Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Artifacts And Artifacts Of Pottery Of The East Coast...

In the summer of 2016, recreational divers discovered fragments of pottery of the East coast of Crete near the Palace at Zakros. The fragments depicted artwork resembling that of ancient Minoan culture, specific to the Late Minoan IA-IB period. A team of archeologists returned to the location to start a week long search for any other Minoan artifacts. Divers were able to locate a shipwreck where the artifacts originated from. The ship, which was named by divers as â€Å"Minos’s Treasureâ€Å" (there is no substantiated claim to be connected to the mythical King; the divers thought it was a clever name) , is located at DMS- 35 °5’38.395†N 26 °17’23.783†E at a depth of 20 meters. The site is approximately 1.65 miles/2.65 km from the Palace of Zakros and 341.15 miles/549 km from present day Alexandria (see attached images). â€Å"Minos’s Treasureâ€Å" was completely covered in sediment, which is why the site had not had been uncovered unt il now. Consequently, the sediment preserved the ship remarkably well. Divers were only able to excavate a small amount of sediment due to inadequate equipment and a short amount of time allotted to the expedition. What was found is proof for the need of further attention from the archeological community. The forward section of the top deck was the only area where significant progress was made. The ship’s hull and decking is completely intact, yet little is known about the full design due to large portion of sediment yet to be removed. A sample of the wood wasShow MoreRelatedThe Birth of Civilization18947 Words   |  76 Pagesxxxii EARLY HUMANS AND THEIR CULTURE page 1 WHY IS â€Å"culture† considered a defining trait of human beings? EARLY CIVILIZATIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST TO ABOUT 1000 B.C.E. page 5 HOW DID control over water resources influence early Middle Eastern civilizations? ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN EMPIRES page 14 HOW DID conquest and trade shape early empires in the Near East? EARLY INDIAN CIVILIZATION page 16 WHAT INFLUENCES did the first Indus valley civilization have on later Indian religious and social practices

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