Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Requirements For Army Officers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Requirements For Army Officers - Essay Example I endeavor to dedicate myself to a life of public service and leadership in the army. To be a successful army officer, one must have strong communication and interpersonal skills. My work and school roles, responsibilities, and activities have honed my communication and interpersonal skills. In high school and college, I served leadership positions, where I served the interests of my groups and community. My work experiences also gave me the opportunity to be a good communicator. As an Internet Sales Associate, I learned how to convince people about our products. Being an army officer also requires â€Å"selling,† specifically selling the importance and urgency of different unit assignments. I also worked as a Certified Nursing Aide. In this job, I was able to interact with different kinds of personalities, people with different and complex needs and interests. I learned how to understand and deal with them so that we can attain our health care objectives. I also worked as an Operating Room Specialist and Production Technician, where verbal and written communic ation skills were critical. As an enlisted soldier, I learned the importance of listening to and following my superiors and learning from formal and informal sources of knowledge and information in the army. These experiences have enhanced my communication and interpersonal skills that are needed to act as an army officer. An army officer entails leadership and responsibility. I want to take an active role in leading an army unit so that we can attain any goal or objective assigned to us. In high school, I developed my leadership skills by becoming the Boys Prefect at the Presbyterian Boys Senior High School in Legon, Ghana. During this time, I enjoyed the ability to exercise discipline on myself and other people. My need for challenging leadership experiences thrived until college.

Water and the Arab- Israeli Peace Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Water and the Arab- Israeli Peace Process - Essay Example After the war, a larger section of water resources was taken by Israel (Asser 1). The complete control of water resources has led to conflict. Israel has dominated 80 percents of the mountain aquifer leaving only 20 percent to the Palestinians (Asser 1). This leaves little water resources to the Palestinians. Moreover, the Palestinians complain of limited access to their water resources (Asser 1). They cite the Israel military as the one preventing them from using their own water resources. There has also been allocation of more water to Israel nationals as compared to Palestinians. This has been evident in West Bank. The issue of water has also led to increased tension in the area. The tension has been due to the effect on Palestinian agriculture. The little available water has negatively affected the Palestinian agricultural economy (Asser 1). The Palestinian are also subjected to water rationing as the reserves gets dry (Asser 1). Proper water management has been cited as necessary for peace in the region. In the 90s, water was viewed as being tricky point of discussion in Arab-Israel peacemaking (Asser 1). The continued settlement of Israel in sensitive water areas, in West Bank, has also been seen as a threat to peace and stability in the region. Additionally, some of the stalled negotiations on the peace process between Israel and other Arab countries have been based on water related issues (Asser

Monday, October 28, 2019

Literacy Narrative Essay Example for Free

Literacy Narrative Essay Throughout my childhood, the idea of having a college education was greatly stressed. As a result, it was my duty as the next generational child, to excel in my studies and achieve a life of prosperity and success. Learning became the basic foundation of my growth. Therefore, my youth was overtaken by many hours spent reading and writing what was known to be correct Standard English. I first found this to be a great shortcoming, but as I grew older, I began to realize the many rewards acquired by having the ability to be literate. During adolescence, I began reading and writing through a fundamental learning program called, Hooked on Phonics. This program consisted of long hours spent reading short novels and writing elementary phrases which were commonly taught in the second and third grade. With the motto, Improve your childs reading and writing skills in just four weeks! I was bound to become the next Mark Twain. The method of this course specialized in the improvements of word acquisition rates as well as reading speed; however, it lacked in the area of teaching comprehension. At a young age, I was instilled with the dire need to be highly educated and although I was unable to experience a fun and adventurous childhood like many other children, I am grateful for being raised with a greater knowledge and wisdom than that ingrained in many. From my past experiences, I have grown to prefer reading over writing. When I am reading, I can visualize the text in any way that I see fit. It is almost as if I am rewriting the novel using the illusions that I feel express the words in a passage. For example, in the current independent novel I am reading, it portrays a woman of high stature who is able to lure men in, like a hunter does its prey, and feed on their weaknesses. When I am reading this phrase I automatically visualize a fisherman trying to catch a fish using his worms as bait. Although this illustration has no reference to the novel, it is the picture that I chose to use, depicting the woman and her way of getting what she wants. As the audience, I have control over what I am reading and can express myself in any way that I would like, without having to worry about what society thinks of my views and opinions. Unlike reading, when writing, it is important that grammar, spelling and vocabulary terms are used correctly, therefore restricting me from writing in the way that I would prefer. The most stressed phrase while in high school was, It is not the content of the essay, but rather the mechanics of grammar and speech that are most prominent. Unfortunately, I have never been one to enjoy the art of writing. In fact, I was recently given a diagnostic test, determining at which level I write and whether or not I should be upgraded to a higher achieving English class. Unfortunately, I did not pass the test with flying colors. This was not due to the fact that I am incapable of writing a good paper, but rather that I am unable to write in a limited amount of time, using the emphasized principles of correct; grammar, vocabulary and spelling. In the reading, Shitty First Drafts, by author Anne Lamott, it is a fact that in order to write a brilliant paper, a first draft must be created. According to Lamott, The Only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really shitty first drafts, all writers write them. (94) This is a quote in which I can relate being that in order for me to begin a final draft, I must first have written a first draft, usually one that is in absolute disarray. From here I can begin my journey into the final essay. This is one reason why my diagnostic writing was so disorganized; I didnt prepare any sort of rough draft to guide me through the writing processes, which inevitably lead to my remaining semester in Writing 01 instead of Writing 10. Writing is an area that requires much preparation and efficiency, ultimately resulting in my reluctance to write just for the heck of it. Overall, writing is too complex! It is rather important to be well-rounded in the aspects of reading and writing. Our country is built on the belief that English is one of the greatest languages of the world and without it anything properly called thought is impossible. Although there are many types of different cultures in America, in order for us to communicate, it is greatly emphasized that we all have the ability to speak and write in the same language. For instance, if I were to visit a foreign country, it would be to my benefit to speak the same language as others. This same principle is being stressed in America today. As foreigners migrate to America, they have an obligation to learn the culture, speech and skill, learned by other American citizens and use them to their own advantage as a mean to get ahead in life. It has become a proven fact that in order to succeed in America-with a number of relatively minor although often highly visible exceptions-it is important to speak, read, and understand English as most Americans speak it. It is also a fact that people who dont learn to speak Standard English have a much more difficult time achieving job and career success. An example of this theory is found in the short story titled, Talking in the New Land, by Edite Cunha. Edite and her family are a valid example of how, speaking one language which is culturally different than that of the common language can be a disadvantage in the long run. Throughout the story Edite and her family struggled to communicate because they had no knowledge of how to convey their issues to others. According to Edite, I looked at her blankly, not knowing what to say. What was a Social Security number? (549) As a result, her father was unable to collect on his unemployment and they failed to pay their rent. This is largely due to their inability to speak the English language. In any event, Edite had no choice other than to begin her lessons in learning Standard English for the sake of her and her family. The American language, commonly referred to as Standard English, is one of the most widespread languages in the world and therefore has become a tool that can help people of different backgrounds communicate with one another. It bestows a power that is almost invaluable, a power which allows us to have our own views, opinions and preferences. It gives us the freedom of speech, (The First Amendment) which inevitably allows us to express our ideas and thoughts in every fashion possible, without having to gain permission from the rest of society. There are many connections between my reading experience and the power of language. I am given the power to read in the privacy of my own home without the interruptions of others. Therefore, I am able to read aloud and gain an understanding of the text, without having an audience to critique my reading skills. I am given the power to express my opinions and views without having to debate why I had that sort of reaction to the reading. Lastly, I can read at my own pace. I have no obligation to read speedily in order to seem as though I have no complications with the words in the text. In my opinion, people should be given the right to speak and read in any language that they wish. Although, it may benefit them to be knowledgeable in the speech that is being taught and spoken in the common country, everyone has their own cultural background and each has the right to be literate in the way that they desire. They were given the right to freedom of speech through the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights and therefore, have the right to speak in their own native language. Literacy plays a major role in the lives of humans today. It gives us the power to read, speak and write and is therefore a valuable asset to society and the development of its economy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Employment Agencies Must Know About Contract and Negligence

Employment Agencies Must Know About Contract and Negligence Introduction Before a business launch its ideas (product/services) with in an environment both locally and or internationally, one must understand the legal environment that governs that place. This will eliminate conflicts of interest. With the understanding and knowledge of business law, opportunities, and potential benefits it will bridge the gap of the unknown. Furthermore, when purchasing a business, it is also important to understand the legal ramifications as it relates to the region in which that business will be operating and as it pertains to the nature of interaction and relationship with the local people. There are basically two types of business relationships: (i) Formal and (ii) Informal. This report will be focused on formal relationship between employer and employee relative to the legal aspects of Contract and Negligence in operating an employment agency. Business law though generally similar across the globe, will have subtle variations of interpretation and legal structure, whi ch are usually dictated by regional norms. Since the business acquired is an employment agency, the report will addressing some of the relevant aspects of Contract and Negligence for this employment agency business as applicable by the local rule of law. More specifically, this Business Law Report aims to feature the essential elements of a valid and binding contract, types of contracts and terms, the tort of negligence and the principles of liability with respect to the operations of an employment agency. This qualitative research will combine research, analysis, solution integrated approaches to business problems from a legal perspective. Hitlers employment agency is a small partnership business that deals with hiring of pupils. The research proposal includes a description of Hitlers employment agency background, the purpose, literature review, the objectives after acquisition, methodology of analysis, and the limitations of the study. The potential impact of the study could influence the perception of the investors. Project background The business acquired is an employment agency. The report will address some of the relevant aspects of Contract and Negligence for this employment agency business as applicable by the local rule of law. However this will help the business in making legal decision, nature of liabilities, different types of business decision and terms of contracts. The unknown of the legal system environment the business is operating in can result law suits if not operated in the law of the land. Hitlers employment agency is a small partnership business that deals with hiring of pupils. The company is partnership, managed by four friend. The company was formed in 2001. As a results, the main goal of Hitlers employment agency has been focused on creating more demand for their services while expand operations in other parishes of the island. The group of investors purchasing Hitlers employment agency believes there is an opportunity. K.C Deorgins is a consultant Firm. The firm analyzes existing and start-up businesses, create solutions to problems, and help small businesses to develop efficient plans for meeting their goals. K.C Deorgins have been in business since 2000, it was started by four college friends that recognize that small businesses in the Kingston area never survive more than a year and wanted to find the underline problem of the cause of this continuous occurrence. In 2006, K.C Deorgins branch out in St.Thomas, St.James, St. Elizabeth and St.Catherine. After the branches were open business that the K.C Deorgins help business strive to another level and survive even in the country bad economy downfall. Purpose To set out the relevant aspects of Contract and Negligence for an employment agency Objective To identify the essential contents of a Contract To apply the elements of a Contract in a business situation To outline the elements of Negligence relative to Law of Tort To illustrate the principles of Liability in Negligence Literature Review Employment agencies have a contractual relationship with prospective employees, which compels the agency to act in the best interests of the applicants. So in the normal course of business, an employment agency’s failure, to (i) foresee some danger to their applicants and (ii) in its ability to exercise some control over which employers it makes available to the applicants, will make the employment agency liable for damages. In other words, the employment agency will be liable for negligence if it fails to exercise the duty of care. As such, according to, â€Å"the basis of liability under the doctrine of negligent hiring is the master’s own negligence in hiring or retaining in his employ an incompetent servant whom the master knows, or by the exercise of reasonable care should have known, was incompetent or unfit, thereby creating an unreasonable risk of harm to others.† Hence ultimately the employment agency owes a duty to its inventory of employees and to the general public to ascertain the qualifications and competence of the potential employee applicants it hires, especially where employees are engaged in occupations that require skill or experience and where there could be a hazard to the safety of others. It therefore goes without saying that due to the nature of the contractual agreements involve with operating an employment agency, it is imperative that operators of such an establishment be aware of the legal concepts of liability in order to ensure that negligent risk is minimized and contractual agreements are not in breach between employer and employee. The formal relationship between employer and employee relative to the legal aspects of Contract and Negligence, as noted by reviewed literature, is of paramount concern when conducting the of an employment agency. Methodology To set the relevant aspects of Contract and Negligence for an employment agency. The qualitative study will seek to find out the problems surrounding business law and also the opportunities and potential benefits of being knowledgeable about business law as it relates to the new business enterprise. Secondary source of information will be employed from websites and journals. Secondary source of information is gathered information from other individual who did an in-dept research about a particular topic. This type of information is usually factual but sometimes is tainted by the subjectivity of the researcher or author. The limitation of secondary source is that the information is not been updated. With the information collected twenty years back would not necessarily apply to the same issue of solving a problem as technologies has evolve over the years that even has forensic evidence. It is this researcher opinion that primary sources will not be of any benefit to this business law report. References USLEGAL.COM. 2014. Liability of Employment Agencies for Negligence or Violation of Statute See more at: [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 March 14]. . 2014.Aspect of Contract Negligence in Business. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 14]. BLACK, H C B, 1968.BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY. 4th ed. ST. PAUL, MINN. : WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2014.Contract law. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 14]. LAW.COM. 2014.Search Legal Terms and Definitions. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 14]. kaunainassaria. 2013.Aspects of Contracts and Negligence in Business. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 March 14].

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Tragedy of Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children

Estimates of child abuse range wildly depending on the source of ones information. From one to two million children per year are victims of child abuse. (Dolan p.3) All sources agree on the simple truth that not nearly all cases of child abuse are reported or even estimated. Man cases go unreported, less than 50% by current estimates. (Dolan p.3) The amount of child abuse is staggering to think about, let alone deal with. By the age of eighteen one in three girls will have been sexually molested and one in six boys will have been molested in that same time frame. (WWW site). Although, throughout this paper we shall discuss not only the effects of sexual abuse but abuse in all its forms. These include Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Mental Abuse and Neglect. We will also Touch upon the basic question of this report, and that is, "How has child abuse changed over the last 100 years and what effects has this had on the family?" This brings us to our first research area, change.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is clear that families are undergoing a number of important structural changes: families are smaller than in the past, with fewer children and sometimes with only one parent; parents have children at a later age; more couples live together without the bonds of matrimony which was accepted as a sacred bond so few years in human history. The source of this degradation of such a basic unit of society is unknown throughout all areas of research which I canvassed in my quest. It is a question that one person needs to answer for himself and solve for himself. Something a young child is not capable of doing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Physical abuse has many forms. It may involve the hitting or kicking of a child with the fists or the feet, or with another object; such as belts, shovels, changes, ropes, electric cords, leather straps, canes, baseball bats, sticks, broom handles, or assorted large objects. Other forms of abuse include the pouring of scalding water or coffee on a child's body, holding a child's head under the water of a toilet bowl, stuffed into running washing machines, throwing a child against a wall, shaking a child with extreme force or placing parts of a child's anatomy on hot or burning objects to cause pain. (Author's note: Sometimes in extreme cases the shaking of a child with such extreme force as an aggressive abuser possesses can cause severe brain damage as the brain is crushed from repeated impact against the skull. This type of injury is especially damaging in babies and small children. The Tragedy of Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children Estimates of child abuse range wildly depending on the source of ones information. From one to two million children per year are victims of child abuse. (Dolan p.3) All sources agree on the simple truth that not nearly all cases of child abuse are reported or even estimated. Man cases go unreported, less than 50% by current estimates. (Dolan p.3) The amount of child abuse is staggering to think about, let alone deal with. By the age of eighteen one in three girls will have been sexually molested and one in six boys will have been molested in that same time frame. (WWW site). Although, throughout this paper we shall discuss not only the effects of sexual abuse but abuse in all its forms. These include Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Mental Abuse and Neglect. We will also Touch upon the basic question of this report, and that is, "How has child abuse changed over the last 100 years and what effects has this had on the family?" This brings us to our first research area, change.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is clear that families are undergoing a number of important structural changes: families are smaller than in the past, with fewer children and sometimes with only one parent; parents have children at a later age; more couples live together without the bonds of matrimony which was accepted as a sacred bond so few years in human history. The source of this degradation of such a basic unit of society is unknown throughout all areas of research which I canvassed in my quest. It is a question that one person needs to answer for himself and solve for himself. Something a young child is not capable of doing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Physical abuse has many forms. It may involve the hitting or kicking of a child with the fists or the feet, or with another object; such as belts, shovels, changes, ropes, electric cords, leather straps, canes, baseball bats, sticks, broom handles, or assorted large objects. Other forms of abuse include the pouring of scalding water or coffee on a child's body, holding a child's head under the water of a toilet bowl, stuffed into running washing machines, throwing a child against a wall, shaking a child with extreme force or placing parts of a child's anatomy on hot or burning objects to cause pain. (Author's note: Sometimes in extreme cases the shaking of a child with such extreme force as an aggressive abuser possesses can cause severe brain damage as the brain is crushed from repeated impact against the skull. This type of injury is especially damaging in babies and small children.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Macbeths Porter :: essays research papers

The Light of Macbeth Throughout the play The Tragedy of Macbeth, it is a non-stop action thriller with more blood than ever seen before in most plays. The play was made that way for a specific reason, so William Shakespeare made it the most bloody, gruesome and shortest of all his plays. Watching or even just reading, there is hardly ever any moment to be able to breathe. Except one scene†¦. In Act II, Scene 3, Macbeth’s porter appears in the play. There is absolutely no reason for the porter to be in the play. He has nothing to do with the written script what so ever. He is not related to anyone of any importance, or anyone at all. He has no great speeches with much meaning attached to it. He is just a perverted, gross talking, drunk. He goes against everything in their world that is moral and right. The porter defies it all and comes out of the play as a comedian. Why did William Shakespeare put the porter in his play, The Tragedy of Macbeth! A lot of people look on the porter as just an interruption of the play, and that he should not even be there. But I disagree; I wouldn’t call him an interruption. I’d call him an Intermission; he came in the play when needed most. The audience needed a break from the play. The entire thing was filled with hatred, betrayal, and blood. The porter is Shakespeare’s transition period. Every play needs some comedy, but no more than this play, The Tragedy. The porter wasn’t just there to make the audience laugh; he was there for a reason. Shakespeare always had a reason for everything, it would be uncharacteristic for him not to with the porter. The porter enters the story immediately after the murder of King Duncan, perhaps for some relief, and that relief being; drunken comedy. Is the porter just comical relief? I don’t believe so, he may have made some laughs, but he also creates more tension rather than relieving it. In Act II, Scene 2, Lady Macbeth comes back from the crime scene with blood all over her. The knocking she hears against the gate obviously frightens both her and Macbeth for they have just committed a horrendous crime. Macbeth is already paranoid for he is beginning to go crazy. Lady Macbeth is new to the whole killing crime thing, so to hear knocking on your front door after an event like that would freak anyone out.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Building Your Own Legacy: A Retirement Speech

It was 1966 when a young [man/woman] entered this company immature and raw, with an overall purpose of doing nothing but being able to exit it with the accomplishment that only the best employees could have done.This [man/woman] who is now about to exit the door of this company, now proudly declares that the best thing that an employee could have done in [his/her] working career is being able to leave behind a legacy that is unique to [his/her] characteristic and ability, receptive to all obtainable opportunities, passionate to all types of toil or hustle, and commendable to as many colleagues as the situation can.On this day, we commemorate the celebration of this [man/woman]’s retirement in a profession where only the striving is able to reach the end of the road, with a pen in the right hand and a pad on the left, regardless of our company’s opportunities, objectives, and general mission. This [man/woman] was able to contribute a great deal to us.It was the year 1973 when [he/she] was given an integrity award for being able to write a forty-two-paged report on the MA Hub Jetliner Crash in Boston on July of that same year. By 1979, [he/she] was declared as The Most Valuable Employee of the Year for having been driven public contribution that reached $2. 3 million in totality for the Give a Gift on Christmas. It was an award that repeated again in 1983 for our Share a Lot Project that gave the company recognition award from the U.  S. Department of Labor.There were also awards, recognitions and special accolades in the years 1987, 1991, 1995, 2000, 2003, and 2008 for achievements, which told us that this [man/woman] born in [name of city] is one that redefined the true meaning of what a real employee is: one that is built in true service of his department and the company for the betterment of the public and the country.It appears that the self is worthless without the passion to serve other people for a future that is bright, bountiful, and boo ming. Reference Events that touched our ancestors’ lives. (2008). Retrieved November 25, 2008, from http://www3. gendisasters. com/taxonomy_menu/4/239.

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and Contribution Margin

Escareno Corporation has provided its contribution format income statement for June. The company produces and sells a single product. Sales (8,400 units): ($) 764,400 Variable expenses: ($) 445,200 Contribution margin: ($) 319,200 Fixed expenses: ($) 250,900 Net operating income: ($) 68,300 If the company sells 8,200 units, its total contribution margin should be closest to: Merchandise with a sales price of $500 is sold on account with term 2/10, n/30. The journal entry to record the sale would include a: Davison Company has fixed costs of $ 315,000 and a contribution margin ratio of 34%. If sales are expected to be $1,500,000, what is the margin of safety percent? † E. (114 points) The Beer toxin is composed of two subunits, Ping and Pong . The toxin binds to the Springbreak receptor on the plasma membrane of pancreatic cells and enters the cell via clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Once the toxin-receptor complex reaches the early endosome, Ping , Pong , and Springbreak dissociate from one another. Ping exits the early endosomes and enters the cytosol whereas Springbreak is targeted to the lysosomes for degradation. Although Ping alone can interact with Springbreak , its cytosolic targeting requires the presence of†¦ The vice-president of marketing and the director of human resources have developed a proposal whereby the company would compensate the sales sales force on a strictly commission basis using 20% of net sales. Given the increased incentive, they expect net sales to increase by 15%. As a result, they estimate that gross profit will increase by $53,061 and operating expenses by $88,322. Compute the expected new net income. (Hint: You do not need to prepare an income statement). A trial balance before adjustments included the following: Debit Credit Sales $425,000 Sales returns and allowance $14,000 Accounts receivable 43,000 Allowance for doubtful accounts 760 If the estimate of uncollectibles is made by taking ten percent of gross account receivables, the amount of the adjustment is $3,540. 4,224. $5,060. $4,300. Recently Asked Questions A substance, X, has the following properties. (Size of mass is 250. g. ) Specific Heat Capacities Hvap 20. kJ/mol C(s) 3. 0 J/g C Hfus 5. 0 kJ/mol C(l) 2. 5 J/g C bp 75 C C(g) 1. 0 J/g C mp -15 C Calculate the energy that must be removed to convert substance X from a gas at 113 C to a solid -54. 2 C. Assume X has a molar mass of 75. 0 g/mol. A doctor has applied for a patent on new technology, involving the use of advanced compu ters to create a new type of organism. One goal is to genetically alter these organisms for use in human organ growth and transplant. The doctor says that, if she is not granted a patent, she will continue her research. Write a 1,750- to 2,800-word paper, addressing the scenario. Address the following questions in your paper: o Should the doctor s activity be considered a violation of the law, a deviant act, or neither? o If this activity is a violation of the law

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Conformity Essay

This argument holds completely true for Americans; through matching standard definitions of tatty, and the reliance on and pervasiveness Of technology, Americans reveal their conformist tendencies. Be it plastic surgery, extreme weight loss, or expensive fashion trends, Americans will do almost anything to conform to society's values of beauty. Throughout the years society values of beauty have changed from realistic women to unreasonably thin supermodels, with Marilyn Monroe dollied as the most beautiful woman of the twentieth century, to Candace Swanlike as the most beautiful of the twenty-first century.Arguably one of the most famous celebrities of all time, Monroe stood at 5 Ft 5. Inches and 140 pounds. Swanlike on the other hand, a Victorians Secret Model, stands at 5 Ft 9 inches and 120 pounds. The new idea of beauty is unreachable for the majority of American citizens, yet women across the country still try to achieve the goal of looking tall and tremendously thin. Trends such as the thigh gap have caused teenage girls across the country to starve their selves in order to be skinny, beautiful, and loved.Stress on looking perfect has resulted in eating disorders amongst America's youth, all trying to lose weight to conform to beauty standards. Although America preaches that each and very individual is beautiful, there are advertisements on television and the radio everyday about plastic surgery such as liposuction and how being ‘fat' is embarrassing. Thousands of dollars will be spent on tummy tucks, spray tans, corsets, and even diet pills in order to look skinny; through engaging in this behavior Americans are conforming to the standard idea of beauty rather than appreciating and accepting their own appearances.This ideal of being thin and conforming to it holds power over a great amount of Americans; through conforming they are adding to the strength and impact of beauty tankards. Skinny is the new beautiful for this nation, and women will do wha tever it takes to achieve that. In present times technology has become an enormous part of our lifestyle, if not dominating it completely. Technology has replaced what was once common for people to engage in, such as manually washing clothes and dishes, face-to-face communication, and using candle powered light.People of the United States feel compelled to possess all kinds of technology so as to make their lives more convenient. Having a smartened is now viewed as a necessity, and something that people assume everyone owns. Even in schools those who do not have smartness are somewhat outcasts when a teacher asks the whole class to pull out their phones. Part of the American Dream is materialistic-?owning the finest of things, such as the best technological devices.The conformity of United States citizens since World War II to seek materialistic pursuits has given technology power over the lifestyles of Americans. Nowadays people cannot live without their technological devices, they have become weak and dependent upon technology, consequently giving it all the power over them and the American lifestyle. Without genealogy, people are unable to do the most colloquial of tasks, such as using a dictionary to look up a word, traveling without the luxuries of a car or airplane, and not rely on running water.By conforming to society materialistic goal of acquiring the best technological gadgets, Americans have given technology complete power over their selves and would not be able to function without it. Although some may argue that America is not a society of conformation, George F. Keenan is ultimately and utterly correct. Something as outrageous as unrealistic beauty standards are strictly followed by many of America's tizzies, consequently giving these standards power over how they live their lifestyle.

Pol 202 Notes

POL 202: Introduction to International Relations Study Questions for Exam 3 Networks What role do transnational organizations and networks play in the boomerang model? In the boomerang model NGOs in one state are able to activate transnational linkage to bring pressure from other states on their own governments. When NGOs are blocked from influencing their own government they can activate their transnational networks and bring their plight to the attention of NGOs to other countries. TANs will mobilize opinions and voters in other counties. What is a Transnational Advocacy Network? Give an actual example.A Transnational Advocacy Network is a set of individual and nongovernmental organizations acting in pursuit of a normative objective. EX- Planned Parenthood Federation of America What do Transnational Advocacy Networks and Transnational Terrorist Networks have in common? They both aim to alter a behavior of a (foreign) government. Try to bring about social and political change What a re the stages of the norms life cycle? First Stage- Actors attempt to convince an important population to accept and embrace their belief. Second Stage -Norm becomes near universal standard of behavior.During the second stage, the idea becomes a universal standard of behavior. Third Stage- Norm is internalized. Once a norm is internalized, certain actions become â€Å"taboo,† while others are viewed as â€Å"correct† or appropriate. What do we mean when we say that terrorists are rational? Because to be rational a person/group has to have purposive behavior or the stategies by which individuals or groups pursue their interest which terrorist have. Rational is not a statement about the substance of a person/groups belief or idea and have having an alternative perspective from the majority does not make them irrational.What is the difference between the terrorist strategies of coercion and provocation? Coercion- The threat or imposition of costs on other actors in order to change their behavior. Means of international include military force, economic, sanctions, and embargoes. Provocation- A strategy terrorists attacks intended to provoke the targets government into making a disproportionate response that alienates moderates in terrorists' home society or in other sympathetic audiences. What is the difference between the terrorist strategies of spoiling and outbidding?Spoiling- A strategy of terrorist attacks intended to sabotage a prospective peace between the target and moderate leadership from the terrorists' home society. Outbidding- A strategy of terrorists attacks designed to demonstrate a capability for leadership and commitment a capability for relative to another, similar terrorist groups. Identify two limitations that will likely prevent Transnational Advocacy Networks from replacing national governments. 1. Cannot legally bind their members. 2. Must rely on voluntary compliance from their targets 3. Depend on benign treatment from states .Human Rights Identify three specific civil and political rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human rights. 1. ) life and liberty. 2. ) prohibition of slavery. 3. ) freedom from arbitrary arrest. 4. ) prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. 5. ) right to privacy. 6. ) right of assembly. Identify three specific economic and social rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human rights. 1. ) right to marry and have a family. 2. ) right to own property. 3. ) right to social security. 4. ) right to education. 5. ) right to work. 6. ) right to have rest and leisure.What is the principal legal difference between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two subsequent covenants? The other two are legal binding and internationally enforceable treaties. What documents comprise what is frequently called the International Bill of Rights? Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and The Internati onal Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). What is the most common reason that governments violate the human rights of their citizens?Some governments violate human rights not because they are attacked, but in order to preserve their own rule. EX- After a military coup in Argentina in 1976: The Dirty War, a 7-year campaign against opponents of the regime, immediately began Almost 10,000 people were killed What is the purpose of the International Criminal Court? What type of international institutions was it intended to replace? the International Criminal Court is a permanent tribunal its purpose is to to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes. The ICC is a court of â€Å"last resort. †. It replaced international ad hoc tribunals.Identify two important innovations in human rights institutions that are likely to have implications for the future. Individual Petition- Individuals are allowed to petition the Court directly if they claim a state has violated rights that are denoted in the ECHR. Individual petitions make it harder for states to block international courts from hearing cases they fear they might lose. Universal Jurisdiction- Countries may claim the right to prosecute perpetrators of crimes against humanity. This means that the location of the crime and the citizenship of the individuals involved are irrelevant.Universal jurisdiction is useful for war crimes, genocide, torture, and other serious offenses. What is universal jurisdiction. Give an actual historical example of its use. It is a principle in which countries claim the right to prosecute perpetrators of crimes against humanity regardless of the citizenship of the individual involved and the location where the crime occurred. EX-Case of Augusto Pinochet he ruled Chile in 1973-1990 and was indicted by Spanish court on numerous and charged with human rights violations in 1998. Arrested in UK in 1998 and detained.He Returned to Chile in 2000 †¢ Indicted or implicated in > 300 crimes in Chile†¢ Died in 2006 prior to trial What is individual petition? Why is it significant in international relations? A right that permits individuals to petition appropriate international legal bodies directly if they believe a state has violated their rights. Significance is that individual petitions make it harder for states to block international courts from hearing cases they fear they might lose and Individuals are allowed to petition the Court directly if they claim a state has violated rights that are denoted in the ECHR.Global Environment Why does addressing global environmental problems resemble a Prisoners' Dilemma situation? Because although a state might want to help it is in their interest to defect and have all the other state cooperating. Want cleaner environment but seek to achieve it by free riding. `What is an externality? Give an example. An externality is the cost or benefits for stakeholders other than th e actor undertaking an action. When an externality exists, the decision maker does not bear all the costs or reap all the gains from his or her action.EX- if a firm decides to dump waste into a river, others bear the costs of either using contaminated water or purifying it themselves. Explain how the European Emissions Trading Scheme has managed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses. It has done that by giving the 5 dirtiest industries a tradable allowances for greenhouse gases up to the level of its existing emissions. Firms that want to exceed those levels now have to purchase credits from other European firms thus the emission levels don't rise over all they are simply shifted from one country to another.How do common pool resources differ from pure public goods. Given an example of global common pool resources. Common pool resources are goods that are available to everyone, such as open ocean fisheries ; it is difficult to exclude anyone from using the common pool, but one us er's consumption reduces the amount available for others unlike public good where the quantity of the good can not be diminished. What was the purpose of the Montreal Protocol of 1989? It was an international treaty that is designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of a number of CFCs and other chemical compounds.What is the most common role of Transnational Advocacy Networks in dealing with global environment problems? They monitor compliance with the environmental agreements. Environmental TANs often play the role of â€Å"fire alarm† and call attention to governments who violate agreements. Identify two reasons why ozone depletion has been an easier problem to deal with than climate change. There has been greater cooperation on ozone depletion, whereas reductions in CO2 are highly controversial. 1. ) In ozone's case the gains from the ban on CFC far exceeded the costs of change.IN the case of climate change the are large costs to reducing CO2 and on ly long term benefits. Fossil fuel is way more important in the world economy and reducing it by 50% would cost the world 2 to 8 percent of the world's GDP. 2. )Since the CFC industry was highly concentrated and small it was easier for states to cooperate (the fossil fuel industry is the opposite)- collective action problem. The Future What states are known to currently posses nuclear weapons. Untied States, Russia, United Kingdom (? ), France (? ), China (? ), India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel is also suspected to have them.Name the five states recognized as nuclear weapons states under the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Untied States, Russia, United Kingdom, France, and China. Identify the three â€Å"pillars† of the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and explain the aim or goal of each. Non-Proliferation- Prohibited from assisting in nuclear weapons capability Disarmament- NWS agree to seek to eliminate nuclear weapons Right to peaceful use nuclear technology- All have â€Å"inalienable right† to peaceful use of nuclear technology What is the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) under the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty?To inspect non-nuclear states in the treaty to make sure they are not developing nuclear weapons like the promised. The IAEA inspections ensure that non-nuclear states do not divert enriched uranium or plutonium from their reactors and use those fissle materials to build nuclear weapons. State that are part of the treaty promise to submit to these inspections. In terms of the bargaining framework first introduced in Chapter 3, is a substantial shift in power likely to be more dangerous if the cost of war is high or if the cost of war is low? Why?It will be more dangerous if the cost of war is low because the state that is declining in power would expect to gain more from going to war than from bargaining and also all out comes that can be achieved by bargaining are farther away from that states ideal point than the ones that can be achieved by going to war. While when the cost of war is high both states have an increased bargaining ranged which is closer to their ideal points. Is the continuation of globalization inevitable? If so why? If not, what might slow or reverse it? No, history tells us that globalization is neither inevitable nor irreversible.Political conflict can slow or even reverse seemingly inevitable economic processes. For example: a period of globalization in 1913 was suddenly halted by the start of World War. How does the spread of information and communication technology increase income inequality? The spread of information and communication technology increase income inequality by making it easier for free trade and capital to flow which as increase the use of both in the process and since free trade and capital flows create both winners and losers it causes a greater increase in income inequality. What was the â€Å"Battle of Seattle†?In Novemb er 1999, delegates to a conference of the WTO met in Seattle. There were so many people protesting the conference that it became known as the â€Å"Battle of Seattle† and the meeting adjourned without an agreement. In the context of economic globalization, what is meant by the phrase â€Å"race to the bottom†? Each government sets its own rules, so governments may lower their standards in the competition to attract investment. Why is voting in the IMF said to be undemocratic Because states voting power in the IMF is based on currency rather than population. States with more money have a greater share of voting power.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Until When essays

Until When essays The 2000 Presidential election has brought much attention to itself. While a slew of lawyers try to cheat their respective political figurehead into the White House, the topics discussed during the debates have been put aside. Affirmative action and education touch upon a delicate subject, which hinders the fundamental progress of our nation. Racism is nothing new to this country. In fact, much of the early development in America is the result of slavery. In this paper I will attempt to use the African American people as an example of how the deep roots of racism, like anything else, has evolved over time and has all but escaped America. Everyone is aware of the problems slavery has caused in the United States. It caused the nation to divide, as was the case in the Civil War. The wars conclusion granted the slaves freedom. Emancipation didnt necessarily end racism or better the African Americans situation. Now they had to fend for themselves with no economic support, education, or rights. As a whole, the development of the African American community had been suppressed and left a few steps behind. The Great Depression seemed to even out the economic side of things, making hardship more uniform for all. This led to the emergence of government assistance programs ( Mullings 1986: 41). The economic crisis that affected the United States during the Great Depression became the stage for the creation of many social programs geared towards providing economic relief to American families. The New Deal relief programs emerged in the 1930s. Racial discrimination insured that in many communities black families received smaller grants than white families. They were also excluded from many of the employment programs ( Bremner 1992: 11). Welfare at first seemed to be the opportunity to achieve financial security not dependence. After World War II, the economy improved and the majority of middle and upper class white Americ...

You Can Get Into These Highest Acceptance Rate Colleges

You Can Get Into These Highest Acceptance Rate Colleges SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Colleges with high acceptance rates can be good options for you when you’re selecting schools you want to apply to or attend. If you have low grades, standardized test scores, or you need to add safety schools to your list of colleges, these schools can give you more confidence that you’ll be able to gain admission to a 4-year college. In this article, I’ll give you the list of colleges with the highest acceptance rates, explain why they have such high acceptance rates, and offer pros and cons of attending these schools. Why Do These Colleges Have Such High Acceptance Rates? While the most selective colleges are focused on admitting the best and brightest students, colleges with high acceptance rates tend to be more concerned with providing access to higher education to those who meet minimum requirements. Many students face obstacles that prevent them from excelling in high school, and some students just lack motivation while they're in high school. Colleges with high acceptance rates are more willing to give these students the opportunity to pursue a 4-year college degree. Also, some of the smaller colleges on the list have a particular focus. Most of the students who are applying are qualified students who are interested in attending that specific type of college. For example, BYU-Idaho is a Mormon school and Evergreen State is a progressive liberal arts state institution. List of Colleges With the Highest Acceptance Rates Most of these colleges are state institutions, but there are private religious colleges on the list like Jarvis Christian College and Wayland Baptist University, and there are private non-sectarian colleges like Wilmington University. I didn’t include 2-year colleges or for-profit colleges; however, both often have 100% admission rates. Keep in mind that community colleges (2-year colleges) can be a good option to get a low-cost education and have the possibility of transferring to a 4-year college. In fact, many 4-year state colleges will offer guaranteed admission from a community college if you fulfill certain requirements. Note that some of these colleges are designated "open admission," which means they will offer admission to all applicants who meet their entrance requirements (usually minimal). This is different from colleges that accepted 100% of applicants last year but do not necessarily always do so. These colleges are at least nominally selective in nature. You may want to consider attending a community college. School City State Acceptance Rate Boston Architectural College Boston MA open admission Wilmington College Wilmington OH open admission Wilmington University New Castle DE open admission Cameron University Lawton OK open admission Western International University Tempe AZ open admission University of the Potomac Washington DC open admission Daytona State College Daytona Beach FL open admission Indian River State College Fort Pierce FL open admission University of Pikeville Pikeville KY open admission University of Maryland-University College Adelphi MD open admission Missouri Western State University St. Joseph MO open admission Bismarck State College Bismarck ND open admission Wayne State College Wayne NE open admission Granite State College Concord NH open admission New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas NM open admission Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City Oklahoma City OK open admission Jarvis Christian College Hawkins TX open admission Dixie College of Utah Saint George UT open admission Utah Valley University Orem UT open admission Weber State University Ogden UT open admission City University of Seattle Seattle WA open admission University of Maine-Augusta Augusta ME open admission University of Akron Akron OH open admission Wright State University Dayton OH open admission Wiley College Marshall TX open admission Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College St. Mary-of-the-Woods IN 100% Metropolitan State University St. Paul MN 100% Montana State University-Billings Billings MT 100% Montana State University - Northern Havre MT 100% University of Texas-El Paso El Paso TX 100% Ottawa University Ottawa KS 99.5% Nyack College Nyack NY 99.4% Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Edinboro PA 99.3% Harding University Searcy AR 99.1% Lewis-Clark State College Lewiston ID 99% Lyndon State College Lyndonville VT 99% Wayland Baptist University Plainview TX 99% Evergreen State College Olympia WA 98% Grand View University Des Moines IA 98% Utah State University Logan UT 97.8% Benedictine College Atchison KS 97.7% Western State Colorado University Gunnison CO 97.4% University of Sioux Falls Sioux Falls SD 97.2% Maine College of Art Portland ME 97% Washburn University Topeka KS 97% Covenant College Lookout Mountain GA 96.5% Brigham Young University-Idaho Rexburg ID 96% Missouri Southern State University Joplin MO 96% New England College Henniker NH 96% Johnson State College Johnson VT 95.5% Mary Baldwin College Staunton VA 95.5% Fontbonne University Clayton MO 95% Palm Beach Atlantic University West Palm Beach FL 95% Loras College Dubuque IA 95% University of Wyoming Laramie WY 95% Kansas State University Manhattan KS 94.5% University of Central Arkansas Conway AR 94.4% Bethel University St. Paul MN 94.4% Tennessee Technological University Cookeville TN 94.4% Colorado Christian University Lakewood CO 94.3% Lubbock Christian University Lubbock TX 94.3% Governers State University University Park IL 94% Neumann University Aston PA 94% Western Kentucky University Bowling Green KY 94% La Roche College Pittsburgh PA 93.9% CUNY-College of Staten Island Staten Island NY 93.8% Houghton College Houghton NY 93.8% Linfield College McMinnville OR 93.7% Southern Vermont College Bennington VT 93.7% Westminster College New Wilmington PA 93.5% Mississippi University for Women Columbus MS 93.5% Sweet Briar College Sweet Briar VA 93% Bemidji State University Bemidji MN 93% Freed-Hardeman University Henderson TN 93% University of the Incarnate Word San Antonio TX 93% University of Kansas Lawrence KS 93% Colorado State University-Pueblo Pueblo CO 92.7% University of Montana Missoula MT 92.7% Clarion University of Pennsylvania Clarion PA 92.7% College of Coastal Georgia Brunswick GA 92% Keystone College Factoryville PA 92% South Dakota State University Brookings SD 92% Shepherd University Shepherdstown WV 92% CUNY-Medgar Evers College Brooklyn NY 91.9% Bennet College Greensboro NC 91.8% North Central University Minneapolis MN 91% University of Houston-Downtown Houston TX 91% Carlow University Pittsburgh PA 90% Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Mansfield PA 90% Bard College at Simon's Rock Great Barrington MA 89% CUNY College of Staten Island (CUNY Academic Commons/Flickr) How Should You Use This List? If you’re considering colleges with high acceptance rates, you should research the colleges that interest you on this list to determine if they’re schools you should apply to or attend. There are many factors to help determine if a college is a good fit for you including location, support services, and the majors offered. Look at the school’s website, and use guidebooks, college finders, search websites, and otherranking lists to help you in the college selection process. If possible, consult with teachers, counselors, parents, current students, and alumni. Possible Concerns With Attending These Schools The schools with the highest acceptance rates are not all the same, but I'm going to generalize potential issues with going to a less selective college. You should research specific colleges you're interested in to determine the extent to whichthese concerns apply to a school you're considering. Often, schools are judged based on their acceptance rates. Schools with higher acceptance rates tend to have worse reputations than more selective colleges. While you can accomplish your academic and professional goals by studying at any college, it can be more difficult to get certain jobs or admitted to more selective graduate school programs from a less prestigious university. Also, some of these colleges can have students who are less academically inclined or motivated. In college, you learn from and are often inspired by your peers. More selective schools tend to have a greater percentage of driven students with advanced academic skills. Possible Benefits of Attending These Schools Although there areconsiderable potential drawbacks toattending a less selective college, there are also some possible benefits. #1: Being a Big Fish in a Small Pond In his book David and Goliath, author Malcolm Gladwell wrote of the benefits of attending less prestigious universities. If you're competing against fewer gifted students, you may be more likely to excel, especially in the most demanding subjects. Many students who wish to attend medical school or pursue a STEM degree opt to go to a less selective college in the hopes that it will be easier to maintain a high GPA and achieve their academic goals. #2: Cost Most of theschools with the highest acceptance rates, especially the state schools, are much cheaper than selective private colleges. If you don’t get generous financial aid at a selective school, you may graduate with tremendous debt or place a financial burden on your family.For example, tuition for the 2018-2019 academic year at Tennessee Tech for an in-state student is just$8,732. Tuition for Vanderbilt, a selective private college in Nashville, Tennessee, is $48,600.Keep in mind, though, that many of the more selective private colleges do a good job of meeting your financial need. Even many of the private colleges with high acceptance rates are much more affordable than selective private colleges. The tuition and fees for Jarvis Christian College in Hawkins, Texas are $11,720. That's significantly cheaper than the $46,600tuition for Rice University, a selective private school in Houston, Texas. Also, less selective schools are more likely to award merit scholarships for outstanding students. At the most selective schools, merit scholarships are less common since almost all of the students have stellar academic credentials. If you don't qualify for or receive enough need-based financial aid, you may be able to get a merit scholarship from a college with a high acceptance rate. You mightsave money if you attend a school with a high acceptance rate. (401(K) 2012/Flickr) What's Next? What's a good GPA? A bad GPA?Here's a complete guide. Retaking the SAT?Check out ourultimate SAT study guide to help you with your prep. Taking the SAT very soon? Check out ourguide to cramming for the test. Not sure where you'd like to go to college?We'll help you find the right college for you. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019


Essay Future Societies 2/26 Essay Future Societies 2/26 Ronald Schaffer’s America in the Great War gives new insights into World War I. The book gave historical accounts about the war that other books negated to included. The thesis that Schaffer tries to prove that the Great War was the start of the American welfare state and the beginning of â€Å"big† government. America in the Great War was structured in chronological order of the war, from America’s mobilization to the actual fighting. What the book did not include is a detail account of the fighting. This was the biggest draw back in a otherwise well thought book. The book begins with the mobilization of the United State’s industry and man power. The first two chapters dealt with how the Federal Government shaped the view of the war in America’s minds. The methods that the Federal Government used varied from propaganda to coercion. The point behind the Federal Government’s involvement in propaganda was to rally the country to fight the war. The first step in shaping the people’s mind was to get the labor and industry to work together. The Federal Government established committees and teams to persuade the minds of the United States. One of these committees were the Committee on Public Information established in April 13 1917 by order on the President of the United States. The committee was led by George Creel, former social reformer. He had great power in wha... ... middle of paper ... ...that it

5 Ways to Stand Out In Any Interview

5 Ways to Stand Out In Any Interview Remember, you’re almost never the only person being interviewed for the job. The hiring manager doesn’t know how special and talented you are or what a good fit you’d be unless you show her. And remember, you’re not the only one trying to prove yourself. Here are 5 tips to make sure you give the best first impression possible.Dress for the Career You WantMost new interviewees fidget constantly, tugging at their ill-fitting business-wear. This is immediately distracting and will have an impact on your confidence- and the interviewer’s confidence in you. Get yourself a good suit that fits you and your style. If you think you look good, you’ll be able to relax and be yourself and focus on selling your abilities. Dress for the career you want, not necessarily the entry-level job you’re applying for!RELATED:Â  12 HUGE Job Interview Mistakes to AvoidResearch Every Detail About the JobSo many new interviewees come in blind, expecting to lear n everything they need to know about the job from the hiring manager. This does not inspire confidence in your abilities or initiative. Instead, make sure you research every detail that you can- about the company and especially about the position. That way, you can prepare to discuss how your particular background and prior experience make you the most excellent choice. Who knows, those years of babysitting or waiting tables might actually be excellent out-of-the-box qualifications that will help you stand out from the pack.Impress Hiring Manager with Your Social SkillsDon’t be a creeper, but it it’s not a bad idea to look around your interviewer’s office for little clues about their interests or hobbies. Maybe they’ve got a diploma from your alma mater- look for anything you an use to find some common ground. Just be sure they’re using their own office and you don’t end up complimenting someone else’s children!Be Smart about the Job You Are Interviewing ForWe’ve all been at the interview that feels like a coffee date. You yammer on for half an hour, but you hardly speak about the job. This can be a sign of good chemistry, but it can also be a trap. Some interviewers might be testing you to see whether you can keep control of the conversation. Try (politely!) steering things back to your eagerness to explain why exactly you’re the best fit for the position. You’ll be surprised how few of your peers are prepared to do the same.Prepare, prepare and prepareSo many young interviewees speak in one word or one sentence answers. Prepare a few example answers to questions you’re likely to be asked. Don’t turn your answers into a speech, but make sure that with every one, you’re demonstrating your intelligence and acuity and your suitability for the job. When in doubt, read your interviewer’s body language for signs of interest or boredom, and adjust accordingly.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Ken Mattingly, Apollo and Shuttle Astronaut

Biography of Ken Mattingly, Apollo and Shuttle Astronaut NASA Astronaut Thomas Kenneth Mattingly II was born in Illinois on March 17, 1936, and raised in Florida. He attended Auburn University, where he earned a degree in aeronautical engineering. Mattingly joined the United States Navy in 1958 and earned his aviator wings flying from aircraft carriers until 1963. He attended Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot School and was selected as an astronaut in 1966. Mattingly Goes to the Moon Mattinglys first flight to space was aboard the Apollo 16 mission, on April 16, 1972, of which he served as commander. But this wasnt supposed to be his first Apollo mission. Mattingly was originally been scheduled to fly aboard the ill-fated Apollo 13 but was swapped out at the last minute with Jack Swigert after being exposed to measles. Later, when the mission was aborted due to an explosion in a fuel tank, Mattingly was one of the ground crew who worked around the clock to devise a fix that would save the Apollo 13 astronauts and bring them back safely to Earth. Mattinglys lunar trip was the next-to-last crewed moon mission, and during that time, his crewmates John Young and Charles Duke landed in the lunar highlands for a geology expedition to extend our knowledge  of the surface. One unexpected part of the mission became a legend among the astronauts. On the way to the Moon, Mattingly lost his wedding ring somewhere in the spacecraft. In the weightless environment, it simply floated away after he took it off. He spent most of the mission desperately searching for it, even during the hours that Duke and Young were on the surface. All to no avail, until, during a spacewalk on the way home, Mattingly caught sight of the ring floating out to space through the open capsule door. Eventually, it smacked into Charlie Dukes head (who was busy working on the experiment and didnt know it was there). Fortunately, it took a lucky bounce and rebounded back to the spacecraft, where Mattingly was able to catch it and safely return it to his finger. The mission lasted from April 16-27 and resulted in new mapping data of the Moon as well as information from 26 different experiments conducted, in addition to the ring rescue. Career Highlights at NASA Prior to his Apollo missions, Mattingly was part of the support crew for the Apollo 8 mission, which was a precursor to the Moon landings. He also trained as backup command pilot for Apollo 11 landing mission before being assigned to Apollo 13. When the explosion occurred on the spacecraft on its way to the Moon, Mattingly worked with all the teams to come up with solutions for the problems faced by the astronauts onboard. He and others drew on their experiences in simulators, where the training crews were confronted with different disaster scenarios. They improvised solutions based on that training to come up with a way to save the crew and develop a carbon dioxide filter to clear their atmosphere during the trip back home. (Many people know of this mission thanks to the movie of the same name.) Once Apollo 13 was safely home, Mattingly stepped into a management role for the upcoming space shuttle program and began training for his flight aboard Apollo 16. After the Apollo era, Mattingly flew aboard the fourth flight of the first space shuttle, Columbia. It was launched on June 27, 1982, and he was the commander for the trip. He was joined by Henry W. Hartsfield, Jr. as the pilot. The two men studied the effects of temperature extremes on their orbiter and operated a number of science experiments installed in the cabin and payload bay. The mission was successful, despite the need for a quick in-flight repair of a so-called Getaway Special experiment, and landed on July 4, 1982. The next and last mission Mattingly flew for NASA was aboard Discovery in 1985. It was the first classified mission flown for the Department of Defense, from which a secret payload was launched. For his Apollo work, Mattingly was awarded a NASA Distinguished Service Medal in 1972. During his career at the agency, he logged 504 hours in space, which includes 73 minutes of extravehicular activity. Post-NASA Ken Mattingly retired from the agency in 1985 and from the Navy the following year, with the rank of rear admiral. He began working at Grumman on the companys space station support programs before becoming Chairman of Universal Space Network. He next took a job with General Dynamics working on Atlas rockets. Eventually, he left that company to work for Lockheed Martin with a focus on the X-33 program. His latest job has been with Systems Planning and Analysis, a defense contractor in Virgina and San Diego. He has received multiple awards for his work, which range from NASA medals to Department of Defense-related service medals. He is honored with an entry at New Mexicos International Space Hall of Fame in Alamogordo.

Merry Christmas Quotations

Merry Christmas Quotations Want to wish your friends a Merry Christmas? Quotes can be a great vehicle to convey the seasons greetings. These merry christmas quotes express, what a thousand-word speech cannot. 11 Quotes to Wish Everyone a Meaningful Merry Christmas Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall. Larry Wilde, The Merry Book of Christmas Somehow, not only for Christmas, But all the long year through, the joy that you give to others, is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing, the poor and lonely and sad, the more of your hearts possessing, returns to you glad. John Greenleaf Whittier Best of all, Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God. George F. McDougall This is the message of Christmas: We are never alone. Taylor Caldwell As long as we know in our hearts what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is. Eric Sevareid The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. Burton Hillis, Better Homes and Gardens The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature. Andy Rooney Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show. The secret lies in an inner glow. Its lighting a fire inside the heart. Good will and joy a vital part. Its higher thought and a greater plan. Its glorious dream in the soul of man. Wilfred A. Peterson, The Art of Living Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. Ruth Carter Stapleton Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, its Christmas. Dale Evans Rogers Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. Hamilton Wright Mabie

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Maintain the Profitability of the Cinema Term Paper

Maintain the Profitability of the Cinema - Term Paper Example A cinema manager requires a much-diversified personality to handle the programs of the cinema, customers, and employees of the company. Along with his set of responsibilities, the cinema manager requires to conduct marketing so that more people visit the place.   He also requires handling budget affairs to ensure that the highest quality of the film is depicted along with its availability and the response it is getting from the audience. (Kleynhans, 2006)The role and responsibility of the passionate candidate will be as follows; The manager requires, being able to lead all the operations of the cinema. He is required to plan, develop and initiate such programs through which the cinema can advertise movies. He should also be required to recruit and train the staff which is under his control and also manages shifts and payment of the staff. The budget of the cinema is also in its control. The manager also needs to ensure that all the staff pertaining in the company are met with health and safety regulations in the venue, and there are facilities provided to the staff if they are inhibiting any issues (Kleynhans, 2006). The cinema manager requires being able to have collaboration with the different representatives in the community to promote films in the local society. He should be aware of the upcoming movies, the demand of the audience people in general. Through these collaborations with the audience and community, the cinema manager can ensure that people get the opportunity to view the movies which are in demand and a target can also be set by these people to watch a particular movie every month or year (Cooper, Ivan, & Tinline, 2003). The cinema manager requires promoting films through events at the cinema. This can be done by hosting the films at the cinema, especially introducing film premiers and other film festivals that will be able to promote films (Edenborough, 2007). It is the responsibility of the cinema manager to deal with the inquiries of the audience or the press relating cinema. The manager should be able to solve any issues or complaints regarding an attribute of the screening.

Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Negotiation & Conflict Resolution - Essay Example One recent instance of conflict and negotiation in the political world is the partial shutdown of the US government. The conflict originated from lack of consensus on political issues but wrecked not only the political but also the social and economic fabric of the US. The primary parties to this conflict were President Obama with the Democrats on one side and the Republican House of Representatives on the other side. The issue arose on October 1, 2013 during a budget discussion session in the Congress due to a disagreement over a particular healthcare reform law. The Republicans were not in favor of passing the reformed healthcare law and looked forward to a delay or repeal in the legislation. But President Obama strictly asserted that he wanted the bill to be passed clean and without any amendments or unnecessary delays. The resulting concord between the parties led the Republicans to declare a partial shutdown of the government operations in the US. This primary issue of the healt hcare reform bill further got entangled with another vital issue regarding the debt ceiling for government borrowings. Obama requested a relaxation of the debt ceiling as the deadline for the same was approaching soon, i.e. on October 17, 2013. Not extending the debt limit would lead to a fiscal impasse as the nation will be unable to repay its debts and clear its bills. This would affect not only the US economy but also the global economy and the secondary parties such as the financial agencies, stock markets, federal workers and general public. The 16-day-long impasse in the US was primarily born out of a policy deadlock over the spending bill in the government budget. President Obama had suggested the inclusion of a healthcare reform law, Affordable Care Act, which offers a range of healthcare and welfare facilities for the US citizens. But the Republican-led House of Representatives refused to pass it and showed intentions to repeal or delay it by the span of a year. They called for a House-Senate Conference Committee to resolve the matter. But the Democrats refused to this idea, saying that the House was just trying to defer the new healthcare law using the pretext of the budget process. Owing to this unresolved conflict, the House declared a partial shutdown of the government on October 1. While the Republicans insisted on a delay in the implementation of the healthcare reform, Obama remained immovable on his stance that â€Å"Obamacare† is non-negotiable and that he wanted a â€Å"clean bill† devoid of any conditions or amendments. (CNBC, 2013) This shutdown very soon raised an alarm amongst the secondary parties to the conflict. Wall Street officials expressed their concern over the present shutdown and the future prospect of a financial default. The US government was fast approaching its debt ceiling of $ 16.7 trillion which it was about to hit on October 17 (Jackson, 2013). James Clapper, Director of the US National Intelligence, shared with the media his grave fears regarding the severe impact of the shutdown on their ability â€Å"to support the military, to support diplomacy, and to support the policymakers.† (Cornwell, 2013). Owing to the shutdown, 70% of the federal intelligence personnel had been sent on unpaid leave. Lloyd Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of the Goldman Sachs Group, apprehended over the aligned and perhaps more critical issue of a financial default arising from the shutdown. Saying that America had seen a precedent

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hindu and Budhist thought Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hindu and Budhist thought - Term Paper Example According to philosophers, both Buddhism and Hinduism go beyond religion and thus, they are more of a way of life or philosophy. The two are termed as a philosophy since philosophy has been accepted to imply love of wisdom. According to philosophers, the Buddhist path is interpreted as leading a moral life, being mindful, as well as being aware of actions and thoughts and being able to develop understanding and wisdom. On the other hand, Buddhism is a religion that is indigenous in the Indian subcontinent encompassing a variety of beliefs, practices and traditions largely based upon the teachings that are attributed to Siddhartha Gautama. Hinduism, on the other hand, is a representative of a diverse and broad philosophy imbedded within the Hindu religion. Hinduism rests upon the trantric and vedic traditions with the vedic traditions being represented within the veda’s. Hinduism or Vedanta has been a worldwide, age-old popular religion with an immense following making it be ra nked third among the world religions. It is based on certain beliefs, and it is one of the most mingled religions in the world. Unlike other world, religions, it is preached by various religious organizations and believes in multi-doctrines. Hinduism is a religion, a tradition, a culture, a philosophy, and a way of leading life in the name of some spiritual being. The followers of Hinduism believe in both animals and humans’ spirits, as well as in life after death. They draw their energies from the Goddesses and Gods Idols, in which they believe, and symbolize the existence of God on earth.

Osama bin Laden Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Osama bin Laden - Research Paper Example However, many people believe that America is responsible for the making of Osama as a hard core criminal. America has given training to Osama and his allies to fight against the former Soviet communist regime in Afghanistan. They educated Osama that communism is the enemy of Islam and expelling communism form the soil of Afghanistan is necessary for sustaining Islamic beliefs in Afghanistan. America did succeed in exploiting the in depth belief of Osama in Islamic beliefs and the Soviet Union forced to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan as a result of the efforts of Osama and Taliban groups. When America was giving training to Osama on terrorist activities, they never thought about the possibilities that one day Osama may use his power against them also. In other words, America’s efforts to attack communism through Osama, hit them back just like a boomerang. This paper analyses the development of Osama Bin Laden as the most wanted criminal in the world most wanted criminal i n the world. Osama Bin Laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on March 10, 1957. His father was a close friend of the ruling royal family which helped him to establish the Bin Laden group of companies. Immediately after the birth of Osama, his parents got divorced and brought up under the single parent control. During his childhood, he was a normal child who has shown immense interests in religious activities. In Saudi Arabia, it was allowed to the Muslims to marry as much as girls. Osama’s father had ten wives while Osama started his multi marriage activities at the age of 17 by marrying Najwa Ghanem. He has completed his schooling from Al Thanger model school, and graduated in economics and business administration from King Abdul Aziz University. There are some reports which show that he has taken a civil engineering degree also. In any case, it is agreed by all the people who know Osama that he was a hard working person who has shown many interests in religious beliefs and also in interpreting teachings of Quran and jihad. According to Osama Bin Laden, â€Å"Jihad gives licence to indulge in all sorts of aggravated sins†1. He was succeeded in giving different interpretations to the word Jihad. He thought that jihad is the licence given to human or Muslims by God or Allah to fight against all kinds of evil acts, taught by Islam. The struggles Muslim people suffered, at different parts of the world were considered by Osama as the result of evil acts committed against Islam. He started to view all the political activities and religious clashes happening at different parts of the world against Islam as convincing reasons for conducting jihad. According to Osama’s wife Najwa Bin Laden, â€Å"No one in Osama’s family took umbrage at Osama’s political awareness and religiosity. Osama was highly praised for his keen interest in supporting Islam†2. In other words, nobody in Osama’s family though that Osama’s be liefs, views and opinions may one day shape in its present forms. Everybody thought that like most of the other Saudi people, Osama is also preaching something about jihad; but nobody thought that Osama may practice it in real life in future. Osama was adamant in his beliefs in Sharia laws. He was of the view that the destruction of Sharia laws is the major reason for the problems in Muslim world. Osama started talk consistently about the necessities of

Greek philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Greek philosophy - Essay Example Those performing exceedingly well receive ten years of mathematical education, the successful will move onto five years of training in dialectic and then a final fifteen year period of apprenticeship in managing the polis.† (Philosopher King). Plato developed the concept of â€Å"forms† which he said can be understood only by a well trained and knowledgeable person. The understanding of forms cannot be achieved through human senses and it is something beyond the normal existence of an individual which an average person will fail to understand. Plato also asserts that the mathematical knowledge is substantial for a philosopher king to know forms. It can be seen that, Plato give primary importance to education so that the philosopher is well groomed to be a king. Understanding the political climate of any state is important for its rulers. Plato gives a 15 year duration concentrating only on political concepts and ideas to make a philosopher fit to be king. Here, Polis not only includes the individuals in a state but the geographical peculiarities of the state are also taken into consideration. Plato does not support the idea of democracy as it does put the right person at the helm for making decisions in public, social or political affairs. He point out that such people will not be properly trained in knowledge and practical application of ideas. According to Plato, all individuals in a society are equal in a democratic setting which can lead to problems of great measure. Then he points out that every individual in a society cannot be equally trained to perform well with regard to matters of political concern and in a democratic setup of people with no capabilities contribute to political matters which can destabilize the peace of the society. In a democratic situation, people may select representatives who can be totally incapable of handling political

Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Health Promotion - Essay Example Campaigns carried out by the mass media helps in exposing a high proportion of the public to health promotion information. Mass media is used as a tool for education on the population on health-related matters (Cook& Frances 2004). Campaigns by the mass media are favorable because they can pass information around, increase awareness and impact a large portion of the population. Interventions by the mass media result in positive health changes on a big scale. These interventions enforce positive health characters in the population. Radio is used by media organizations to broadcast information on health because it can reach many people and still maintain a strong impact. Some media interventions have been classified as cost effective bearing in mind the gains that related to expenditure. Health messages disseminated by the radio are less costly than the television because information on Radio reaches people at their workplaces, in cars and at home. Short educational radio segments are put in between programs when the largest part of the population is tuned in. A research conducted by an American organization found out that the ability people who listen to the radio to recall the broadcast’s details is high even after several months. The findings of the study support the ability of the radio as a mass media tool for disseminating health promotion messages which positively impact listeners. Like other public health campaigns, interventions carried out on the radio must be designed and implemented carefully (Nwaerondu& Thompson 2007). Successful radio interventions use experienced trainers who understand the local community, work together with community leaders, develop programs from existing work that has succeeded in the region, respect accepted and established social structures, use village intermediaries, and encourage uneducated persons to communicate their concerns and ideas

The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or Essay

The curse of the super bug, have journalists created a scare story or is there a special difficulty in preventing infections by Staphylococcus Aureus and Clostr - Essay Example Methcillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and Clostridium Difficile have both been dubbed as superbugs one after the other, but differ in their media exposure. Issues on the first have been reported to be blown out of proportion2 while the importance of the second had not caught much public awareness.3 In terms of public safety, however, attempts to inform or educate the public underscore all the more the need to evaluate sources of information and education before they are believed, in light of the public scare that media have created about them. MRSA has been reported by media as a potentially killer ‘superbug’ which common antibiotics have not stemmed. For the 10 year period from 1995 through 2005 of newspaper coverage of MRSA that researchers4 analyzed, MRSA reporting came around with the notion of you-or-me to blame. Guardian5 summarized the MRSA hospital superbug story thus- A bloke with no microbiology qualifications in unaccredited garden shed â€Å"laboratory† finds MRSA on swabs given to him by undercover tabloid journalists for their â€Å"dirty hospital scandal† stories, but proper labs cannot find MRSA in the same places that this â€Å"leading MRSA expert Dr Chris Malyszewicz† (with his unaccredited American correspondence course PhD) has, and proper microbiologists have very good reasons for believing that the methods of this â€Å"expert† (who incidentally sells a range of anti-MRSA products) could not distinguish between harmless skin bacteria and MRSA6 It is noted that the blame centered on why it spreads – the lack of cleanliness in hospitals – and not on its origin.7 As a result, the National Health Service is seen as mismanaged. Nevertheless, in the Hansard files8 it is the credibility of source that is put into question: the tabloid, Evening Standard, covering the story, including the â€Å"expert† who is considered as the source of the tests - Lord Warner replied: â€Å"I entirely agree with you about the laboratory

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to distinguish the business from the competition Essay

How to distinguish the business from the competition - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that when establishing a business, one has to consider short and long-term goals of the business concerned. To achieve the goals, critical analysis of the industry, should be determined. The analysis will aid in establishing competitor's weaknesses. Analysis of the competitors through daily subscription of their newsletters and approaching them as their customer help understand what they offer. It will also help to analyze the level of customer services offered. In addition, it is important to outshine the competition after analysis of the competitors. Creating a more user-friendly website is of great advantage to the business. Securing exclusive contracts with the business clients is substantial while outbidding the competitors. Through limiting competitor’s market appeal, it is possible to expand the business. The business goal is to offer efficient and effective products or services as from the beginning to enable customers to ide ntify the quality and integrity of the company. It is important to consider customer service by having a focused team. Resourcefulness and effectiveness of customer service aid in setting the business venture apart at the outset. The company should target at creating a shopping experience that is best for customers and should not compromise on the employee’s quality. It is important to address business strategies and priorities since it facilitates monetary growth.

Data Acquisition and 3D Modelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Data Acquisition and 3D Modelling - Essay Example The triangulation method is used to infer the surface and their 3D nature in this method. It is known as stereoscopy because it uses two cameras. This is a computationally complex task but now a days it is carried out very successfully with the most modern and sophisticated equipments. This technique is good for apparent physical object reconstruction. The active form of stereoscopic methods use strong source of light to acquire 3D data of a physical object. Laser light source are used typically. It can only be employed for industrial usage with a provision of controlled environment. 3D or three dimensional modeling refers to the making of a real world object by making use of the actual geographical coordinates of the model. 3D modeling usually refers to the execution of 3D computer graphics by using 3D software. This specialized software functions by creating a set of points in 3Dimensional space. These points are connected together by various geometric shapes. These shapes may merely be a line, a dot, a triangle or a curved surface. There are four important methods upon which 3Dimensional models are created. Polygonal modeling. Three Dimensional models are often created as polygonal models that are textured. In Polygonal Modeling a 3D model is created by connected the points in a 3D space with a line segment. These dots or points are generally referred to as vertices when talked about with reference to space. An avid benefit of this modeling technique is that it can be structured and adapted very conveniently by a computer system. This is owing to the fact that Polygonal models are very flexible. A slight disadvantage that is associated with Polygonal modeling is that it cannot be sued to perfectly structure curves. Primitive modeling. By far, the simplest method of modeling a 3D object is 3D Modeling. This method makes use of pre-defined mathematical/geometric shapes such as cylinder, sphere, cube, cone etc. Using these basic geometrical

Language of art, 3D art, photography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Language of art, 3D art, photography - Essay Example This is exhibited by both photographs illustrating a scene that is drenched in death as the people within the scenes are consumed by fear and brutality. Both of these photos look like they could have come out of a Hollywood movie in that they are presented in black and white, and the photographer has frozen a moment of action where the viewer is left to wonder what happened next, or even to wonder what happened in the first place. I think that these two photos made such a big impression on me because of the fact that, although it shows such horror in them, I noticed that the photos were more interesting to me than horrifying. I think that this illustrates the desensitization to violence that occurs in America. Everyday, people are bombarded with violent imagery in television shows, books, movies, and advertisements. This has ended up causing a culture which is merely interested in violence rather than repulsed by it. It would be interesting to see how a person reacted to these photos when they were first published in comparison to a person in the 21st

Finding a Solution to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict Research Paper

Finding a Solution to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict - Research Paper Example Finding a Solution to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict The Two State Solution (TSS) focuses on the creation of two states, giving rise to a new Palestinian recognized state alongside a Jewish state, while a one state solution is aimed at calling for the reunification of Palestine into a single state, creating a common nationality for both Jews and Palestinians in what could end the current Jewish state. The continued growth of Israel settlements in West Bank, confiscation of the Palestine land in Gaza, building of security barriers, development of Jewish housing estates in East Jerusalem, and proliferation of checkpoints in Gaza and West Bank have currently led a number of Palestinians to conclude that a two state solution may no longer be possible. This has led many Palestinians particularly from the diaspora (not from the West Bank) to advocate for a one state solution, considering the difficulties of Jews leaving the expanding settlements in Gaza. There are growing concerns among the Jews particularly in Gaza and West Bank on the possibility of a two state solution that would force them to live their settlements and return to Israel to pave way for a Palestinian state. However, the opposition to a one-state solution that would place the Jews together with the Palestinians would involve the probability of abolishing a Jewish state and merging both entities to create single state for both the Jews and Palestinians. This would mean abandoning the dream of the Zionism project that aims at establishing a Jewish majority state, implying that a one state solution would have a unanimous opposition from both the Palestinians and the Jews. ... The continued growth of Israel settlements in West Bank, confiscation of the Palestine land in Gaza, building of security barriers, development of Jewish housing estates in East Jerusalem, and proliferation of checkpoints in Gaza and West Bank have currently led a number of Palestinians to conclude that a two state solution may no longer be possible (Kelman, 2011). This has led many Palestinians particularly from the diaspora (not from the West Bank) to advocate for a one state solution, considering the difficulties of Jews leaving the expanding settlements in Gaza. There are growing concerns among the Jews particularly in Gaza and West Bank on the possibility of a two state solution that would force them to live their settlements and return to Israel to pave way for a Palestinian state (Kelman, 2011). However, the opposition to a one-state solution that would place the Jews together with the Palestinians would involve the probability of abolishing a Jewish state and merging both ent ities to create single state for both the Jews and Palestinians. This would mean abandoning the dream of the Zionism project that aims at establishing a Jewish majority state, implying that a one state solution would have a unanimous opposition from both the Palestinians and the Jews. Therefore, the possibility of having a one state solution becomes slim; the likelihood of a two state solution becomes more viable. In fact, the Israel Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly declared the necessity of a two state solution in his Bar-Ilan speech made on 14th June, 2009 (Kelman, 2011). Therefore, the only viable and possible solution to the Israel-

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to distinguish the business from the competition Essay

How to distinguish the business from the competition - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that when establishing a business, one has to consider short and long-term goals of the business concerned. To achieve the goals, critical analysis of the industry, should be determined. The analysis will aid in establishing competitor's weaknesses. Analysis of the competitors through daily subscription of their newsletters and approaching them as their customer help understand what they offer. It will also help to analyze the level of customer services offered. In addition, it is important to outshine the competition after analysis of the competitors. Creating a more user-friendly website is of great advantage to the business. Securing exclusive contracts with the business clients is substantial while outbidding the competitors. Through limiting competitor’s market appeal, it is possible to expand the business. The business goal is to offer efficient and effective products or services as from the beginning to enable customers to ide ntify the quality and integrity of the company. It is important to consider customer service by having a focused team. Resourcefulness and effectiveness of customer service aid in setting the business venture apart at the outset. The company should target at creating a shopping experience that is best for customers and should not compromise on the employee’s quality. It is important to address business strategies and priorities since it facilitates monetary growth.