Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case Study - Essay Example Additionally, the educational, training or developmental factor is also expressed within this forecast. Training for law enforcement personnel is an important process in mitigating future forecasts of computer crimes (Richard & Roussev, 2009). This is due to the fact that training will provide police officers and crime investigators with skills and knowledge of detecting and mitigating crimes in digital communication in an efficient manner. More importantly, professionals within the legal system must be trained to ensure effective application of the rule of law as related to digital crime and terrorism and as a result prevent occurrence of these crimes in future and mitigate future forecasts. Second Forecast The second forecast predicts that internet or digital fraud via electronic media which emanate from the theft of user identity by system attackers will be the largest and most significant of the computer crimes. This forecast is reflective of computer security issue in which the privacy and confidentiality of personal and private data is accessed by attackers of computer systems through loopholes in the internet communication. This can be exemplified by the hacking into financial systems and accessing credit card information of customers which leads to unauthorized access to their accounts by the system attackers (Ionescu, Irea & Blajan, 2011). Monetary loss is the major issue or factor which is represented within the second forecast. This forecast is important to the law enforcement departments, agencies and systems because it motivates them to put preventative measures of reducing the incidence of digital fraud. This can be achieved through strict enforcement of the law against digital fraudsters. Third Forecast The third forecast is predictive of more advanced digital crime and terrorism which involve virtual attacks of computing systems. The forecast specifically predicts that the advancement of computer networking systems such as social networking site s will cause virtual crimes to grow at a faster rate as compared to previous periods when computer networking was less advanced. The networking factor is expressed as the cause of the predicted growth of virtual crimes which are forms of hybrid computer crime. This form of crime can be illustrated by the psychological warfare which is mediated by electronic communication and internet based exchanges among individuals and groups (Agustina & Insa, 2011). It is apparent that this forecast acts as an important consideration of the law enforcement system because of the need to design and implement laws which are concerned with dealing with virtual crimes. Fourth Forecast The fourth forecast on the future trends in digital crime and terrorism is reflective of its advancement to the developing nations. The forecasters predict that the future of electronic communication and computer systems in developing countries will be characterized by the emergence of system attackers and hacker groups. The factors which are considered as the motivation for the forecast future trends include religious, economic and political intentions for digital crime and digital terrorism. This form of digital crime can be exemplified by terrorist groups who hack into computer systems within security department to illegally acquire intelligent cables and use them for organizing their terrorist activities (Lim,

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