Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Gay Marriage Essay -- Same-Sex Marriage Essays

Gay Marriage There seem to be Specific time in history where certain issues define the culture tension in a society. They become representative of large worldview and clearly emphasize the battle between divergent moral and spiritual perspectives. Homosexual marriage in the United States is one of these issues. In the past five years, there have been various threats and debates about the possibility of legalizing homosexual union. The issue took centre stage in February largely. The U.S Senate quashes a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gays from marrying. President Bush and other same-sex marriage opponents say they will try again. Most of Americans are against same-sex marriage because how the nation would change if gay were allowed to marry. Gay marriage could affects on American society in many different ways. 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Polygamy. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Federal spending. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Religious speech. 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Children. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Civil Rights. First, it is more likely to lead to polygamy. For instance, says legalizing same-sex marriage will open the floodgates to polygamy. The more government moves towards sanctioning homosexual relationships, the less right it has to prevent plural marriage. The idea that same-sex marriage could lead to polygamy is â€Å"Not beyond the bounds of reality, although incredibly unlikely,† said Michael Allen who teaches constitutional law at Stetson university college of law in Gulf port. We do not see that is as a realistic view. For instance, it is highly doubtful that solemnizing the union of accepting adults, equal in power in their relationships, would lead to acceptance of polygamous unions, which have, throughout most of history in those societies that have accepted them. â€Å"If one man can marry anther man, you need to ask then, what is it that you doing by prohibiting one man from marrying two women?† â€Å"What’s the evil that you are tying to prevent?† â€Å"If same sex marriage is legalized there is no natural stopping point in redefining what is or is not acceptable.† It would take much longer to legalize polygamy then gay marriage because it is more socially taboo.† That is the reason that polygamists would get away with trying to take credit on same sex marriage (Attorney John Bucher). Second, gay marriage will affect on t... ...arched alongside Martin Luther King Jr, said the proposed Marriage protection Act was a step backward in civil rights. â€Å"Those of us who came through the civil rights movement saw the federal courts as a sympathetic referee. If it had not been for the federal courts, where would we be? If it had not been for the supreme court of 1954, there would still be legalized segregation in America to vote for this legislation would be like members of congress trying to stand in the courthouse door, just like Government. Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door to stop the integration of Alabama schools today it is gay marriage, tomorrow it will be something else†. In conclusion, it seems that the basic problem facing the problem is the limits between a right and privilege. The problem with an issue like marriage is that it is neither a right nor a privilege. In its simplest form a marriage is a union between consenting souls to share assets, responsibility, and form a â€Å"Unit†. We have the right to life, liberty, and a pursuit of happiness, we do not; but it is a system that not only works well but has also been established as our system of laws. So the idea about gay marriage should be banned.

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