Sunday, January 5, 2020

Essay about The Welfare Programs and The Economy in the...

Small businesses are contrived to give all of their employees health care due to Medicare. Through the terms of ObamaCare, small businesses are compelled into closing their doors because of all the hand outs they have to get to their employees. When small business begin to become more successful and make more money, Medicare takes their profits away and gives it to people who dont really need it. ObamaCare and Medicare have both taught ignorant Americans to not get a job because they can get the same amount of money in the form of a hand out instead of actually working for it and contributing to the economy. The tax breaks for small firms and other factors are reliant by how much small businesses spend on health coverage (Harrison). Tax†¦show more content†¦In 2007, was when the most current economic decline was introduced. Even when the U.S. is weakening, ObamaCare will diminish the labor force size even more. Its odd that intelligent people let welfare systems run as they do; state representatives should change these systems and make better systems the encourage good parenting (Welfare, SSI Systems Are Being Abused by Irresponsible Parents). State representatives should be working on chaining the welfare system and how it operates. There are a great deal of people who are on the welfare program. There are so many people that have welfare, that it would be very difficult to give them all jobs. If people could be responsible for their own children, welfare wouldnt even be needed. Welfare is hurting society as well. People would rather have another baby than give up their welfare and go to work. (Welfare, SSI Systems Are Being Abused by Irresponsible Parents). People dont want to work, they just want handouts to pass by in life. Medicaid disposals grew by about 100.2% throughout the years past. Poverty will only get worse with ObamaCare continuing to exist. Essentially, ObamaCare is corrupting society. This displays how careless the government is about money in society. There are so many people who cannot open their eyes to see the destruction caused by social welfare. The government is truly paying people to not work. Thousands of people have realized that if they keepShow MoreRelatedWelfare Marijuana Of Our Society1303 Words   |  6 PagesWelfare -The Cannabis of Our Society Welfare has been a major controversy in the realm of social policy for many years. Welfare has become a fundamental part of everyday life for many families. The present state of Welfare does not encourage job growth, reduce poverty, or reduce dependence on governmental aid in the United States despite its work relief elements and large governmental programs. 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