Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Pol 202 Notes

POL 202: Introduction to International Relations Study Questions for Exam 3 Networks What role do transnational organizations and networks play in the boomerang model? In the boomerang model NGOs in one state are able to activate transnational linkage to bring pressure from other states on their own governments. When NGOs are blocked from influencing their own government they can activate their transnational networks and bring their plight to the attention of NGOs to other countries. TANs will mobilize opinions and voters in other counties. What is a Transnational Advocacy Network? Give an actual example.A Transnational Advocacy Network is a set of individual and nongovernmental organizations acting in pursuit of a normative objective. EX- Planned Parenthood Federation of America What do Transnational Advocacy Networks and Transnational Terrorist Networks have in common? They both aim to alter a behavior of a (foreign) government. Try to bring about social and political change What a re the stages of the norms life cycle? First Stage- Actors attempt to convince an important population to accept and embrace their belief. Second Stage -Norm becomes near universal standard of behavior.During the second stage, the idea becomes a universal standard of behavior. Third Stage- Norm is internalized. Once a norm is internalized, certain actions become â€Å"taboo,† while others are viewed as â€Å"correct† or appropriate. What do we mean when we say that terrorists are rational? Because to be rational a person/group has to have purposive behavior or the stategies by which individuals or groups pursue their interest which terrorist have. Rational is not a statement about the substance of a person/groups belief or idea and have having an alternative perspective from the majority does not make them irrational.What is the difference between the terrorist strategies of coercion and provocation? Coercion- The threat or imposition of costs on other actors in order to change their behavior. Means of international include military force, economic, sanctions, and embargoes. Provocation- A strategy terrorists attacks intended to provoke the targets government into making a disproportionate response that alienates moderates in terrorists' home society or in other sympathetic audiences. What is the difference between the terrorist strategies of spoiling and outbidding?Spoiling- A strategy of terrorist attacks intended to sabotage a prospective peace between the target and moderate leadership from the terrorists' home society. Outbidding- A strategy of terrorists attacks designed to demonstrate a capability for leadership and commitment a capability for relative to another, similar terrorist groups. Identify two limitations that will likely prevent Transnational Advocacy Networks from replacing national governments. 1. Cannot legally bind their members. 2. Must rely on voluntary compliance from their targets 3. Depend on benign treatment from states .Human Rights Identify three specific civil and political rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human rights. 1. ) life and liberty. 2. ) prohibition of slavery. 3. ) freedom from arbitrary arrest. 4. ) prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment. 5. ) right to privacy. 6. ) right of assembly. Identify three specific economic and social rights recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human rights. 1. ) right to marry and have a family. 2. ) right to own property. 3. ) right to social security. 4. ) right to education. 5. ) right to work. 6. ) right to have rest and leisure.What is the principal legal difference between the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two subsequent covenants? The other two are legal binding and internationally enforceable treaties. What documents comprise what is frequently called the International Bill of Rights? Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and The Internati onal Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). What is the most common reason that governments violate the human rights of their citizens?Some governments violate human rights not because they are attacked, but in order to preserve their own rule. EX- After a military coup in Argentina in 1976: The Dirty War, a 7-year campaign against opponents of the regime, immediately began Almost 10,000 people were killed What is the purpose of the International Criminal Court? What type of international institutions was it intended to replace? the International Criminal Court is a permanent tribunal its purpose is to to prosecute individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes. The ICC is a court of â€Å"last resort. †. It replaced international ad hoc tribunals.Identify two important innovations in human rights institutions that are likely to have implications for the future. Individual Petition- Individuals are allowed to petition the Court directly if they claim a state has violated rights that are denoted in the ECHR. Individual petitions make it harder for states to block international courts from hearing cases they fear they might lose. Universal Jurisdiction- Countries may claim the right to prosecute perpetrators of crimes against humanity. This means that the location of the crime and the citizenship of the individuals involved are irrelevant.Universal jurisdiction is useful for war crimes, genocide, torture, and other serious offenses. What is universal jurisdiction. Give an actual historical example of its use. It is a principle in which countries claim the right to prosecute perpetrators of crimes against humanity regardless of the citizenship of the individual involved and the location where the crime occurred. EX-Case of Augusto Pinochet he ruled Chile in 1973-1990 and was indicted by Spanish court on numerous and charged with human rights violations in 1998. Arrested in UK in 1998 and detained.He Returned to Chile in 2000 †¢ Indicted or implicated in > 300 crimes in Chile†¢ Died in 2006 prior to trial What is individual petition? Why is it significant in international relations? A right that permits individuals to petition appropriate international legal bodies directly if they believe a state has violated their rights. Significance is that individual petitions make it harder for states to block international courts from hearing cases they fear they might lose and Individuals are allowed to petition the Court directly if they claim a state has violated rights that are denoted in the ECHR.Global Environment Why does addressing global environmental problems resemble a Prisoners' Dilemma situation? Because although a state might want to help it is in their interest to defect and have all the other state cooperating. Want cleaner environment but seek to achieve it by free riding. `What is an externality? Give an example. An externality is the cost or benefits for stakeholders other than th e actor undertaking an action. When an externality exists, the decision maker does not bear all the costs or reap all the gains from his or her action.EX- if a firm decides to dump waste into a river, others bear the costs of either using contaminated water or purifying it themselves. Explain how the European Emissions Trading Scheme has managed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gasses. It has done that by giving the 5 dirtiest industries a tradable allowances for greenhouse gases up to the level of its existing emissions. Firms that want to exceed those levels now have to purchase credits from other European firms thus the emission levels don't rise over all they are simply shifted from one country to another.How do common pool resources differ from pure public goods. Given an example of global common pool resources. Common pool resources are goods that are available to everyone, such as open ocean fisheries ; it is difficult to exclude anyone from using the common pool, but one us er's consumption reduces the amount available for others unlike public good where the quantity of the good can not be diminished. What was the purpose of the Montreal Protocol of 1989? It was an international treaty that is designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of a number of CFCs and other chemical compounds.What is the most common role of Transnational Advocacy Networks in dealing with global environment problems? They monitor compliance with the environmental agreements. Environmental TANs often play the role of â€Å"fire alarm† and call attention to governments who violate agreements. Identify two reasons why ozone depletion has been an easier problem to deal with than climate change. There has been greater cooperation on ozone depletion, whereas reductions in CO2 are highly controversial. 1. ) In ozone's case the gains from the ban on CFC far exceeded the costs of change.IN the case of climate change the are large costs to reducing CO2 and on ly long term benefits. Fossil fuel is way more important in the world economy and reducing it by 50% would cost the world 2 to 8 percent of the world's GDP. 2. )Since the CFC industry was highly concentrated and small it was easier for states to cooperate (the fossil fuel industry is the opposite)- collective action problem. The Future What states are known to currently posses nuclear weapons. Untied States, Russia, United Kingdom (? ), France (? ), China (? ), India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel is also suspected to have them.Name the five states recognized as nuclear weapons states under the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Untied States, Russia, United Kingdom, France, and China. Identify the three â€Å"pillars† of the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and explain the aim or goal of each. Non-Proliferation- Prohibited from assisting in nuclear weapons capability Disarmament- NWS agree to seek to eliminate nuclear weapons Right to peaceful use nuclear technology- All have â€Å"inalienable right† to peaceful use of nuclear technology What is the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) under the 1968 Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty?To inspect non-nuclear states in the treaty to make sure they are not developing nuclear weapons like the promised. The IAEA inspections ensure that non-nuclear states do not divert enriched uranium or plutonium from their reactors and use those fissle materials to build nuclear weapons. State that are part of the treaty promise to submit to these inspections. In terms of the bargaining framework first introduced in Chapter 3, is a substantial shift in power likely to be more dangerous if the cost of war is high or if the cost of war is low? Why?It will be more dangerous if the cost of war is low because the state that is declining in power would expect to gain more from going to war than from bargaining and also all out comes that can be achieved by bargaining are farther away from that states ideal point than the ones that can be achieved by going to war. While when the cost of war is high both states have an increased bargaining ranged which is closer to their ideal points. Is the continuation of globalization inevitable? If so why? If not, what might slow or reverse it? No, history tells us that globalization is neither inevitable nor irreversible.Political conflict can slow or even reverse seemingly inevitable economic processes. For example: a period of globalization in 1913 was suddenly halted by the start of World War. How does the spread of information and communication technology increase income inequality? The spread of information and communication technology increase income inequality by making it easier for free trade and capital to flow which as increase the use of both in the process and since free trade and capital flows create both winners and losers it causes a greater increase in income inequality. What was the â€Å"Battle of Seattle†?In Novemb er 1999, delegates to a conference of the WTO met in Seattle. There were so many people protesting the conference that it became known as the â€Å"Battle of Seattle† and the meeting adjourned without an agreement. In the context of economic globalization, what is meant by the phrase â€Å"race to the bottom†? Each government sets its own rules, so governments may lower their standards in the competition to attract investment. Why is voting in the IMF said to be undemocratic Because states voting power in the IMF is based on currency rather than population. States with more money have a greater share of voting power.

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