that Susan views herself as a married woman, a girl, a grand-daughter, a female parent. As she does non look to hold any other close relationships and the familiarities she does hold go around around her boy and female parents of his friends, it can be assumed these occupational individualities are the chief 1s in her life. She does non look to hold any avocations or activities outside her place so her individuality is limited to strictly household relationships. Susan has identified the issue of non being able to make full her clip when Billy is at baby's room and her occupational individualities are non linked to involvement in any activities or businesss other than related to her household life. As he r hubby spends long hours working or socializing she does non even have much contact with any grownups in a societal manner and she spends a batch of her clip isolated with Billy. Social inclusion is a major factor in the country of mental wellness ; people enduring from mental wellness jobs are the most at-risk group for experiencing excluded from society and societal inclusion is by and large believed to better mental wellness and well-being ( LeBoutillier & A ; Croucher, 2010 ) . Social inclusion is defined as: â€Å" A virtuous circle of improved rights of entree to the societal and economic universe, new chances, recovery of position and significance and decreased impact of disablement † ( Sayce, 2000, p122 ) . Social exclusion has many deductions for occupational therapy, and occupational therapy can be instrumental in helping societal inclusion. Lack of meaningful businesss can take to societal exclusion, and societal exclusion can intend the person has a deficiency of resources to transport out their coveted businesss, due to occupational unfairness. Molineux ( 2004 ) negotiations of the construct of occupational justness ; intending entree to businesss, are non restricted in any manner to the person ; without societal inclusion, a individual may non hold certain engineering or resources to manus in order to carry through their coveted businesss. Activities of day-to-day life ( ADL ) mostly act as barriers to societal inclusion, such as self-care functions and modus operandis. If persons self attention is missing and they become unkempt, this may take to stigmatization of the person which may take to exclusion from any societal circle. If Susan focuses much clip or does non pass adequate clip on her self-care this could hold been a barrier to her societal inclusion. Occupational therapy could assist her recognize the demand to set or accommodate her self-care function in order to help in perchance spread outing her societal circle. Habits and modus operandis can besides be a barrier to societal inclusion, if person has a really rigorous modus operandi they may non be able to accommodate to a societal circle that have their ain functions and modus operandis which may hold clip struggles. Habits and modus operandis can besides be said to be a barrier to occupational balance. Occupational balance involves a healthy balance of ego attention, productiveness, leisure clip and rest/sleep ( Turner et al, 2002 ) . Susan spends the bulk of her clip with her boy Billy, or clean uping the house when he is at baby's room. She besides visits household members. The clip she spends with household and clean uping the house can be classed as productive in a sense, that in disburseme nt clip with her household she has achieved something ( she is non sitting at place merely ‘waiting ‘ to pick Billy up ) and it has kept her meaningfully occupied, although this is personal to Susan and other people may non see it really productive. Self attention, remainder and slumber are countries in which premises can non be drawn based on Susan, her medical notes and other information do non relay any cognition about these countries. However, leisure is one country in Susans life that is badly deficient and this could be interrupting her occupational balance. She spends her clip with Billy, household, or clean uping the house and waiting for Billy to return ; she has no personal avocations, involvements or mercantile establishments in which to impart her energies or balance against what she already does. However, occupational therapy is really much focused on client-centred pattern, intending a partnership between the healer and the client. An occupational healer wo uld necessitate to run an initial appraisal on Susan to reap whether she considers leisure activities to be meaningful and good although in this instance it could be assumed she would as she is worried about the province of her mental wellness when Billy starts traveling to school full-time. If she did non, or she considered seeing her household as leisure clip and felt she was balanced in the activities in her life this must be respected, as occupational therapy utilises a client-centred attack. Client-centred pattern involves a working partnership between healer in client to hold on wellness demands and intercessions together. For the healer to do all the determinations without affecting the client would be really bad pattern ( except in instances where the client is deemed to be unable to do determinations ; in which instance the healer still acts in the clients involvement ) . Physical inaction could besides be described as a wellness demand in this context ; aerophilic exercising has been found to better temper for people with depression in a short sum of clip ( Dimeo et al, 2001 ) . Blumenthal et Al ( 1999 ) found that a specific dosage of aerophilic exercising for patients with depression showed a decrease or complete remittal of depressive symptoms. This survey besides showed that the dosage of aerophilic exercising had the same rates of response and remittal as antidepressant medicine and cognitive behavioral therapy. Physical activity is shown to cut down depressive symptoms in people with depression so possibly the fact that Susan does endure from depression but does non acquire any physical exercising can refer to it being a wellness demand instead than an intercession. Physical inaction can increase the hazard of many wellness jobs such as bosom disease, shot, diabetes and certain malignant neoplastic diseases ( WHO, 2010 ) besides foregrounding i t as a specific wellness demand. Physical activity is besides a good manner to spread out your societal life and make full your clip which is a great manner to battle some effects of depression ( Williams, 2009 ) which could help in the other demands of Susan, such as her occupational individuality and occupational balance. In decision, the chief wellness demands of Susan involve her deficiency of societal activities and societal inclusion, her demand to make full her clip with meaningful businesss, physical inaction and possibly a support web outside of her household. There is a batch of support available for people with mental wellness jobs, or kids with particular demands outside of occupational therapy, such as MIND, a mental wellness charity in England ; DirectGov, a authorities tally association with many drivers, one being towards support for particular instruction demands where Susan could acquire a batch of rearing support and run into other parents in the same state of affairs, and rearing support groups for kids with larning troubles run by the NHS across the state, such as The Maze ( Extra Support For Families, 2010 ) . Aside from these national support webs, occupational therapy could be an highly good intercession to the wellness demands of Susan. NICE ( 2010 ) guidelines for the intervent ion of depression province that a structured programme of activities is recommended for persistent or mild to chair depression, either entirely or alongside other psychosocial intercessions. An appropriate theoretical account to use to utilize in measuring and working with Susan could be the Model of Human Occupation ( Kielhofner, 2008 ) which would look at Susans will ( how she feels about the businesss she undertakes ) , addiction ( how she regulates her modus operandis and forms of behavior, and the functions in which she sees herself ) and public presentation capacity ( how able Susan is to carry through her current and future businesss based on her organic structure and cognitive abilities ) . This along with the other administrations mentioned could turn to her wellness demands and aid to spread out her occupational individuality and better her occupational balance and quality of life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Moral Dilemma

Amy is a sweet six year old girl from our neighborhood and she had always played with my dog when she got home from preschool. I was friends with her mother and she was already familiar with me which meant that I did not have to establish rapport to interview her. I sought permission from the parents if I may use her responses to a moral dilemma in my course assignments and they gave their consent. Amy is a precocious child, she likes to play with the neighborhood kids and she can argue even with those older than her when she wants to prove a point. I was trying to devise a moral dilemma that was fitted for her age and reality and I thought of using my dog in it so she would be more able to relate. One afternoon, right after school, I asked Amy the following: Suppose you were playing in this yard, and you saw that Boo had been wandering in the neighbor’s lawn and you saw him made a mess in the lawn. You know that the neighbors might get angry with it but since you really love Boo and he might get in to trouble if you tell the neighbors that he made a mess in their lawn you do not say anything. Now that the neighbors had found out about it and they suspected that the other neighbor’s dog did it and they were actually going to have the dog arrested. What would you do? After some thought, Amy asked me whether the police would really arrest the dog after making a mess in the neighbor’s backyard and although I was actually trying hard not to laugh, I told her that in this city they do. Amy fell silent and thought for a while, and then she said, I  guess I have to tell because the police will find out and I might get arrested too. I then asked her, what if the police question you; will you tell then or not? Amy replied that she would not lie  because God would be angry with her. I also told her, what if the neighbor’s won’t be angry, will she still tell? Amy replied that she would not because no one had asked her and she would not want Boo to get into trouble. I also asked her whether what Boo did was bad and does she not think not telling I bad? Amy said that what Boo did was not wrong or bad because dogs are really like that and she did not think that not telling was bad either because no one asked her. I must admit that Amy’s responses had me confused and I was reading Kohlberg’s moral stages of development and I tried to determine at what stage Amy was, even if she was just 6 years old, she had some pretty logical responses like when she said that Boo was not bad because dogs really do mess on lawns and that she was not bad because she did not lie at all, it was that no one asked her. She made it clear that if someone asks her, then she would tell the truth because she would not want God to be angry with her. Using Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, I will try to examine Amy’s responses fully. According to Kohlberg, moral development proceeds in a successive pattern and each moral reasoning is distinct from the other, although some people may resort to an earlier moral reasoning stage to examine a moral dilemma (Boyd & Bee, 2006). For example, a child is said to be in the first stage of moral development which Kohlberg calls precoventional morality and wherein the child’s moral reasoning is determined by punishment and authority. An older child  may be oriented towards conventional morality where a certain amount of goodness is ascribed to actions that benefit family members or society would still use the authority and punishment orientation if the situation presents itself. With Amy’s responses it is clear that she was still in the first stage. She was not going to lie because God would be angry with her, this to her meant that God punishes all children who lie and since God is all knowing and sees her actions then God would be able to tell whether she was saying the truth or not. This clearly indicates the orientation to think in terms of authority and punishment. Amy was more likely to have been told numerous times that lying is bad and even if no one would know that one is lying, God is able to tell who is lying or not thus it does not make sense to lie at all. It is also noteworthy that Amy uses the word lie to not saying the truth but to refer to not saying anything as not telling. This implies that Amy is able to distinguish to a certain degree when a wrong is committed, lying is bad but not telling is not bad. An older child might argue that not telling is the same as lying but then it is probably an influence of Amy’s environment and the people she interact with. On the other hand, when Amy said that Boo was not wrong at all because he was a dog and dog naturally make messes in the lawn tells me that she actually has a fairly good idea about how man and animals are different and how dogs are not governed by the moral reasoning of man (Sandstrom, Martin & Fine, 2006). This is actually reflects the second stage in Kohlberg’s reasoning, although the subject is Boo, it still shows that Amy is able to discern that punishment is a risk that one has to avoid. For example, she said that she did not want Boo to get into to  trouble so she would not tell. This meant that she did not want Boo to be punished and she has a role in it, but if she was going to be the one punished or someone else’s dog then that would not be right and therefore she just have to say the truth so she won’t get punished. Amy also was probably in the outset of the third stage of moral development, she was trying to protect Boo and had given Boo a sense of identity and feelings by saying that Boo would be in trouble and arresting Boo would not be right. Amy was maintaining good interpersonal relationships, she thought that by protecting Boo she was being good to Boo and since she liked Boo she was obligated to protect Boo’s welfare. However, since she argued that if someone asked her about Boo’s crime, she would not lie is still in the obedience stage. The whole exercise had made me think that Kohlberg was probably right in saying that moral development proceeds in distinct patterns. But I would argue that it is not as strictly hierarchical as Kohlberg claim it to be. We know that stage theories presuppose that one stage leads to another and that a person cannot be able to proceed to the next stage if he/she does not go through the first one (Crain, 2005). This is actually true, but the stages are more fluid and a person can gravitate from one stage to another. It does not indicate moral maturity or highly ethical principles but it just shows how people progress in their moral thinking. Amy at 6 years old is quite adept at making her point about lying and not lying and about being punished and God being angry with her. But it also revealed that she is capable of higher thinking processes  that are actually rational even for a 6 year old like her. Kohlberg also said that the stages of moral development is influenced by the socialization process (Kohlberg, 1986), and in effect is merely a product of how a child is socialized into thinking about what is wrong and what is right. Amy comes from a very religious family and God is an ever present element in their house that it is no wonder that Amy think of God like that. It could also be that because Amy is still young, and her parents might think that she would be more obedient to God than to other authority figures and therefore has inculcated in her mind that God punishes liars. In the end, moral development is actually more a function of how a child is reared and trained, it is the parent’s role to instill moral values and train them into thinking morally right. References Boyd, D. & Bee, H. (2006). Lifespan Development 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Crain, W. (2005). Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Kohlberg, L. (1986). The Philosophy of Moral Development. San Francisco: Harper and Row. Sandstrom, K., Martin, D. & Fine, G. A.   (2006). Symbols, Selves, and Social Reality 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Roxbury Press   

Critically evaluate the impact behaviourism has had on psychology Essay

Critically evaluate the impact behaviourism has had on psychology  For hundreds of years philosophers speculated about â€Å"the mind† and in around the 1880’s the popular method of psychology dealt only with the conscious mind. The experiments carried out at this time were criticised for their lack of objectivity and by the 1920’s a new brand of psychology emerged in the form of behaviourism. Psychology became a recognised discipline in around 1897 when Wilhelm Wundt started the first psychology lab in Germany. Wundt, along with others, attempted to investigate the mind through introspection, and observed their own conscious mental processes. While analysing their thoughts, images and feelings, they recorded and measured their results under controlled conditions and aimed to sort conscious thought into its basic elements as a chemist would with a chemical compound. This theory was known as structuralism. A particular critic of this method, in the early 1920’s was John Broadus Watson (1878-1958), who felt that introspection was subjective and therefore erroneous. He also felt the only way forward was by using methods that could be observed by more that just one person and this could be achieved by studying behaviour. He wrote that â€Å"Behaviourism claims that ‘consciousness’ is neither a definable nor a usable concept; that it is merely another word for the ‘soul’ of more ancient times.† (Watson 1924) Behaviourist theories of learning are often called â€Å"stimulus-response† (S-R), and though only classical conditioning fits the S-R model, the other major form, operant conditioning, is often included under the same heading, though it is significantly different. Classical conditioning is triggered involuntarily by a particular environmental stimulus. This means that a stimulus that does not normally produce a particular response can be paired with another stimulus that does, eventually resulting in both stimuli inducing the same effect, even when used separately. A good example of this was shown in the first experiments by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) in the early 20th Century. During other research work he noticed that dogs often salivated before they were given any food, and even when they looked at food. This sometimes went as far as the dog salivating when he heard the approaching footsteps of the laboratory assistant bringing the food. Pavlovs observations used food as an unconditional stimulus and the salivating was an unconditioned response, an automatic reflex response. During the experiment a bell was paired with the food and referred to as a conditioned stimulus. It was neutral to begin with and got no response from the dog except for a passing interest. After the bell and food had been paired for some time the dog began to salivate at the sound of the bell and before the food was shown. The salivation was then a conditioned response as it was produced by the bell (conditioned stimulus). In 1920 Watson took this work further when he attempted a similar study on an 11month old boy called Albert. He used a rat as the original stimulus, and Albert showed no fear of it. He paired the rat with an unconditioned stimulus, which in this case was a hammer hitting a four foot steel bar close to Alberts head, which frightened the child and made him cry. After about 50 pairings Albert was afraid of the rat which had by this time become the conditioned stimulus. The conditioned response (fear) spontaneously transferred to other items which included a white rabbit, a sealskin coat, cotton wool, Watsons hair and a Santa mask. Though it was less severe, the conditioning persisted even after a month and Albert’s mother removed him from the hospital.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Trial and Error

Trial and error is an experimental method of problem solving, repair, tuning, or obtaining knowledge. â€Å"Learning doesn't happen from failure itself but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again. † This approach can be seen as one of the two basic approaches to problem solving and is contrasted with an approach using insight and theory. However, there are intermediate methods which for example, use theory to guide the method, an approach known as guided empiricism.The nature of the response is molecular in trial-and-error learning and molar in insightful learning. Practice and repetition are extremely important in trial-and-error learning, while insightful solution is important for insightful learning. Of course, certain amount of trial- and-error occurs before insight takes place. But the trial-and-error form of learning primarily does not involve insight. The physical and motor skills are acquired mostly through trial-and-error.The insightf ul learning is of higher order, and is involved in cognitive and verbal learning. The cats in the key experiments conducted by Edward Thorndike were able to learn through operant conditioning. In Thorndike's experiment, cats were placed in a various boxes approximately 20 inches long, 15 inches wide, and 12 inches tall with a door opened by pulling a weight attached to it. The cats were observed to free themselves from the boxes by â€Å"trial and error with accidental success.In one test the cat was shown to have done worse in a later trial than in an earlier one, suggesting that no learning from the previous trials was retained in long-term memory. The scientist considered the cat to have the capacity for learning due to the law of effect, which states that responses followed by satisfaction (i. e. a reward) become more likely responses to the same stimulus in the future. An experiment was conducted in 2009 where cats could pull on a string to retrieve a treat under a plastic scr een. When presented with one string, cats had no trouble getting the treats.When presented with multiple strings, some of which were not connected to treats, the cats were unable to consistently choose the correct strings, leading to the conclusion that cats do not understand cause and effect in the same way that humans do Thorndike was skeptical of the presence of intelligence in cats, criticising sources of the contemporary writing of the sentience of animals as â€Å"partiality in deductions from facts and more especially in the choice of facts for investigation. Research was made to identify possible observational learning in kittens.Kittens that were able to observe their mothers performing an experimentally organised act were able to perform the same act sooner than kittens that had observed a non-related adult cat, and sooner than the ones who, being placed in trial and error conditions, observed no other cat performing the act. Experimental investigation of primates show th at the chimpanzee possess some limited insight in regard to observational learning (see Kà ¶hler), whereas this capacity is wholly absent in the domesticated cat Sultan, one of the brightest of the early chimpanzees used for psychological research, was tested by Gestalt psychologist Wolfgang Kà ¶hler.Sultan is particularly recognized for his insight in solving numerous problems, including stacking or manipulating boxes to reach a reward and use of two sticks as a unit to rake food to a reachable distance. While other Chimpanzees in Kà ¶hler's study were also quite adept at problemsolving—namely, obtaining an out-of-reach fruit suspended above a playground or perched just beyond arm's reach outside the bars of a cage—Sultan proved to be peculiarly advanced.He and his peers were also known to stack crates to reach the fruit, and even scramble up a hastily balanced stick to grab the banana before falling back down. Chimpanzees helped Kà ¶hler to prove that animals are capable of learning beyond simple trial and error, and that, given the right conditions, many species—particularly the more â€Å"human† species of primates—will demonstrate a deeper understanding of the constituents of a problem. For example, several chimpanzees who had proven capable of reaching the banana via a stack of crates found that in a crateless room, a table or chair worked to meet the same end.When nothing else was available, Kà ¶hler himself could even be used: â€Å"On one occasion, Sultan did something even more impressive: he came over to Kà ¶hler, pulled him by the arm until he was under the banana, and then showed that in a pinch even the director of the Prussian anthropoid station would do as a climb-upon-able. † (Gleitman 2004) difference insightful learning involves perception of the whole situation, as the organism has to see the relationship among various stimuli. The nature of the response is molecular in trial-and-error learnin g and molar in insightful learning.Practice and repetition are extremely important in trial-and-error learning, while insightful solution is important for insightful learning. Of course, certain amount of trial- and-error occurs before insight takes place. But the trial-and-error form of learning primarily does not involve insight. The physical and motor skills are acquired mostly through trial-and-error. The insightful learning is of higher order, and is involved in cognitive and verbal learning. The two forms of learning differ with respect to the role of the organism in the learning situation.Animals lower in the phylogenic scale acquire through trial and error. Their role in the learning situation is only mechanical and passive. The organism's approach in trial-and-error consists of random blind activities and the solution comes by chance. On other hand, the organism in insightful learning, surveys, inspects, observes, and examines various aspects of the problem situation, and t hereby takes an active role in learning. Higher- order animals including chimpanzees and human beings are capable of insightful learning.Both the trial-and-error and the insightful learning differ with respect to the strength of learning. The trial-and-error learning is more or less temporary, depends on continued practice, and weakens when practice is discontinued. The insightful solution, once acquired, stays for a long time and does not easily fade away when the practice is discontinued. Finally, in trial-and-error, the transfer of learning is poor; skills acquired in one situation are not easily transferred to another situation.On the other hand, learning by insight is easily transferred from one situation to other similar situations. The cat in Thorndike's puzzle box learns to connect a response with a stimulus, which is subsequently rewarded. The learning by trial-and-error is a matter of S-R connection. Kohler's chimpanzee learns to perceive the relationships between various aspects of the stimulus situation. Establishing the relationship between one stimulus and the others forms the core of the insightful learning.The insightful learning is of S-S type. The trial-and-error learning is gradual. The cat in Thorndike's puzzle box takes a number of trials and learns step-by-step to reach the correct response. The insightful learning occurs all on a sudden. The organism moves from a state of no solution to a state of solution very quickly. While pulling the string in Thorndike's puzzle box, the cat is showing responses to only some specific stimuli. It does not have to attend to the whole stimulus field.

Sony Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Sony Corporation - Essay Example Establishing themselves long back in 1946, Sony Corporation is a Japanese Multinational publicly traded corporation. The organization operates in most of the countries worldwide for trading dissimilar electronic commodities. In the recent years, the corporation is also known to serve various types of financial services in the marketplace. Contents Contents 3 Introduction 4 Analysis 4 Globalisation 4 National differences in Political Economy 5 Ethics in International Business 6 International Trade Theory 7 Exporting & Importing 7 Foreign Direct Investment 8 Global Production, Outsourcing and Logistics 8 Value creation 9 Entry strategy 10 Strategic alliances and Options for International Business 11 Recommendations 12 Conclusion 12 Reference List 14 Appendix 16 Introduction Over time, the state of businesses of multinational corporations has become highly elaborate and complex. The multinational corporations of the contemporary business world operate in different economies and are subj ected to various opportunities and threats. This essay will throw a light on the business of Sony Corporation in details (Morrison, 2009). It has been found that after the emergence of globalization and liberalization, the third world nations in the world have turned out to be the emerging economies. Multinational corporations like, Sony, desire to extent their business in these emerging economies. This essay will focus on the details of business affairs of Sony in the emerging economies like, India and China. The context of the essay will concentrate on Sony’s business changes with respect to globalization and political affairs in these emerging economies. It will emphasize on the company’s international trading segment and the ethics abided by the company in the given context. The company’s supply chain, value creation, entry strategy, strategic alliances, foreign direct investments and value chain would also be examined in details. As a consultant, at the end of the research work, the researcher would comment on the future initiatives that would be beneficial for the company. After its initiation in the year 1946 in Tokyo, Sony Corporation has established themselves as a Japanese Multinational publicly traded conglomerate. The organization operates in most of the countries all over the world for trading a wide range of electronic products. In the recent years, the company has also been known to serve various types of financial services in the market (Mukherjee, 2012). Analysis Globalisation After the emergence of globalization and liberalization in the world economy, the developing economies turned out to be the emerging markets. The main five booming markets in the economy scenario were clubbed together under an acronym, BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). It was found that with the benefit of the international trade after globalization, these economies had adopted high growth rates in their national income aggregate s. In fact, it was estimated that by 2050, the income and the growth thresholds of these countries would be more than that of the developed countries like, United States and United Kingdom. Thus, companies like, Sony, had immediately undertaken the strategy of tapping the growing market demand in these economies. It has been found that after the phenomenon of globalization, the company had expanded its game, imaging and television

Friday, September 27, 2019

Plagiarism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 7

Plagiarism - Essay Example The proper source is needed here for a case if our paraphrasing is not ideal and the sentence or a part of it can be revealed in other sources. Thus, it is necessary to cite this particular source after the paragraph or sentence we take from the writing of others in order not to be accused in plagiarism (Lynch, 2002). The next way is to avoid plagiarism is to use direct quotes. Here we are to use quotation marks â€Å"Socrates is one of best philosophers† (Source + page number). When we use a direct quote that is a copy-pasted material we must use quotation marks and indicate a page number of the source we took this sentence from. The sources must be correct, because if we state that we took this sentence from other source, it will be considered as plagiarism, notwithstanding that it is in quotation marks. If these rules are followed, the accusation of plagiarism may be avoided. Lynch, Jack (2002) The Perfectly Acceptable Practice of Literary Theft: Plagiarism, Copyright, and the Eighteenth Century, in Colonial Williamsburg: The Journal of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 24, no. 4 (Winter

Medtronic Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Medtronic Case Study - Assignment Example All these factors accounted for overall failure of the company and eventually reduced dynamic growth of the company to zero. On the contrary, the newly appointed CEO of the firm, Omar Ishrak witnessed major challenges in terms of retrieving the position of the company in the market place. During the first 18 months, the new CEO was able to plan for company’s future growth prospect through R&D investment in order to develop innovative medical therapies. To facilitate short term prospect of the company, Omar Ishrak had always favored business model innovations and creative product development. However the major focus of the newly appointed CEO was to overcome all possible adoption barriers prevalent in emerging economies. The CEO even restructured his organization so that all the team members are aligned with the innovative goals and objectives of the firm. There was proper restructuring done of the entire executive team as well as their respective responsibilities. The heads of global operating regions of Medtronic now directly reported to the CEO instead of head of International. Many non-Americans were even appointed for executive committee. The company’s one of the biggest achievement was acquisition of a Chinese orthopedic company. However this case study reveals that Omar Ishrak is in a dilemma as to whether the steps taken to transform Medtronic into a global firm is sufficient or it requires more innovative strategies for sustaining growth. The objective of the case study is to put across different dimensions of international business. It has been observed that in international expansion strategy organizations need to adopt innovative business models. In this study strategic dimensions will be aligned with the success or failure of international business. The entire study will be conducted from a consultant’s perspective so as to evaluate the expansion strategies undertaken by the firm. There would be even suggestions

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Global Information System - Software Piracy Research Paper

Global Information System - Software Piracy - Research Paper Example The availability of pirated software over the internet free of cost or a minimal cost is the main issue to be considered by the company. Internet laws in the Asian countries do exist but most of the countries such as Pakistan and Nepal do not take any action for the distribution of pirated copies of software. With the increase in broadband penetration and download speed, it is very difficult to manage the software assets by a company in Asian region. Torrents and other sites on the internet which charge a minimal price from the consumers for software are increasing every day. However, the main problem for the software companies is not the home users but the small businesses and firms, which purchase non-branded PCs and get pirated software bundled with it (Business Software Alliance, 2009). Many managers in the Asian countries fail to implement the policies of managing their software assets and they purchase pirated copies of software in order to cut costs. These managers and even owners to small and medium businesses fail to understand the benefits efficiencies of original software use. Most of the firms and management in these Asian countries do not get proper education or training on the issue of software piracy (Coombes, 2010). The global economic recession has caused many firms to give up their policies on software policies as they are not able to bear the huge cost of purchasing new software for their business needs. The buying power of the households has also fallen which is one of the many factors of increasing rates in piracy. However, the company should not forget that the Asia Pacific is the hardest hit region by the economic crisis in the world. The future economic improvements in these countries are also uncertain as these countries are under development and not yet part of the developed world. Another issue that the software firm has to consider is the spread of internet access which is driving up the level of piracy. Over the next five

Historical events that have shaped America Essay

Historical events that have shaped America - Essay Example When breaking down the essence of America in this way, it becomes possible for a few key events to float to the top of each category as being critical in the evolution of the United States. Of course, this determination is largely a matter of opinion. Nevertheless, a concrete case can be made for three major historical developments as the most essential factors shaping America. In the political realm, the Enlightenment is the first factor. In the economic realm, the Industrial Revolution is the second factor. And in the military realm, World War II is the third factor. Taken together, these three factors comprise a triad of events in whose absence the America we know today could never have possibly come into being. The Enlightenment was arguably the most important historical event influencing the United States governmental and political system. Not only did it spawn a philosophy of good government and a view of human rights that directly impacted the thinking of the Founding Fathers as they crafted the American system of government, but it also indirectly informed modern views of social justice that precipitated such developments as the Civil Rights movement, universal suffrage, and social security. The Enlightenment, while more of a European phenomenon than an American one, took place at just the right time, directly preceding the American Revolution and heavily influencing the thinking of the great men who would be instrumental in setting the initial course of America ( The Enlightenment was the point in history when some of the most influential political philosophers of history wrote their seminal works. These include the writings of John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Thomas Hobbes, and John Stuart Mill. Together, these great thinkers laid out the philosophical underpinnings of what would become the American government. Such concepts as separation of powers, the right to life, liberty and property, the importance of a strong central government, and the common good, all came into play as the Framers developed their formula of "good government" that is laid out within the U.S. Constitution. These "enlightened" thinkers, among others, brought about a fundamental shift in the way humans viewed their world and their natural place in it. The Enlightenment essentially set the philosophical parameters surrounding the way humans interact with one another and agree to govern one another. The Founding Fathers, most notably James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, injected a heavy dose of Enlightenment philosophy into the American governmental system, with its protection against the tyranny of the majority, its preservation of individual liberty and property rights, and its perpetuation of the sovereignty of the states in the face of a strong central government. As such, the Enlightenment provided the cornerstone of American government, and was perhaps the most critical world historical event shaping America. The Industrial Revolution Just as the Enlightenment was key to America's political development, the Industrial Revo

Historical Developments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Historical Developments - Essay Example This was further intensified when the Royal Proclamation was issued by King George III, prohibiting the colonists to settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains. This was a move to strengthen the British relationships with the Native Americans. Followed by this, there were a number of Acts, namely Sugar Act (1764), Currency Act (1764), Quartering Act (1765) and Stamp Act (1765) increased the duties and taxes of the colonists. When the colonists resisted, these Acts were enforced on them. The Boston Massacre of 1770 ignited the fire between the parties and the colonists used this event to showcase the cruelty of the British. The Intolerable Act (1774) which placed restrictions on meetings and Boston harbor in response to the Boston Tea Party, was a milestone, as it resulted in the colonies forming an Association (First Continental Congress) to boycott British goods in retaliation. The open warfare at Lexington and Concord (1775) resulted in the death of 8 American men and 70 British soldi ers. This was followed by all the 13 colonies meeting to form the Second Continental Congress in May 1775 and George Washington was named the head (Gipson, 1954). Thus the growing grievances of the colonists against the restrictions placed by the British, finally resulted in the American

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Competitive forces and SWOT analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Competitive forces and SWOT analysis - Essay Example Organic farming and food production found to be less harmful to environment. At the same it offers healthy body and fewer side effects to the regular users. Artificial foods like the fast foods always contain harmful ingredients to the health. Moreover artificial foods always contain excess calories which may be precipitated in the body of the user as fat. Organic farms always use less energy and resources and moreover it helps the ecosystem immensely. The comparatively higher advantage of organic farming and the consumption of organic foods forced many countries to encourage the farming and usage of organic foods at present. Founded in 1980, in Texas as a small supermarket, Whole Foods Market is currently world’s largest retail chain in natural and organic foods. John Mackay is the CEO and co-founder of Whole Foods Market. The company has recorded $ 6.6 billion sales in 2007 and had around 276 stores in total in countries like US, UK and Canada. It recorded an annual growth rate of 20% from 2000 onwards has set a target of 400 stores and $ 12 billion sale by 2010 (Thompson, 2008, p.c2). Whole Foods Market is responsible for the popularity of organic foods not only in America but even in other countries as well. Whole Foods Market aims to catch the number one spot not only in organic food industry but even in general food industry where the Whole Foods Market stores operate. People are more aware of the consequences of artificial foods at present which helped organic foods to grow immensely for the last two decades. The rapid pace of life activities and high levels of diversified commitments forced the public to rely on fast in order to save time. Moreover, fast foods were tastier than the organic foods which helped the fast food industry to grow immensely. But along with the fast food industry, the health problems also began to grow heavily. Dawn Crystal (2010) has mentioned that the major

Caring- Nel Noddings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Caring- Nel Noddings - Essay Example These positive and negative things will have an impact on the child will become the intended person or not. Therefore, people want to â€Å"form beliefs and abilities required to continue going on with close relations and the desire to do so (Noddings, 2005, p. 21-22).† using Noddings’ four components including modeling, dialogue, practice, and confirmation in order to facilitate caring. The meaning of caring that emerges from the ethics include proficient standards, individual value, comprehending humankind continuance, understanding the meaning of norms, decisions, moral decisions, integrity, worth, people and colleagues in treatment. The extent of care is also pronounced in some good characters than others. In the case of decency or fairness, for example, that affection may not be readily apparent. With care, more than without any good values, its appreciation with passion is evident. When people care about each other, attending to each other’s needs, as a mot her looks after a new baby, physicist cares for a patient or an instructor cares for a struggling apprentice, the link between love and ethics is supposed. Care is an attribute that is interchangeable with love. The lack of care, more than anything else brings out man to be insensitive. To care is to how humanity, to show love. Not to love is to create a boundary between oneself and one’s own heart, on the same not, being humane to both those next to you and far away from you not only improve your relationship, it can also prolong your life, this is according to research conducted by a group of researchers at the university of Purdue. The absence of care is destruction of personality. Care may seem to be weighty, but on the contrary is the force that gives life its balance, its booming nature and its validity. Caring is taking excellent care of all things that matter to us. It involve being a compassionate witness, and listening keenly to another and not jumping to conclusion s. One shows that one cares with appropriate acts and kind words. When we do a job, we do it with our best effort. We are not insensitive to things that matter. We care deeply about the ethics we trust in. Caring can be said to be a sign of love. Should we care for others, then we are able to notice how they feel and attend to their needs. When we care about ourselves, we have nothing to offer others. Caring can as well be a gift from the heart. Caring for ideas and objects is different from caring for people and other living things. One cannot establish a bond with physics or a food processor. The cared- for cannot feel anything for us there is no significance in the second party. People instead describe a responsiveness for ideas and objects. We must consider the deepest sense of care as human beings. We care what will happen to us. We wonder whether there exists life just after death,or whether there is God who cares about us, whether those we love, love us back, whether we belon g somewhere. We wonder what we will be in future, who we are right now, how much control we have over our fate. For an adolescent, these are among the most pressing issues: who am I? How do others see me? Who love me? How do others perceive me? though schools spend most of time doing mathematics and physics than in trying to answer these questions take an example of yourself most likely you are wondering what will I be tomorrow .

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case Study - Essay Example Additionally, the educational, training or developmental factor is also expressed within this forecast. Training for law enforcement personnel is an important process in mitigating future forecasts of computer crimes (Richard & Roussev, 2009). This is due to the fact that training will provide police officers and crime investigators with skills and knowledge of detecting and mitigating crimes in digital communication in an efficient manner. More importantly, professionals within the legal system must be trained to ensure effective application of the rule of law as related to digital crime and terrorism and as a result prevent occurrence of these crimes in future and mitigate future forecasts. Second Forecast The second forecast predicts that internet or digital fraud via electronic media which emanate from the theft of user identity by system attackers will be the largest and most significant of the computer crimes. This forecast is reflective of computer security issue in which the privacy and confidentiality of personal and private data is accessed by attackers of computer systems through loopholes in the internet communication. This can be exemplified by the hacking into financial systems and accessing credit card information of customers which leads to unauthorized access to their accounts by the system attackers (Ionescu, Irea & Blajan, 2011). Monetary loss is the major issue or factor which is represented within the second forecast. This forecast is important to the law enforcement departments, agencies and systems because it motivates them to put preventative measures of reducing the incidence of digital fraud. This can be achieved through strict enforcement of the law against digital fraudsters. Third Forecast The third forecast is predictive of more advanced digital crime and terrorism which involve virtual attacks of computing systems. The forecast specifically predicts that the advancement of computer networking systems such as social networking site s will cause virtual crimes to grow at a faster rate as compared to previous periods when computer networking was less advanced. The networking factor is expressed as the cause of the predicted growth of virtual crimes which are forms of hybrid computer crime. This form of crime can be illustrated by the psychological warfare which is mediated by electronic communication and internet based exchanges among individuals and groups (Agustina & Insa, 2011). It is apparent that this forecast acts as an important consideration of the law enforcement system because of the need to design and implement laws which are concerned with dealing with virtual crimes. Fourth Forecast The fourth forecast on the future trends in digital crime and terrorism is reflective of its advancement to the developing nations. The forecasters predict that the future of electronic communication and computer systems in developing countries will be characterized by the emergence of system attackers and hacker groups. The factors which are considered as the motivation for the forecast future trends include religious, economic and political intentions for digital crime and digital terrorism. This form of digital crime can be exemplified by terrorist groups who hack into computer systems within security department to illegally acquire intelligent cables and use them for organizing their terrorist activities (Lim,

Managing international Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managing international Business - Essay Example Understanding consumer behavior, the right marketing mix, managing cultural diversity, sourcing and investment decisions have to be considered as well. While new technologies and liberalizations have helped big companies to increase their efficiency and reach, these very forces pose a challenge from the smaller firms. The smaller firms are a threat to the big corporations as they too capture the market and are in the race for the same products and services. This report highlights the issues that arise in managing international business. Improvements in transport and telecommunications sector have reduced the impact of distance allowing firms to enter foreign markets. At the same time, new technologies and deregulation of capital markets allow small firms to compete with multinational corporations. As competition increases, the interest of share holders and the customers become important in corporate decision-making. This new form of corporate governance has to be accepted otherwise they run the risk of losing finance and customers to competitors (Savitsky & Burky, 2004). Governments must support this transition to a more accountable, transparent, and efficient form of corporate governance within their economies. Economies of all shapes and sizes – including China, Germany, France and the Asian Tigers – are confronting this challenge. The clash of traditional business practices is most acute in Japan, resulting in opening up of the economy to mergers and acquisitions, including those by foreign investo rs. Recent studies indicate that it is now the microeconomic factors like management of the firm which determine success rather than the macroeconomic reasons. This is because of the increasing role of international trade, improved managerial techniques, and supply chain management. When firms adopt the strategy of mergers and acquisitions in developing countries, they face resistance. Acquisition of existing facilities is accompanied by payroll cuts.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Medical law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Medical law - Case Study Example The legal medical standards and ethical decision making styles in healthcare today are the predominant factors in caring for patients in an appropriate and caring manner. For many years now there have been intense debates concerning the ethical implications of euthanasia in medical care. The medical law has clearly defined that any form of euthanasia, including forms of assisted suicide or even discussion of suicide with a patient is unethical and morally wrong, not to mention illegal in the UK. Therefore despite the fact that euthanasia might at times appear to be the more humane way to control and perhaps provide sincere care to a patient, it is not something that is legally allowed within all of the countries that make up the geographic regions of the UK. Because of the legal boundaries involved with this form of medical care, many people travel great distances simply to have the ability to have their own wishes upheld. Also, there exists a great deal of confusion with the law and the comprehensive level of those contemplating euthanasia. Many citizens all around the UK don't fully understand what euthanasia entails and why it is considered by som e to be so unethical and immoral either. Euthanasia is a form of care that can be defined as, "either painlessly putting to death or failing to prevent death from natural causes in cases of terminal illness or irreversible coma" (Bender et al 1989). The term comes from the Greek expression for "good death." Now, this short definition has been found to be a cause for debates all over the world, with specific emphases in the UK itself. Doctors, politicians, religious leaders, lawyers, and the general public argue over the legislation that would allow or forbid euthanasia. Currently, there are only two countries, which permit such "activity"; and these are the Netherlands and Belgium. As was said, citizens in countries such as England and Britain often travel to the Netherlands in particular to have their wishes to end their lives upheld. This is considered morally wrong by many as well because if an individual is suffering terribly from untreatable throat cancer and there is no way to extend their quality of life, then the q uestion is, "why make them suffer" Of course current UK legislation obviously does bring on a lot of heart ache for many of those in its borders. This is undoubtedly where some of the more differing viewpoints come into a clearer perspective. There also exists another subsidiary concept other than the basic form of euthanasia which is known as, "Passive Euthanasia" (Bender et al 1989). This form of euthanasia is understood to come into being when treatment to a patient is intentionally withheld or withdrawn to prolong life in many cases (Bender et al 1989). It is the notion of hastening the death of a person by altering some form of medical support that they are receiving and letting nature take its course that is an example of passive euthanasia. Some forms of this would be incidents that include repudiation of chemotherapy, radiation, antibiotics, and also the refusal of donor blood for needed transfusions. Also, stopping medications,

Organizational Culture and Leadership Change Essay

Organizational Culture and Leadership Change - Essay Example He is liked by each and every employee and all of them have great love and respect for him. He is a 'father' to them in the real sense. The performance of the company has been stable for the last decade, though in pure commercial terms it could have always done much better. Philip's approach was always based on elements of trust and collaboration where decision making appeared to be on basis of collective wisdom of the staff. The demands of the business have changed with the region being no more restricted by national boundaries. Coupled with these pressures was the failing health of Philip Mayor; which made him decide to hand over the management of the business to his only son Tony Mayor over a year back. Tony is a Commerce graduate with a Management degree from one of the prestigious universities of the U.S., but has very little experience. The transition from Philip Mayor to Tony Mayor has witnessed a sea change in the company. There has been more visible emphasis on discipline, systems, expectations of performance, change in workloads, change in style, change in structures, induction of modern technology and overall a change in approach to business with diminishing collective participation . A couple of loyal employees have been fired and some are under threat of losing their jobs. From the company performance side, Tony is determined to ensure that there is optimal return on investments made by the company and for which he is not prepared to compromise on any count. He is also considering seriously of inducting core professionals to provide a professional touch to the company which requires intense interaction with big clients both within and beyond the region. The whole employees of the company appear to be dissatisfied with the transition and one can feel the vibrations in everything that the employees do. Problem Statement Day in and day out and all around us, we see "organization" and "culture" dominating our discussions in our lives at home, at work and beyond. In the context of this case it is necessary to understand what is an organization Organization is about people, about other resources, the way people interact and the way they deal with other resources. It is a complex system built around human relationships, relationships between human and other resources and which are constantly under internal and external environmental influences. We can see that organizations are just not about resources and their combination; it is much more than that. It has life as it has people and it has a definite purpose, a definite code, a definite approach. Just coming together of people and other resources is not organization. In other words, organization essentially means and represents people. The next question that comes up is -What is culture It is fascinating so much as it is complex to understand! J. P. Lederach, in his famous book entitled 'Preparing for peace: Conflict transformation across cultures' defines culture as "the shared knowledge and schemes created by a set of people for perceiving, interpreting, expressing, and responding to the social realities around them" (Lederach 1995). The need for togetherness, interdependence, collaboration and sharing involves each one of us to have our own perception, beliefs and values in our quest for being understood, understanding others and mutually understanding. In this process,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sales Developing and Merchandising Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sales Developing and Merchandising - Assignment Example s of the product, external sales development techniques, the tools and techniques of internal sales promotion and merchandising and role played by the staff in ensuring the success of the hotel. The hotel under consideration is called the APA Hotels & Resorts. As a point of departure, the APA Hotels & Resorts are headquartered in Japan. This hotel has a slogan that assures the clients top quality products and services. The hotel endeavours to attain non-nonsense frugality. A long side the normal services that are offered at a cost, the hotel offers a free breakfast. The rates are affordable. They range form 5500-14000JPY. The hotel has over 76 properties well spread across various nations. The hotel offers a wide range of accommodation facilities, which range from a single executive room for one person to double executive suite for two people. Consider the following cost of various classes of accommodation. In essence, the nature of products and services offered form a fundamental basis in which the organization creates its market niche. The larger the market niches the more the revenues. Essentially, in the hotel and & hospitality industry, the competition among the primary players depends on the quality of the products and the nature in which they are presented to the clients (JONES & LOCKWOOD, 2004). Giving more insight on the manner of product presentation in the modern business milieu has taken a technological dimension, which has seen numerous organizations embrace internet marketing and distribution. In the hotel industry, the hotels and resorts use internet application in creating channels, which help in the overall management of the organization (ANDREWS, 2009). The aspect of product differentiation is attributed to this context where the organizations such as the APA Hotel and Resort use the best procedures and superior raw materials to produce unique products. It is imperati ve to note that product differentiation helps APA Hotels & Resorts to identify

Ethical Decision making by School Principals Essay Example for Free

Ethical Decision making by School Principals Essay Principals are faced with the challenge of managing schools and there is need for them to be ethical, respectful, inspiring, creative and knowledgeable about methods of instruction and the culture of the school and curriculum. These principals are also faced with the challenge of knowing and identifying areas of support that is able to enhance the school’s mission and also manage the areas that impede the achievement of a stated mission of the school. Since the needs of students are ever changing, they should also be in a position to make both smaller and larger adjustments that could be beneficial to the school and easily manageable by the organization in the management of these decisions. (Sousa, 2003, pp. 195-198). A decision is termed as ethical when it is able to bring about positive results and does not harm other people or the third party. These decisions are able to bring forth respect, trust, fairness and caring, responsibility and demonstrate good citizenship. When a decision accomplishes the needs of people together with their purposes, it is then termed as an effective decision. Ethically sound decisions are mostly advanced by two critical aspects namely discernment and discipline. For a decision to poses the aspect of discernment, it requires judgment and knowledge. The strength of character on the other hand, makes up a good decision and this takes moral change and the will power to be able to do what needs to be done (Hoy Tarter 2004, pp. 56-60). Ethical decision making calls for good leadership from principals. Leadership may be described as the authority or ability of an individual or individuals to lead others towards the achievement of a goal. It involves directing and influencing others towards the accomplishment of the stated common objectives and involves responsibility and accountability for the group. There are various leadership styles that are used today in many organizations and institutions. The autocratic type of leaders apply unilateralist while dominating their team-members in order to achieve a particular objective. However, this method often results to resistance from the team- members, as this style generally requires constant pressure and a lot of direction to get things done. On the other hand, this style could be more effective in urgent situations requiring urgent action (Schiminke, 1998, pp. 107-110). In the Laissez-Faire leadership, little control is exercised by managers over their groups. This allows the team-members to sort out their duties and obligations but the manager is not in any way involved with them. This style of leadership however is ineffective at certain circumstances since the team is left floundering with limited motivation and direction. Laissez- faire is effective in cases whereby a manager leads a team that is highly skilled and motivated and these people have in the past produced excellent work. The Democratic leader on other hand often uses participation and the groups’ teamwork towards attaining a collaborative decision. This style focuses on communication between the leader and the team and hence a positive climate for achieving results is created. The leaders consult their teams before making a decision while still in control of the team. These leaders allow the team to make decisions on how certain duties will be carried out and by whom (Schiminke, 1998, pp. 107-110). In addition, a good democratic leader is one who approves participation by team members and delegation of duties or tasks is done wisely. This kind of a leader values the points put forward from them and also encourages any group discussion. He also empowers the team through motivation. On leadership styles include a coercive leader, authoritative. Leader, affiliative leader, pace setting and a coaching leader. A coercive leader demands obedience, which should be instantaneous and applies initiative, achievement and self-control. In times of crisis or company turn around, this style is considered to be more effective but it mostly creates a negative climate for the performance in an organization. The authoritative leader on the other hand is considered to be one of the most effective as this leader inspires employees to follow a vision, facilitate change and creates a strong organizational climate that results in positive performance. The affiliative leadership values people, their emotions and their needs and relies on friendship and trust to promote flexibility, innovation and risk taking. A pacesetting leader can create a negative climate because of the high standards he or she sets. This style works best in attaining quick results from highly motivated individuals who value achievement and take the initiative. Lastly, the coaching leader builds a positive climate by developing skills that will foster long-term success. This type of leader also delegates responsibly, and is skillful in issuing assignments that are quite challenging. Leadership entails organizing people in a bid to achieve the stated goals of the group. It is therefore essential that leaders should posses certain basic qualities that will enable them to be effective leaders in whatever situation or task they undertake (Guy, 1990 pp. 105-107). Leaders should display a good work ethic that will enable other employees to emulate. A good work ethic includes: being on time, being organized giving praise to employees, being well prepared for meetings and having good communication within the venture that will go a long way towards achieving emotional and financial success. Therefore a leader should set an example with an ethical set of values for other managers and employees. For a leader to be effective, he/she should be willing to constantly learn at the same time integrate the knowledge they have acquired through learning into their leadership style. They must also develop skills that will promote them into being good leaders. Another quality of a good leader is that they should constantly keep up with the current trends in leadership and be aware that the leadership styles are constantly changing. In other words these leaders should be open to change. A good leader should also be able to mobilize people and acquire their trust in the process. Good leaders should also have the ability to communicate effectively with their subordinates communication is an essential aspect since it involves both listening and sending messages or telling others what needs to be done. Moral leaders are in a position to produce good moral leadership. They mostly apply restraint and power in their leadership. They are willing to accept any results without imposing control on other people. This is stewardship. It enables leaders to accept their faults which are human instead of shielding themselves under their authority and status. Ethics can be described as the codes of conduct that guide on how one should behave regarding moral duties and virtues. These moral principles guide a person in determining what is wrong or right. Morality by principals can be termed as personal ethics. This is because personal ethics reflect the expectations of people of all works in the society. Ethics has got two aspects: the ability to determine right from wrong, propriety from impropriety and good from evil. The second perspective concerns the commitment to perform an action that is proper, right and good. The principles of personal ethics include: trustworthiness and honesty, concern for the well being of others preventing harm refusing to take unfair advantage, respect for the autonomy of others and basic justice. Ethics as displayed by principals in schools or any other leaders could be classified as under written and unwritten codes of ethics: codes of ethics are the efforts which are systematic in nature and are used in defining the right conduct. They also provide guidance and help in the installation of confidence in various aspects of life from the government and all organizations. The main guidance is reflected in the decision making process especially where values seem to conflict. Written codes of ethics can be made known by an organization, professional or jurisdiction. On the other hand unwritten codes that exist and that help us in our lives are more effective than the written ones. Un written codes of ethics include rules such as honesty, security, loyalty among others. These unwritten codes of ethics mostly arise from family and cultural tradition and can also be found in workplace. These written and unwritten codes of ethics mostly arise from family and cultural tradition and can also be found in workplace. These written and unwritten codes of ethics are found in the society and they help one in establishing their personal belief system. Ethical behaviors should be a part and parcel of an individual’s daily routine (Murphy McMurty, 2000. pp. 110-115). I believe that Principals need to make strategic decisions since society and environment are dynamic and this provides them with a means that is strategic in nature that could enable them consider the external environment by focusing on the strength of the school organization, reducing weaknesses in school and also identify all the available opportunities that could put the school at a better position to be able to gain a competitive advantage. School principals are able to make an ethically defensible decision when the decision is well thought considering all the formal possible angels meaning that everybody takes part in decision making. In addition, ethically sound decisions in corporate all the possible solutions regarding the positive and negative outcomes of the decision. The decisions made by school principles need to involve a consultative process, team or group process or delegated duties to the staff members. This will help principals to come up with an ethically sound decision that will have a positive impact to all the members of the society which includes the students. Today, school leaders are the people who are accountable ethically, legally and morally for any decisions that they make in schools. Dempster and Parry (1999) note that the schools pressure mainly arise from four sources that is pressure of involving non-educationalists in the decision making in schools; changes in the growth of knowledge and applying the new advanced technology in learning processes; increased social problems such as suicide, violence and unemployment. This means that school leaders are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas while making decisions in schools hence resulting in conflicting ethical principles. Therefore how ethics/morals impact on decision-making is profound as this could easily change the way society operates. Foster (1986) also notes that it is the actions by the officials of the school that will strongly determine personal codes of ethics and values (Shapiro, 2000, pp. 120-125). On the ethical decision making by principals in schools, Denig and Quinn (2001) proposed a philosophical model with two moral principles namely; care and justice. They argue that most of the decisions that are made by school leaders, are mainly based on formalism which is policy and law and this is aimed at bringing about the greatest good to all (utilitarianism). In other words, this approach clearly views decision making as a rational approach that involves the use of universal principles. The decision maker performs what is right that could result in good deeds to all rather than individualism hence equity becomes the desirable outcome. They also point out that it is only through making decisions by collaborative means that these leaders can be able to analyze the dilemmas and get prepared to encompass the principle of working together with the school system and this eventually results in making decisions that are ethical (Sousa, 2003, pp. 195-198). Greenfield (19991) on the other hand argues that school leaders experience distinct sets of demands concerning ethics. He notes that schools being moral institutions are designed to bring for the social norms and other principles. They should be able to make decisions that are morally acceptable. He further notes that although schools are charged with the responsibility of creating moral values and making moral decisions by dedicating themselves to promote the well-being of their students, it is surprising that the same students have virtually no right to express themselves to what goes on in their schools and it is for these reasons that the conduct of these school leaders need to be moral (Kowalski, 2001, pp. 5-98). Robert Starratt (1991) also talks of equality in social arrangement benefits by arguing that today’s social arrangement results to unequal benefits among people. He argues that school principles should not only behave ethically but also be responsible individuals. Lastly, Green field argues that the authority of the principal is moral and teachers should be convinced that the decisions make by the principal reflects all the values that they support (Nutt, 2002, pp. 50-54). Kidder (1995) defines an ethical dilemma as the responsibilities that people face in making choices between two rights cherished values that conflict are the principle cause of dilemmas. For instance a principal is bound to be faced with a dilemma if at all he/she cherishes both the teacher and student and the teacher decides to enact a policy that will result in low expectations. Some philosophers and thinkers have come up with a number of guidelines that could help to solve these dilemmas faced by school leaders. They argue that leaders should be able and willing to act along the set standards of ethics. They could also address and also should be caring and conscious reflection whenever they lead other people (Nutt, 2002, pp. 50-54). School leaders could also form ethics committees to help them solve ethical dilemmas as these committees could prove helpful in raising the awareness concerning ethical issues, advising educators and also in the formulation of codes of ethics. A quality decision that is made by a school principal will depend on a number of factors made, extent to which others are able to generate a quality solution, how the problem is structured and the degree of commitment. Moreover, decisions made in schools require a lot of staff decision and support. School principals also need to understand the culture of their schools while attempting to make any decisions as this will establish whether the decision made is appropriate for the school. Therefore, these head teachers need to analyze and comprehend any relevant and comprehend any relevant information presented to them together with data. They also need to gather and measure evidence, issue judgments and finally make the necessary decisions. Creativity is essential as these will help in solving any anticipating problems hence development of opportunities for the school. Finally, school principals should be in a position to demonstrate quality judgment. This will enable them to know how and when they need to make any decisions among others. Decisions made by school principals could be autocratic, consultative, Group or Delegated decisions. An autocratic decision is that which the school principal makes it himself / herself by use of the available information or gathered from other groups or people. This therefore requires these school leaders to make appropriate and quick decisions when expected to do them at a particular point in time consultation on the other hand means that a problem has to be shared amongst individuals in order to obtain collective views or ideas but the school principal has to make the final decision afterwards.