Saturday, December 28, 2019

Drunk Driver And Drunk Drivers - 923 Words

In 2013, 10,076 people died because of drunk drivers. One every 52 minutes. 290,000 were injured because of the accidents (MADD). In 2012, 3,328 people died because of car crashes due to the fact that drivers were on their phones. 421,000 were injured (Texting and Driving Statistics). Driving is not an easy task so you should always be attentive to what you’re doing. A big difference between both is being sober and being drunk. Someone that’s drunk isn’t fully aware of what’s going on. Someone who is sober but is on their phone is more dangerous because they aren’t looking at what’s ahead. Even though both drunk driving at texting while driving are different, the thing that’s most important for both is to keep yourself as well as the people around you safe. The exact definition of â€Å"drunk† is â€Å"being in a temporary state in which one s physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink† (Dictionary). When someone’s drunk they are not functioning at their 100%. You will never ask someone to make an important decision while they’re drunk. So why would someone who is drunk drive? Usually they think they aren’t as drunk and are able to drive safely. That is not a good idea. Driving while drunk can cause a serious accident which will harm you and the person who you might run over. Be safe and be aware. A one word text can mean the difference between life and death. The minimal amount of time taken away from that one text is 5 seconds. A lot can happen inShow MoreRelatedDrunk Drivers And Drunk Driving946 Words   |  4 PagesWhile I have never personally been involved in a crash caused by drunk driving, as a firefighter I have approached the aftermath of many. The worst drunk driving accident I have witnessed was a car that had rolled three times. The guy flew out the front window, leaving deep cuts all over his head. Because he was intoxicated, he tried to get up and move around, oblivious to his injuries or pain. He didn’t even realize he had gotten into an accident. As I watched the scene unfold, it made me angryRead MoreDrunk Driving And Drunk Drivers2145 Words   |  9 Pageskilled in drunk driving incidents. Out of those people, 65% (6,515) were drivers, 27% (2,724) were passengers, and 8% (837) were non-passengers (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†). Over half o f those fatalities (67.1%) involved blood alcohol levels over .15% (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†). The legal blood-alcohol content is .08%. Drunk driving caused 31% of deaths in car crashes in 2013 (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†). In 2012, 402 people were killed by alcohol impairment in North Carolina (â€Å"Drunk Driving Statistics†)Read MoreDrunk Drivers Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pagesincreases as drivers attempt to drive either intoxicated or drunk. Blood alcohol concentration, also known as BAC, is the amount of alcohol in the blood of one’s system, and is used as a measure of degree of intoxication in an individual ( In the United States it is illegal per se, to drive with a BAC of .08 for all drivers who are 21 and older ( As the blood alcohol concentration increases, the risk of car accidents, highway injuries, and vehicular deaths also increase. Drunk driversRead MoreDrunk Drivers Should Not Be Banned1279 Words   |à ‚  6 PagesSince there is a large amount of drunk driving accidents almost every year there are drunk drivers getting away and not having any harsh consequences.Drunk driving has killed over hundreds of citizens due to the mistakes by over intoxicated drivers. States all across the country have lowered the blood alcohol limit to keep drunk drivers off the road from hitting a pedestrian. Some citizens believe that drunk drivers should not be punished more harshly due to be over intoxicated while driving. IfRead MoreDrunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned in the 1st Offence1086 Words   |  5 PagesDRUNK DRIVERS SHOULD BE IMPIRSONED ON THE FIRST OFFENCE Drunk driving is the criminal offence of driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level higher than the local legal limit. The blood alcohol content (BAC) drink driving limit in Malaysia is 0.05%. Driving while either intoxicated or drunk is dangerous and drivers with high blood content or concentration (BAC) are at greatly increased risk of car accidents, highway injuries and vehicular deaths. There are a number of possible preventionRead MoreEssay about Drunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned on the First Offense758 Words   |  4 PagesDrunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned On The First Offense Drunk Drivers accounted for 32% of all traffic fatalities last year, which amounts to someone being killed every 45 minutes by a drunk driver. The penalties for most states is just temporary suspension of driver’s licenses for up to 1 year, and to only pay associated fines accessed by the court. Usually, drunken driving offenders are back on the road driving within a year, and with the assistance of a good attorney with weeks. AlthoughRead MoreThe Consequences of Drunk Driving800 Words   |  4 PagesThe Consequences of Drunk Driving â€Å"A friend who dies, it’s something of you who dies,† Gustave Flaubert. When someone dies from drunk driving this is something you may be feeling. The consequences of drunk driving are far too high to even think of driving while under the influence. Every year thousands die from drunk driving or are caught drunk driving, and face consequences such as fines and a loss of license. But, it’s easy to avoid or prevent drunk driving by ordering a taxi or setting a designatedRead MoreThe Effects Of Drunk Driving On The Road Of Driving1382 Words   |  6 Pagesdeadly acts? Drunk-driving? Oh no! These two words together are uncordial behaviors. The crime of driving a vehicle or operating a motorized machine while under the influence of alcohol is totally against the law of the land, but some people still won’t stop. Is there any gain in drunk-driving than loss of lives, loss of driving privileges, and property—vehicles? One-third of traffic deaths invo lve alcohol-impaired driving (MADD). Therefore, a behavior that involves a tiny proportion of drivers is oneRead MoreHow Does the Bottle Taste in Prison? Essay769 Words   |  4 Pagesresult of drunk driving which equates to approximately 10,000 people a year. Driving under the influence is a crime when a person’s blood level of alcohol exceeds the legal limit of 0.08%. Standard penalties against first time offenders include: having their driver’s licenses revoked and paying a fine ranging from $500-$2,000. All drunk drivers should be imprisoned for eight or more months because they are likely to repeat the offense, they cause most automobile fatalities/injuries, and drivers can participateRead MoreAlcohol Related Accidents Essay874 Words   |  4 Pageschance of being in an accident with a drunk driver. Drunk driving is a serious problem that the United States, as well as the world, is trying to deal with, because it does not only effect a select few, it effects ev eryone. Drunk driving amongst high school students is an enormous problem that the United States is trying to cope with. Many programs have come to surface over the past few years, that educate students on this situation. MADD, mothers against drunk driving, is a non profit organization

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Dilemma using Mills Utilitarianism, Kants Deontology, and Aristotles Virtue Ethics Free Essay Example, 1250 words

That’s why an attempt to define goodness not by debt, but by something else, like personal enjoyment, individual aims, and circumstances, will lead only to empirical understanding of enjoyment subject, but not to the concept of moral goodness itself (as it has to be). The categorical imperative is an interior moral law, which in fact is a debt to act decently towards others and towards yourself by keeping your life worthily and developing yourself morally (Kant, 2010, p. 7). The essence of human wisdom is moral self-knowledge and consciousness, which form impartiality in making judgments about oneself, comparing with the categorical imperative, and honest oneself’s admission that he is either moral or immoral. So Kant’s moral debt, which differentiates human from animal, is first of all, an inner understanding and recognition of moral acts among the immoral ones (conscience). Aristotle’s ethical position has in its fundamental the concept of virtue. Aristotle (1999) divides virtue into two kinds: moral or ethical, and the reasonable or intellectual one (p. 20). Ethical virtue represents a balance between the extremes of excess and shortage, for example, to be virtuous in finance you have to keep balance between generosity and greed, to become virtuous in social connections you have to balance between sociability and asceticism etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Dilemma using Mills Utilitarianism, Kants Deontology, and Aristotles Virtue Ethics or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now To be virtuous human must know what is considered to be good and bad. This knowledge acquires by human through education and exercising in moral actions, because through the life human acts, gaining experience, and forms his character according to it (Aristotle, 1999, p. 21). In fact, to act morally human should use both kinds of virtue, because Aristotle emphasizes that all good actions are those, which based on rational fundamentals, so knowledge brings human not only intellectual development, but also the moral one. To behave morally towards other people is to use the same principle of balance: to do as it will be good and valuable for both you and others. It’s almost impossible to say that this or that ethical doctrine is good or bad, because moral standards are usually evaluated from subjective point of view. Considering the following situation through Mill’s, Kant’s, and Aristotle ethical doctrines, shows that all of them have some disadvantages, but still comparing them, one is the most suitable. The situation: I’ve been married for 10 years and have 2 children ages 5 and 8. I think I’m no longer in love with my spouse and I’m considering divorce.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Sexism in Music Essay - 879 Words

How do we choose the music that we listen to? We could be affected by the music itself, the lyrics could touch us on a personal level, or we may have a predisposition to a certain genre of music due to the geographic area we live in. Our background and upbringing can even play a role in our musical choices. However we come to that ultimate decision, how many of us actually pay close attention to the language used in the songs that we like? Could it be that some of our favorite artists or compositions actually contain language that can be considered sexist or harmful? Many people associate sexist language with the music genre of rap and hip/hop, but the truth is that sexist language invades every style of music. While it is true that the†¦show more content†¦150 songs were selected from the Top 50 most popular songs ranging from the years 2006 to 2008 and were pulled from platinum albums. (A platinum album has sold at least 1 million copies.) Each song was listened to in its entirety twice and the lyrics were verified by the researchers through Results showed that songs classified as hip hop/rap â€Å"frequently included references to female ‘bitches’, than the other genres (87.5%)† (Frisby 16.) While there were no indicative results correlating artist gender or ethnicity to the use of derogatory slang words, her research found that hip hop/rap music was not the only culprit. In addition to showing that â€Å"of the eight genres, hip hop was found to more likely use slang words and rely on message themes that refer to women as sexually permissive and aggressive† (Frisby 16) the study also provided results stating that pop music also contained slang words demoralizing women. Frisby wrote that â€Å"Pop music and song lyrics sung by men may reinforce the cultural notion that women are only adored and valued for their bodies and appearance† (16.) It is not just teenage girls and young women that fall prey to believing that these offensive words are acceptable. Many adult women do not object to females being referred to as inferior to men and, while they may not agree with the language that is used in many popular songs today, their silence onlyShow MoreRelatedSexism in Music1627 Words   |  7 PagesSexism in Music There are countless forms of media out there that are in one way or another degrading and offensive towards women. The one that is of most interest to me is music. Whether songs are blatantly sexist and downright rude to women, like many rap songs, or overtly offensive such as many rock and roll songs, women are commonly demeaned by lyrics in countless songs throughout the ages. I don’t even listen to rap music because it is particularly offensive to women, more so than any genreRead MoreThe, Blurred Lines, By Robin Thicke1256 Words   |  6 Pageseventually reignited a debate over the role of sexism and misogyny in pop culture and music lyrics in particular. A brief analysis of contemporary popular music evidences that sexist and misogynistic themes are prominent within the lyrical content of many songs. Once one recognizes the almost undeniable sexism in a significant amount of popular music, it begs the question how to address this issue, if at all. Many feminists and ha rsh critics deride such sexist music and seek to ban and censor sexist songsRead MoreThe Effects Of Music On Our Country Today1661 Words   |  7 Pages Music in today’s day and age has the ability to be a very pervasive form of media. There is an indisputable truth that media has the ability to effect the masses. But, the effect of music and the message it is sends to its listeners is not always a positive one. I am aiming to describe how sexism in music is an epidemic in our country today. I’ll also be comparing and contrasting different music genres, to see if certain types of music are better or worse than others. A common phrase in mediaRead MoreThe Impact Of Pakistani Music1747 Words   |  7 Pagesof Pakistani Music The face of Hollywood is a young, beautiful, caucasian girl. All my life I have been so deprived of racially diverse media, especially seeing a lack of my own kind, Pakistani. Although I may not be directly exposed to Pakistani culture because I live in America, they do have their own music and entertainment industry. The entertainment industries in Pakistan are enormous, with different types of music, movies and television shows. Despite the vast variety of music genres, a hugeRead MoreAnalyzing Past And Present Hip Hop1590 Words   |  7 Pagesdynamic in which music has changed by its usage of language and various forms of dialect and productivity it is clear that Hip Hop is a lot different in today s modern society then in the 80 s and in the 90 s. In dissecting the lyrics of the Modern day lyrical rapper J.Cole and High End rapper Nas in order to understand the level of distinction that has taken place within the Hip Hop Culture overtime. J. Cole is best known for his realism, a nd authentic truth displayed in his music. J. Coles andRead MoreEspecially When There Is An Uncertainty About Men Supporting1156 Words   |  5 Pagesbitter that black women are not falling down and worshipping the ground that black men walk on. Also, feminism is not anti-men or anti-black men feminism is against being ruled under male domination. Acting like Womanism is the solution to ending the sexism of women is just flat out delusional. A love and appreciate of each other does need to be restored, but the first step to recovery is admittance. If the black men or men in general are unwilling to admit to the oppression then the Womanism movementRead MoreWomen Of Hip Hop Culture Essay1723 Words   |  7 PagesWomen have decided to consume hip hop regardless of the sexism and machismo of their rap artist spouses. Historically, black women who have sex with other women haven’t been recognized in the Black community. Also, the expectations are the same in hip hop culture because men reject lesbians. An example is the murder in 2003 of Sakia Gunn after she declared her lesbian identity to a group of males. We all know that in hip hop culture men predominate and precisely masculine. Women can achieve a higherRead MoreWo men Of Hollywood Speak Out Is An Article By Maureen Dowd Of The New York Times1137 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction The issue of female representation in Hollywood is one of the biggest issues in the film industry. Sexism, discrimination, and a lack of jobs for female filmmakers has been a problem in Hollywood since its early days, and recently this problem has been analyzed using many different genres. The Women of Hollywood Speak Out is an editorial written by Maureen Dowd of the New York Times. It is about difficulty for female filmmakers to break out and direct big budget films for HollywoodRead MoreHip Hop : The Commodification Of African American Women1717 Words   |  7 PagesHip-Hop Music: The Commodification of African-American Women Since its emergence in the 1980s, hip-hop has taken the world by storm; it has impacted and revolutionized the way people behave, dress, and think. Hip-hop music enables people to connect in a way they would never be able to with any other genre of music. Although, hip-hop has swayed different generations over the years, its influence has not always been positive. In the past, hip-hop focused more on current events in society, personalRead MoreConflicting Paradigms On Gender And Sexuality1453 Words   |  6 PagesSalerno SYG 1000 September 30th, 2016 Conflicting Paradigms on Gender and Sexuality in Rap Music: Review Introduction: The article I am researching and analyzing is â€Å"Conflicting Paradigms on Gender and Sexuality in Rap Music: A Systematic Review† written by Denise Herd. This article was published in the academic journal â€Å"Sexuality and Culture†, on July 1st, 2000. This article is centered around rap music with its social and cultural significance for youth audiences, all around the world and how

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Facilitating Childrens Self-Regulation Skills at the End...

Research Topic: Facilitating children’s self-regulation skills at the end of play-based activities. Introduction Self-regulation is an integral part of life, a skill that can be learned and practice from young. Self-regulation is apparent in different domains such as emotional, behavioural, and cognitive and are interrelated (Jahromi Stifter, 2008, p. 125). Self-regulation is needed specifically as children conclude the end of play-based activities. However, teachers often face children’s reluctance during these clean-up periods which result in the delay of instructional activities. The factors that contribute to the issues includes: children lack of skills to transition between activities, having difficulty ending a preferred activity†¦show more content†¦A transition from play-based activity to non-preferred activity might be difficult for young children. Play is an innate ability of children and is gaining recognition in early childhood education. â€Å"Through play, young children engage in active learning when they reconstruct their experiences, generate ideas, and test t hese ideas† (Saracho, 2012). Children often display reluctance when it comes to resisting work on a play-based activity and switching to a new one due to time constraints (Rimm-Kaufman et al, 2009). Rimm-Kauffman et al. (2009) also mentioned that â€Å"Classroom quality, particularly the nature of teachers’ interactions towards children, is hypothesized to support children’s display adaptive classroom behaviours in kindergarten† (p. 960). With effective communication present, teachers help to promote children’s internal management of behaviour and enhance their achievement. Therefore, it is vital that well-planned facilitation strategies are being implemented to help children regulate their behaviours at the end of play-based activities. Facilitation strategies There are different types of facilitation methods that can be helpful for teachers to facilitate children’s behaviours during the end of an activity. Using songs, auditory and visual cues, a multimodal approach, helps children to predict the next activity in a routine and develop on-task behaviour. Using music in routines gives a structure and as a cue for children toShow MoreRelatedEducation And Social Problem Solving Skills2213 Words   |  9 Pagessolving skills. The literature review revolves around this argument. The different topics to be discussed are inclusive of the children capabilities in terms of their social emotional development and skills that children need in order to become problem solvers. The other topic is the methodology which discusses the strategies used in different articles, the classroom environment and the action of teachers as models following their professional development from their training to coaching activities. AtRead MoreWhat Causes Adhd And How That Might Be Compatible With A Medication Intervention?3573 Words   |  15 Pagesfunctioning theory is based on the idea of a deficit in rule-governed behavior, or a deficit in executive functioning. Barkley posits that the inhibition to prepotent responses is the primary executive function from which other executive functions depend upon in order to function effectively. These other executive functions are nonverbal working memory, which allows one to think beyond the here and now; internalization of speech that leads to meta-cognitive skills; self-regulation of affect, responsibleRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words   |  185 Pagescalling the CDE Press Sales Office at the telephone number shown above. Notice The guidance in the California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volume 2) is not binding on local educational agencies or other entities. Except for the statutes, regulations, and court decisions that are referenced herein, the documents is exemplary, and compliance with it is not mandatory. (See Education Code Section 33308.5.) Contents A Message from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction v Acknowledgments Read MoreHealth, Safety and Welfare in Ecce Setting19648 Words   |  79 Pageseffective functioning of child rearing processes in the family and other child settings requires public policies and practices that provide place, time, stability, status, recognition, belief systems, customs and actions in support of child rearing activities not only on the part of parents, caregivers, teachers and other professional personnel, but also relatives, friends, neighbours, co-workers, communities and the major economic, social and political institutions of the entire society.† (BronfenbrennerRead MoreHealth, Safety and Welfare in Ecce Setting19648 Words   |  79 Pageseffective functioning of child rearing processes in the family and other child settings requires public policies and practices that provide place, time, stability, status, recognition, belief systems, customs and actions in support of child rearing activities not only on the part of parents, caregivers, t eachers and other professional personnel, but also relatives, friends, neighbours, co-workers, communities and the major economic, social and political institutions of the entire society.† (BronfenbrennerRead MoreSantrock Edpsych Ch0218723 Words   |  75 Pages02-EdPsy-Chap02-6123 8/22/06 2 3:33 PM Page 32 Physical and Cognitive Development Preview Examining the shape of children’s development allows us to understand it better. Every childhood is distinct, and is the first chapter in a new biography. This chapter is about children’s physical and cognitive development. These are some of the questions we will explore: †¢ Do children develop in distinct stages, or is their development smoother and more continuous? †¢ How do children develop physicallyRead MoreUnit 8: Caring for Children Essay example11312 Words   |  46 Pagespractitioners are able to observe and assess the childrens progress to inform plans and report back to parents and other professionals. ( - 28/11/12 Appendix 1) As a childcare practitioner it is important to have an understanding of child development and have the appropriate training in order to meet the individual needs of the children. By understanding child develop practitioners will understand which activities will help children to develop as well as supportingRead MoreChild Labour9367 Words   |  38 Pagesit is steadily growing in momentum. However, only a few NGOs have succeeded in achieving recognition in this field at the national level. This paper starts by reviewing a number of inter-linked background factors that circumscribe and curtail the activities of NGOs. This is followed by an analysis of the strategies that NGOs use in addressing child labour. The final section addresses the question whether NGO interventions add up to a strategy for eliminating child labour. In order to be effective,Read MoreExploring the Corporate Culture of Emirates Airlines Hr Department, How Their Unique Management Style Helps Enforce the Vision an d Mission of the Emirates Group3209 Words   |  13 Pagesorganizations holds their Human Resource department team in high esteem because they know that they are the driving force to achieving and maintaining the companys vision and mission. On that note, the Company carefully selected their HR manager based on the following detailed qualifications and requirements; â€Å"A high-caliber university degree is essential in a statistical subject or HR-related field, in addition, a post-graduate diploma in HR management or CIPD is essential. 8+ years working inRead MoreEssay on Understanding the Principles and Practices of Assessment16693 Words   |  67 Pagesprogramme and improving the quality of learning delivery. Assessing plays a big role in learning and development. This includes ensuring a learner is on the right course that is appropriate and suitable. For Example, during Initial Assessment, I got to understand and knew the level, skills and ability of my learners which will allow me to advise them on a more suitable solution that meets their needs. Assessment also ensures that skills and ability are measured using a set criteria and can be comparable

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Kent State Essay Example For Students

Kent State Essay Thirty Years Later- Kent StateMay 4, 2000Thirty years later, just after noon, the Victory Bell again rings through the green grass of Kent State Universitys Commons. The bell rings twenty-seven times; one toll for each of the four students killed andnine wounded by the Ohio National Guard May 4, 1970, and 14 times in solidarity for the two students murdered and twelve wounded by Mississippi Highway Patrol at Jackson State University May 15, 1970Kent State University officials stopped holding Commemoration ceremonies in 1975, but dedicated students have kept the ideals represented by the Kent State shootings alive. For the past twenty-fiveyears, the students of the May 4th Task Force have organized the annual May 4th Commemoration ceremonies, bringing such speakers as Jane Fonda, William Kuntzler, Dr. Hellen Caldicot and performers including Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez and Crosby, Stills and Nash. Co-chair of the May 4th Task Force from 1995-98, and still considered the backbone o f the organization by many students, Kent State senior Wendy Semon believes that continued student activism is the true remembrance of May 4, 1970. The living legacy of those four students is activism, Semon states. The only appropriate way students of today can keep that legacy alive is to promote activism and educate others. This year, the Task Force brought some of America s most prominent leaders of social and political change to embody all facets of the current movement. These speakers include; the American Indian Movements Vernon Bellecourt, environmental and social justice advocate Julia Butterfly Hill, Philadelphias MOVE member Ramona Africa, Global Exchanges Julliette Beck, political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and world-renowned political theorist Noam Chomsky. Kent State junior Jeff Ritter, and current co-chair of the May 4th Task Force feels that this years Commemoration reflects the unification of the current national movement. So many movements are represented here today, the American Indian Movement, the environmental movement, anti-globalization, the MOVE organization. Its a real symbol of solidarity, of all the things that are going on today. Kent graduate student Kabir Syed, a ten-year member of the May 4th Task Force sees the Commemoration as a place for political activists to gather and connect with one another. The wide variety of issues speaks to the growth of the social-political movement which exists in the U.S. We see a range, and yet, an integration of ideology here today. Though there are differences between us, we are growing aware that these differences need not separate us from accomplishing our tasks. Around three thousand current college students, anti-Vietnam War veterans, and activists from as far away as Quebec and Seattle observe a moment of silence as the last hollow brass toll rings across campus. These people have gathered today at Kent State not only to remember the murders of 1970, but to celebrate Americas long tradition of protest and resistance. Chic Canfora, a survivor of the May 4, 1970 shootings, high school teacher, and longtime community activist explains, Today we assemble and pay tribute to four friends who fell here thirty years ago, but let us also pay tribute today to the countless students who have since then, in the past thirty years, followed in their steps. May 4th is not just about tragedy. We assemble here each year not onlyto remember our fallen friends, but to resurrect the issues and ideals for which they died. The most important of which, for all of us, for every American citizen, is freedom of speech.History of the May 4 Shootings On April 30, 1970, President Richard Nixon announced to the nation that he was expanding the Vietnam War into neighboring Cambodia. Immediately, college campuses across America rose in protest. At KentState, a mid-size public Ohio college, Nixons announcement began four days of protest, which cumulated in the wounding of nine students and the murders of Allison Krause, Jeff Mi ller, Bill Schroder, and SandraScheuer by thirteen members of the Ohio National Guard. .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 , .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .postImageUrl , .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 , .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380:hover , .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380:visited , .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380:active { border:0!important; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380:active , .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380 .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5012b77317e7a1d5d86ef50f26b96380:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Body Image of Women Essay To this day, heated controversy and questions still surround the events at Kent State April 30- May 4, 1970. Perhaps the most debated and controversial event of these days is the burning of Kent States Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) building the evening of May 2, 1970.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Eleven Bad Essay Example For Students

Eleven Bad Essay ElevenEleven by Sandra Cisneros, uses many literary devices to characterize a complex eleven-year-old. Rachel, the ingenuous 1st person narrator, describes the details of her humiliating eleventh birthday. Although her diction reflects her age, Rachel conveys the difficulty of growing up with adult precision. She is embarrassed and feels helpless whenever she tries to talk, but knows she will soon be home with her parents, and her terrible day will drift away. Rachels age is given away not only by the title, but also by her word choice. She makes use of numerous similes, describing crying like uncontrollable hiccups, drinking milk to fast, and little animal noises. Her confidence rattles like pennies in a tin Band-Aid Box, and she is always on the edge of lapsing into another session of tears. However, Rachels diction does not simple betray her age. Descriptions like smells like cottage cheese are insights into her true personality. She is passionate and curious, almost to a fault. Because she describes things like runaway balloons, she is a believable eleven-year-old. First person narration reveals though, Rachels thoughts are those of a typical eleven-year-old, her descriptive ability is more mature. Rachel has an uncanny ability to convey her feelings. However, because she is an ingenuous narrator, she sometimes misses the deeper significance of her feelings. Although she twice mentions she is looking forward to cake, her birthday song, and normal birthday things, she does not mention she also needs the comfort of her parents. On the other hand, unlike most older, or mature, people, she understands enough about life experience to know she does not have enough. Twice she mentions she would like to have the experience of someone who is one hundred and two. At eleven Rachel realizes that with experience comes confidence, personal strength, and most important to her, knowing what to do in hostile situations. As amazing as those thoughts are, Rachels most impressive thought is about age. She understands that people display the characteristics of the ages they have passed. She understands that although she is eleven, she can still be scared like she is five, or cry like she is three. What she does not grasp is that people can display characteristics beyond their years. Rachel displays that advanced maturity in her thoughts. The only dialogue in the story is between Rachel and her teacher, Mrs. Price. Every conversation is the same; Mrs. Price does not listen to Rachel and dominates their conversations. Rachel associates being right with being older, so she lets Mrs. Price have her way. Mrs. Price is so dominating Rachel can respond with what she calls her four- year-old voice. She stumbles for a reply, eventually saying only, Not mine, not mine. Rachel is helpless and feels sick inside as she is forced to wear that sweater. So much emphasis is given to what Rachel is thinking, but the dialogue can show her outward personality. Rachel is non-confrontational, timid, and shy. Rachel desperately wants her terrible day to be over. She wants to be one hundred and two, because then days like this one would be far behind. After she is brought to tears and reluctantly she puts on the sweater and even though she did not have to wear the sweater long, she is changed. The situation with the sweater has symbolized a challenge for her. She soon realizes facing challenges is at the foundation of experience. Her old self floats away like a balloon. Sandra Cisneross Eleven uses point of view, diction, dialogue, and symbolism to characterize an eleven-year-olds coming of age. The unique characteristics of an eleven- year-old have allowed her to make important discoveries about growing up. Rachel survives her humiliation, and becomes smart eleven. She feels smart eleven, and at almost a year sooner than usual. Rachel realizes that people are the sum of their experience. She desperately wants to be one hundred and two, but realizes that her experience adds up to eleven. .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 , .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .postImageUrl , .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 , .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051:hover , .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051:visited , .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051:active { border:0!important; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051:active , .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051 .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2ea2fa3ef941d9ffd172171dc4064051:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeare - friar laurence Essay

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Performance Management System of Banglalink free essay sample

The mark an employee receives in his/her evaluation plays a very important role in his/her chances of promotion. Banglalink uses the Performance Review form which is generally termed as â€Å"Adjective Checklist† The Performance Review forms are sent to all the people who act as supervisors of a certain number of employees. The supervisors are instructed to evaluate their subordinates They are specifically instructed to evaluate the job performance of the employee; and not to evaluate the employee himself or herself as a person. The supervisor fills out the form himselfDuring his evaluation, he may consult with the employee if the supervisor has any remarks; he puts them on the form also. After all these are completed, he assigns marks on the rating. The marks are specified on the form. After the supervisor completes his evaluation, his section head reviews the form If he has other thoughts about the person evaluated, he then consults both the supervisor and the subordinate, whose performance was evaluated, and then clarifies the matter. We will write a custom essay sample on Performance Management System of Banglalink or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He then gives his own remarks. Then the form is sent to the Departmental Head, who gives the final acknowledgement when he assesses that everything is in order.Thus all the filled out forms are gathered and sent to the Banglalink head-office, where these forms are sorted and arranged Then the top management reviews these forms. They evaluate the markings received. Then they can make a certain judgments on the employees abilities and performance The present position of the employee and his current salary along with the marks and recommendations he received are combined to make a matrix With this matrix, the employees increment is calculated. [pic] Appraisal Feedback After the evaluation has been done, the top management makes their decisions nd forms future plans Where the evaluation results are not satisfactory, the top management asks for more information After getting the information, they sit with the Departmental Head of the employee under scrutiny and then they proceed to assess the situation. Later they discuss the situation with the rater and the employee he rated and then they make their decision. When the evaluation results are positive and the top management has made their decisions about the employees increments or promotion, the employees are given the information in an informal manner.Thus, they are assured of the assessment that has been made of them. In this way they are kept motivated. 3. Research Methodology Type of Research The project falls in the category of exploratory and descriptive research, i. e, a research designed to evaluate the Performance Appraisal of Banglalink. This applies to the research part. Prior to that, the organizational part is helpful for the clear understanding of the existing position of Banglalink and also serves the purpose of the exploratory.Besides, a limited scale of causal research has been also included to examine the cause and effect relationship among variables. Basic Research Method The basic research method in this theoretical Knowledge, field survey and practical orientation. In that the annual report and websites were the major source of secondary data. Besides, the discussion with the concerned managers/employees (Primary data) yielded the additional information to fill up the gaps and helped in clear understanding. Sources and Method of data collectionTo carry out the research study, data has been collected both from primary and secondary sources Primary Data Primary data have been collected as follows Structured Questionnaire Keeping the problem statement in view, a number of questions in the form of checklist had been formulated. The checklist had been the main tool for relevant question to the primary data sources to formulated the operational definition of the problem statement and precisely find out the area of study. Questionnaire were developed incorporating mixed type of questions.One type of questionnaire for the managers at Banglalink and the other type is for employees. Some questions were common for all while some questions were exclusive for either group. Questionnaires were designed in such a way so that all-important elements of the performance appraisal system can be covered by it. After questionnaire formulation, an exhaustive and deliberate discussion was conducted and necess ary adjustments were made. Pretest for screening of the questionnaire has been carried out. After pretest, the final questionnaire has been prepared.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Work Motivation an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by

Work Motivation Recent research reveals that good performance on the job is closely related to motivation. In fact, according to Tosi, Mero, and Rizzo (2000) motivation is an explanation of why some organizations are more productive than others (p. 123). An understanding of the various factors that play a role in work motivation and influence performance is crucial to employers. Need essay sample on "Work Motivation" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Therefore, over the years work motivation has been the focal point of many studies as organizations recognize its value and give it due importance. According to Pinder, Work motivation is a set of energetic forces that originate both within as well as beyond an individuals being, to initiate work-related behavior, and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration (as cited in Muchinsky, 2006, p. 381). Motivated workers work harder and put in more effort into their task consequently performing better at their jobs than less motivated co-workers. Some of the factors that influence motivation are discussed below. Deadlines The practice of enforcing deadlines in organizations has the effect of markedly enhancing performance. This is because workers are motivated to expend the effort needed to complete the task at hand in order to meet the deadline. There is pressure to complete the work in the allotted time and this prompts employers to pull up their socks, work harder and avoid procrastination. Moreover, the fear of being reprimanded for failing to meet the deadline serves as a good motivator. However, while organizations need to be strict in enforcing deadlines they must also be reasonable in providing sufficient time to complete the task as otherwise, the pressure becomes insurmountable and employees will become unduly stressed and are likely to turn in substandard results. Nowadays, most organizations recognize the value of deadlines in motivating their employees and try to use it in order to extract the best results. Undergraduates Often Tell EssayLab specialists: Who wants to write assignment for me? Professional writers recommend: Find Your Helping Hand! Essay Writing Help Services Write My Essay For Money College Essay Writing Service Good Essay Writing Company Goals Setting goals for employees give them a sense of purpose and direction as they will strive to achieve it and are more likely to perform their jobs with commitment and increased focus. For example, a lawyer attempting to make partner in his firm tends to perform better than one who has no such goal in sight and is content to drift aimlessly. It is important to set realistic goals as failure to meet the target usually results in bitter frustration and low self esteem which would detract from job performance in the long run. In addition to working towards their goals, the promise of a reward for achieving the goal and positive feedback on a job well done contribute to better performance. Job Design Ideally, by combining the tenets of the scientific management and human management approaches, jobs should be relatively easy to perform and sufficiently challenging to sustain interest (Kalat, 2005). Jobs that are too simple or too hard dampen enthusiasm as they result in boredom and excessive stress respectively that ultimately lead to poor performance. But if jobs are designed taking these factors into consideration, employees not only perform their jobs well but enjoy it and are unlikely to quit. A stimulating work environment, along these lines, is imperative in order to curb the debilitating efforts of monotony, boredom, and stress. Job Satisfaction High job satisfaction leads to optimal performance as it creates a sense of achievement and contentment. It prevents absenteeism and improves attitudes. According to Kalat (2005), job satisfaction depends largely on the job itself, including the interest level, the pay, coworkers, and the management (p. 441) . Adequate payment, challenging tasks and satisfactory relationships with co-workers as well as the organization contribute to job satisfaction. Employees need to feel they are doing something useful with their lives and are receiving sufficient remuneration for their services in order to combat the restlessness that is such an integral part of human nature and which has a disruptive influence on performance. Leadership Employees are motivated to work harder when they respect and admire their leader. A good leader is one who inspires his team and spurs them on to greater heights. Such leaders are invaluable to organizations. Ineffectual leaders, on the other hand, are detrimental to the overall efficiency of individuals as well as organizations. Leaders who fire the imagination of their workers in order to improve performance are called transformational leaders and they are the most effective. On the other hand, transactional leaders who use rewards to the best effect have also proven to be effective depending on the circumstances (Kalat, 2005). The Uses of Work Motivation Work motivation is mainly used to extract optimal performance from employees. Motivation can be increased by making the job more challenging. Organizations achieve this by enforcing deadlines, setting goals and designing a stimulating work environment. By training employees sufficiently and by providing conducive working conditions, the management ensures strong motivation and performance. Rewards, monetary or otherwise are also used to provide added incentive and to promote job satisfaction. By means of questionnaires and aptitude tests, organizations attempt to find good leaders who are capable of bringing out the best in their team members. In conclusion, it may be said that acknowledging the potential for work motivation to improve performance has revolutionalized the organizational work dynamite. References Kalat, J. (2005). Work motivation. Introduction to psychology (438 443). Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Muchinsky, P. (2006). Work motivation. Psychology applied to work: An introduction to industrial and organizational psychology (8th ed.). (380 418) . Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth. Tosi, H. L., Mero, N. P., 164) . Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Gloss free essay sample

: # 8220 ; The Road Not Taken # 8221 ; Essay, Research Paper Brought to a deadlock at the presence of a intersection, the talker of Robert Frost # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; The Road Not Taken # 8221 ; is left to contemplate which way to travel. After careful review of both paths, the talker comes to the decision that neither way presents a more appealing enterprise in front. Of the two agencies of travel, the talker asserts that # 8220 ; the passing there/Had worn them truly about the same # 8221 ; ( lines 9-10 ) and # 8220 ; both that forenoon every bit lay/ In leaves no measure had trodden black # 8221 ; ( lines11-12 ) . Missing an expressed solution to the quandary, the talker is left to contemplate any hereafter effects based on an at hand determination of taking one route over the other. As a consequence, the talker comes to footings that his concluding finish is bound entirely by opportunity and pick, but he anticipates an at hand feeling of sorrow for non going the other path # 8217 ; s class. We will write a custom essay sample on Gloss or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Infused with the expectancy of compunction, Frost # 8217 ; s work portrays the cosmopolitan question saying a different possible result if another path was taken of equal uncertainness. Even the rubric suggests this feeling of uncertainty, where the route non taken is mentioned with greater case in point than the existent class of travel. Missing the opportunity to â€Å"travel both/ And be one traveler† ( lines 2-3 ) , one way must work as the chosen manner and the other the other manner, both with no indicant of which is the better to go. Therefore, one time the chosen manner is traveled, the other manner holds a persistent reminder of what may hold been lost purely by opportunity. After a foreseeable self-evaluation of the speaker’s life, seeking to find if he took advantage of all available chances is perceived as a daunting challenge for there will ever be an ambiguity lingering around the other way. However, the talker anxiously comes to footings with world, finally finding the futility of contending on affairs of the imaginativeness. Therefore, â€Å"with a sigh† ( line 16 ) , the talker proclaims that he took advantage of the chances to the best of his ability as they were presented to him, despite those of opportunity. In consequence, taking the chosen way has â€Å"made all the differen ce† ( line 20 ) . That peculiar determination determined the speaker’s overall class in life to the consequence that the other path could hold directed the talker to walk in the complete opposite way of his concluding finish. Bibliography The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Role And Function Of The Mosque In The Muslim Community Essay Example

The Role And Function Of The Mosque In The Muslim Community Essay Example The Role And Function Of The Mosque In The Muslim Community Essay The Role And Function Of The Mosque In The Muslim Community Essay Essay Topic: Fun Home The role of the Mosque in general is to help with family life. All Mosques now run Madrasahs (Mosque schools) for boys and girls. Theyre held on weeknights and Sundays and teach children about Islam, how to read the Quran in Arabic and how Muslims should behave. Children are also taught Urdu and English. There are now many Muslim schools to provide separate educations for males and females. They teach children the National Curriculum in an Islamic style.Central MosqueIn Britain, there are many purpose built Mosques. One of the most important ones is the in London. I will be talking about this Mosque and how it helps with the community. Its one of the largest Mosques in the world. For this reason, some facilities that are provided by this Mosque are quite unique.My Local MosqueIn my local Mosque, they have a radio transmitter, so that the local Muslims can hear whats going on in the Mosque, they can also hear the Adhan being made.Islamic Law CourtThe Mosque is also a place, which is a lso used as an Islamic Law Court for matters which concern Islamic Law. Muslims can gather here and discuss the problems that they face in their daily life.Marriage ceremony (Nikah) and divorce (Talaq)Marriage ceremony (Nikah) and divorce (Talaq) is also often performed in the Central Mosque Of London.Centre for foreign visitorsThe Mosque is also a centre for foreign visitors, travellers far and wide within the U.K. It serves as a treasury for collect ion and distribution of Zakah.The Mosque is also ensuring that the Islamic Laws of heritage can be implemented within the British system. This enables the Muslims in the U.K. to retain their Islamic identity, to remain loyal to their faith and to the Islamic Shariah.Community GatheringsOn Friday, we see the local community filling up the Mosques; this is because they have come to pray Jumuah.Community gatherings are usually held at Mosques, particularly at the time of Eid. Twice a year, when there is a big celebration after the prayers . Such meetings are essential in Britain, where in many places Muslims are still in the minority. These community gatherings give a chance to the Muslim Community to familiarise themselves with one another and bonds the tie of friendship on happy and sad occasions such as Birth, Marriage and Death.MortuaryQuite a few Mosques have facilities for washing and shrouding the dead bodies and to keep the corpses there until the burial is arranged and the Janazah prayer is said. This is also known as a mortuary, for laying out the dead and preparing corpse for burial.How The Mosque Helps With The CommunityThe Mosque is also open for the community to come and see the Imam about personal issues. He will always be there to tackle and problems.The Mosque also tries to bring love, peace and tranquillity into the community. It also tries to give the Muslims a sense of brotherhood and teaches the community that they are all one.Help in the case that a marriage breakdown comes from the two families , the Imam and Muslim Lawyers. The Zakah fund helps families with financial difficulties and many Mosques have a family committee to help Muslim Families that are in trouble.USESThe Prophet did not separate religious life from his normal daily activities. In the open courtyard he entertained visitors, conducted business, and guided the day-to-day affairs of the community. It was the place where believers gathered for communal prayer and to hear his sermons, and it was also used for giving shelter to the poor, homeless and wayfarers, and for caring for the sick.It is important to realize that mosques today, no matter how grand the buildings, are still used to fulfil all these other functions.à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½as schools for learning Arabic and studying the Qur an

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Hurricanes Essays - Vortices, Tropical Cyclone, Eye, Free Essays

Hurricanes Essays - Vortices, Tropical Cyclone, Eye, Free Essays Hurricanes HURRICANES Of all of natures forces that exist hurricanes could be considered one of the most powerful of all these forces that can cause tremendous amounts of destruction is such a little amount of time. A hurricane is a powerful whirling storm of winds that measure 200-300 miles in diameter. Hurricanes are an area of low pressure that forms over the oceans in tropical regions in either the north Atlantic Ocean or eastern north Pacific Ocean. In the west Pacific Ocean hurricanes are called typhoons, and in the Indian Ocean they are called Cyclones. Hurricanes develop from easterly waves that over the oceans warm waters. These easterly waves are long narrow regions of low pressure that occur in ocean winds called trade winds. The waves may grow into a tropical depression, which are winds from 1 to 31 miles per hour. Then they can grow into a tropical storm, which are winds from 32 to 73 miles per hour. These waves then turn into what you call hurricanes and hurricanes are winds greater than 74 miles per hour. The winds swirl around a portion of the storm called the eye. This is a calm area in the center of the storm. It is about 20 miles in diameter and has little wind and clouds. The storm clouds called that are around the eye of the storm are called wall clouds. Inside these wall clouds are where most of the heaviest rains are and where the strongest winds are. Outside of the wall clouds are clouds called rain clouds. They have winds and rain and make up most of the diameter of the storm but nothing as powerful as the wall clouds. Hurricanes usually occur within the months of June to November, most occur in the month of September. Eight Hurricanes occur a year on average but as many as 15 have occurred in one years time in the Atlantic Ocean. In the Northern Hemisphere the winds of a Hurricane move around the eye counter clockwise due the gravitational pull from the North Pole. In the Southern Hemisphere the winds move around the eye clockwise. The eye of the hurricane travels over land at an average of 10 to 15 miles per hour. The atmospheric disturbance that causes hurricanes start approximately in the latitudes between 5-30 degrees on both sides of the equator. Hurricanes start moving towards land picking speed, strength, and size. They will then drift away from the equator as they reach temperate latitude where they are called extra tropical and travel over the land bring havoc and destruction to all that they pass over. The winds and the rains over the sea along with the force of the sea produce huge waves called a storm surge. These storm surges cause lots of flooding and damage to coastlines, especially if they happen at high tide. The storm weakens as it moves over land because hurricanes need the warm sea to supp ly energy to it through evaporation. Also the friction of the storm over the land causes the storm to slow down. Meteorologists of the National Weather Service keep a close watch over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to see of there are any storms brewing. They collect such information as air pressure, temperature, and wind speeds. By doing all this they will be able to forecast where and when a hurricane will begin, where it will travel, and how strong it is going to be. Meteorologists get information about hurricanes by satellites, airplanes and by radar. It is shocking to see the amount of destruction from the power of a hurricane that can be caused. To put this in a better perspective: A hurricane in one day averages 1.6 X 1013 kilowatt-hour, which is 8000 times more than all the electrical power generated in the United States in one day. This is also equivalent to a daily explosion of 500000 atomic bombs, the 20-kiloton Nagasaki variety. This is absolutely amazing to think about. Many people have been trying to find ways to slow down the speeds of hurricanes for the longest time now. What is needed is a small input that can make a large amount of natural instability. The first attempt

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Identify the 10 Different Types of Clouds

How to Identify the 10 Different Types of Clouds SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Do you need to know the different types of clouds for school, or are you just interested in what’s up there in the sky? At first glance, all clouds can look pretty much the same, but with a bit of knowledge and practice you can soon learn how to tell exactly which kind of cloud you’re looking at. In this guide, we show you all the steps to becoming a cloud-identifying expert. We’ll go over the ten main types of clouds and give you the info you need to identify each cloud type, including cloud names, their shape, height in the sky, color, and the weather you can expect them to bring. We’ll end with some additional tips for identifying clouds, including easy tricks to differentiate similar-looking cloud types. The 10 Main Types of Clouds How many types of clouds are there? Generally speaking, there are ten main types of clouds you’ll see in the sky, and we discuss each of them below. For each of these different types of clouds, we’ve included a picture of the cloud, a short description, and the following additional information: Height: Where in the sky the cloud typically occurs (low-level, mid-level, or high-level) Color: The color of the cloud Shape: The form the cloud typically takes Weather: The weather the cloud is usually associated with or predicts Altocumulus Image source: Angelo Su/Flickr Height: Mid Color: White Shape: Heap-like and often grouped together Weather: Varies Altocumulus clouds are fairly common clouds that look like round white or gray patches in the sky. They are sometimes grouped in parallel lines and have been described as looking similar to tufts of wool or fish scales. Altostratus Image source: Wonderlane/Flickr (cropped from original) Height: Mid Color: White or light gray Shape: Thick and flat Weather: Usually indicate warmer weather is approaching; can cause light precipitation These clouds form a white or gray layer that blankets the sky at mid-level. There are usually no patches of blue sky when these clouds appear, but the sun is often visible as a dimly lit disk behind the clouds (although no shadows appear on the ground). Cirrocumulus Height: High Color: White or gray Shape: Rows of small patchy clouds Weather: Typically sunny and cold Cirrocumulus clouds are much smaller than most other types of clouds, and they are sometimes called cloudlets. They are found at high altitudes and are made of ice crystals. They often are arranged in parallel rows. They are one of the rarer types of clouds and usually don’t last long. Cirrostratus Image source: aivas14/Flickr Height: High Color: Transparent/white Shape: Wispy, but thicker than cirrus clouds Weather: Varies These are transparent, wispy clouds that cover most or all of the sky. The best identifier for cirrostratus clouds is a halo or ring of light surrounding the sun or moon. Cirrus Height: High Color: White Shape: Wispy or feathery Weather: May mean a warm front is approaching Wispy clouds located high in the atmosphere are likely cirrus clouds. They are thin and white with lots of blue sky visible. They can occur in fair weather or when a warm front or large storm is approaching. Cumulonimbus Height: Low (although can span all layers) Color: Pale to dark gray Shape: Dense and towering Weather: Thunderstorms Cumulonimbus are the classic â€Å"thunderstorm clouds†and are large towering clouds that are often dark in color. Seeing them is a sign that a storm is likely on its way. They can be very large, appearing like a mountain (sometimes with a flat top). Cumulus Height: Low Color: White Shape: Fluffy, tall, often described as looking similar to cauliflower Weather: Typically sunny The stereotypical puffy cloud you probably drew a lot of when you were a kid, cumulus clouds are dense individual clouds that are bright white on top and gray underneath. They typically appear earlier in the day when it’s sunny. Nimbostratus Image source: KNOW MALTA by Peter Grima/Flickr Height: Low Color: Dark gray Shape: Large thick layer Weather: Steady rain or snow Nimbostratus clouds form a thick, dark layer across the sky. They are often thick enough to blot out the sun. Like cumulonimbus clouds, they are associated with heavy precipitation, but, unlike cumulonimbus, you can’t pick out individual nimbostratus clouds. Stratocumulus Height: Low Color: White Shape: Fluffy Weather: Appear before or after a front/when there is weak convection in the atmosphere Stratocumulus clouds are somewhat similar to cumulus clouds but are flatter, thicker, and darker. There is less blue sky between the clouds, and the weather will appear more cloudy than sunny. Stratus Image source: Wikimedia commons Height: Low Color: Gray or white Shape: Featureless flat layer Weather: Gloomy weather, sometimes with light precipitation Similar to fog (but on the horizon instead of on the ground), stratus clouds are a gray featureless layer of clouds that cover all or most of the sky. Tips for Identifying Different Types of Clouds Even meteorologists can sometimes struggle with identifying certain clouds, so it helps to have a few tricks to fall back on. Use the following four tips to help you differentiate the various cloud types and figure out which type is currently in the sky. #1: Figure Out the Shape Typically, the easiest way to tell different types of clouds apart is by looking at their shape There are three main different cloud shapes, and they all look quite different from one another, so identifying the shape will help you narrow down your options easily before moving onto other steps and identifiers to determine which specific cloud type you’re looking at. Below are the three main cloud shapes (along with the cloud names) and the types of clouds that fall under them. Puffy (Cumulo-form) Cumulus Altocumulus Stratocumulus Cumulonimbus Cirrocumulus Thick layer (Strato-form) Stratus Altostratus Nimbostratus Wispy (Cirro-form) Cirrus Cirrostratus #2: Look at Where They Are in the Sky Once you’ve figured out the shape, the next step is to determine where the cloud is in the sky: low, mid, or high-level. This is a bit trickier than just deciding on shape and can take some practice to get good at it, but once you can reliably tell where a cloud is in the sky along with its shape, you often have enough info to correctly identify it. High-Level Cirrus Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus Mid-Level Altostratus Altocumulus Low-Level Stratus Stratocumulus Cumulus Nimbostratus Cumulonimbus (although can span all layers) #3: Consider the Weather When you’re trying to identify clouds, don’t just focus on the clouds themselves; remember to look at the rest of the sky. The current or expected weather can help you with cloud identification, since many clouds are associated with a particular type of weather. Sunny Weather Cirrocumulus Cumulus Gloom and/or Steady Precipitation Stratus Nimbostratus Altostratus Storms Cumulonimbus Variable Weather Stratocumulus Cirrus Cirrostratus Altocumulus #4: Know Tricks for Identifying Similar-Looking Clouds Even after you’ve sorted the kinds of clouds you’re looking at into the correct categories based on shape, height in the sky, and accompanying weather, you may still be struggling between a couple different cloud types. And it’s true, there are some cloud types that look very similar to each other. Below are some tips for differentiating between similar-looking cloud pairs. Cirrus vs Cirrostratus Both these cloud types have similar wispy shapes, but cirrostratus clouds cover much more of the sky compared to cirrus clouds. Cirrus clouds will have lots of blue sky accompanying them, while for cirrostratus clouds, little or no sky will be visible, and the sun will likely be behind the clouds (typically with a â€Å"halo† around it). Cumulus vs Stratocumulus Both of these clouds have a puffy shape, but stratocumulus clouds have a more flattened, thicker, and darker appearance compared to cumulus clouds, which look more like puffs of cotton. Altocumulus vs Stratocumulus These two kinds of clouds look similar, but they are different sizes. If you hold your hand up to the sky, a stratocumulus cloud will be about the size of your first, while an altocumulus cloud will be closer in size to your thumb. Stratus vs Nimbostratus vs Altostratus These three cloud types can be difficult to tell apart since they all have a similar shape. Below is a unique identifier for each one. Stratus: Cloud type lowest to the ground; just slightly higher than fog. Can cause light precipitation. Nimbostratus: The clichà © â€Å"rain† cloud; dark in color and accompanied by steady precipitation. Altostratus: Less thick and doesn’t produce precipitation. Summary: What Are the Types of Clouds? If can be difficult to keep track of cloud names and the main types of clouds when you’re not sure what you’re looking for. Fortunately, a bit of studying is all that is required to easily identify most clouds. There are ten main types of clouds: Altocumulus Altostratus Cirrocumulus Cirrostratus Cirrus Cumulonimbus Cumulus Nimbostratus Stratocumulus Stratus You can identify these different kinds of clouds in three main ways: Shape Height in sky Accompanying weather There are also various tips you can use to differentiate between two types of clouds that look similar. What's Next? Want to know the fastest and easiest ways to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius? We've got you covered! Check out our guide to the best ways to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (or vice versa). Are you also learning about dynamic equilibrium in your science class? We break this sometimes tricky concept down so it's easy to understand in our complete guide to dynamic equilibrium. Writing a research paper for school but not sure what to write about? Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

You can create this Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

You can create this - Research Proposal Example Welcoming international trade, the country is expanding its business relations with Spain (its closest neighbor), the US, and African countries. In many cases goods shipped to Portugal do not arrive there directly, but come to some other country of the EU, and only then travel to Portugal – in order to use the advantage of lower value added tax rates of the other country. Companies entering the Portuguese market are welcome to contact the closest US Export Assistance Center which supports exporters. U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service (100) recommends entering the market with an assistance of a local partner. Besides, finding a group or a right person to obtain useful advice and contacts is considered to be very beneficial because personal contacts are important for conducting a successful business in the country. In order to establish an office in Portugal, one should create a Portuguese company according to the country’s law. For most tenders and goods price is more important than quality. So, in order for a product to be competitive, the price must not be higher than that of the rivals. Portuguese importers now prefer to receive C.I.F. or F.O.B. quotations that include a product description, shipping weight, volume and time of shipment and delivery. Though such invoices (with all the mentioned above information) are not mandatory, they are very desirable. The largest part of the businesses of the country is concentrated in Lisbon, a capital of Portugal. Modern techniques of conducting business are widely spread in the country. However, traditional values are still in a great respect: personal contact and a handshake are still considered by many Portuguese businessmen to be more valuable than a signed contract. At the same time, a request for a formal contract will not offend them. At the same time, personal relations are valued and respected more than any legal

Assignment1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment1 - Assignment Example This is one important aspect of today’s global organizations since in the recent past employees have won the tag of being the most important resource any organization has. Recent surveys and researches by different scholars have also revealed that the only left way for organizations to achieve competitive advantages over their competitors is only through proper utilization of the human resources. How can such human resources be properly utilized if the employees are not getting along well with their colleagues or superiors in their places of work? Different scholars have therefore developed different models to try and device means of promoting trust in different work places. Such scholars include Dr. John H Estes and Dr. Ralph M. Criss in their article ‘Building trust in the workplace’. According to Estes and Criss (2003), professional development is a process involving different stages. It begins with establishment of professional relationships where two individual come together and share their common encounters which are mainly things such as training, work experience or even education. Such individuals normally have never worked together and at this point they tend to make assumption of one another. For example what the other person does or knows. These individuals develop a mutual expectation. As the time progresses and there lacks to be violation of the developed expectations between the individuals after the establishment of the professional relationship, these individuals further develop some level of respect and more understanding in one another. This is the second stage which is a stage of professional respect. Further, when the respect is maintained and the level of understanding further becomes deepened between the parties, the respective members develop trust on one another such that each party now feels free to leave any task for the other party to undertake. This is the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Basquiat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Basquiat - Essay Example Though there were trying situations from his early childhood onward, he managed to find the most appropriate ways to counter them and to be exact in his road to fame. He painted as an artist who never bothered of restrictions and he had nothing to lose. Basquiat fought against many distressing situations in his life and rose to attain recognition by the year 1980 through 'The Times Square Show'. He collaborated with many artists of his time, including art-writers, curators, and collectors, to form a group which later came to be called as the Neo-expressionist movement. Though the painter developed to be one of the most realized artists of his time, his friends were worried about his extreme drug consumption, unpredictable behavior etc. Before he died at his 27 due to mixed-drug toxicity, he had achieved significant recognition. For a complete understanding of the life and artistic works of Basquiat, it is pivotal to depend on the authentic bibliography on him. However, the value of t he visual means along with the written word cannot be overlooked. In fact, the visual media has been able to offer a greater awareness of Basquiat's life. Therefore, though Basquiat has been memorialized through the biopic in 1996 by Julian Schnabel as well as the best selling biography of Basquiat by Phoebe Hoban in 1998, the former has a greater value to the audience as it offers a complete picture of the life of the artist through various aspects such as music and the sound effects, the effect of acting, and the other visual effects. This paper deals with a comparison between the reading and the film in order to suggest why the visual representation has a superior validity in understanding the life of Basquiat. Through his biography of Basquiat, Phoebe Hoban was able to create a true picture of the artist's life, but it was never a complete picture to the readers, as many often he failed to relate to the powerful emotion of the readers. Basquiat is represented as the most notorious artist who failed to accomplish his goals. Hoban presents the life of this great artist as cashed in on both fame and greed which were the characteristics of the 1980s. "Basquiat's life spanned an historic shift in the art world, from Pop to Neo-Expressionism, from hip to hype." (Hoban) To the biographer, graffiti was only the beginning for the painter and he soon involved with a New York scene which considered art as an element of the whole array of media. "'Artists were mixing up their media,' Phoebe Hoban suggests, and 'music film, painting and fashion were recombining in innovative ways' at the end of 1970s and early 1980s." (Thompson, 68) According to Hoban, Basquiat's stylistic qualities are part of establi shed African-American aesthetic traditions. The biography of Basquiat suggests why the artist was able to accomplish as a great painter. Accordingly, his contemporary world as well as the subsequent periods failed to recognize the "qualities in Basquiat's paintings and to concentrate instead'on his celebrity lifestyle'" (Thompson, 69) Similarly, the art movement of the time also failed to achieve a significant impact on the scenario. The biography Basquiat by Hoban,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Growing a business strategy for Coffee Angel Coursework

Growing a business strategy for Coffee Angel - Coursework Example Chris is of Turkish background and the business is family owned. The business was started in collaboration with his family who stands by him and supports him in financing the operations of the business. Opening time is 7.30 am on weekdays and opening times being 8: 30 am and 10: 00 am for Saturday and Sunday, respectively, with closing time at 7: 00 pm irrespective of the day of the week. Coffee Angel offers foods including breakfast, sandwiches and rolls, Panini menu, toasts, salads, and wraps, the drinks offered include freshly roasted coffee, milkshakes, smoothies, tea, iced coffee, and flavor. Catering and treats are also offered by Coffee Angel. The aim of strategic analysis is to have a better understanding of the position of the business in the macro environment and make a comparison with the competitors in the industry the firm is operating. An analysis of the Coffee Angel requires an understanding of the environment to be able to know the strategic capabilities of the firm. PESTLE is an acronym for political, economic, sociological, technological, environmental, and legal and is a useful tool for the analysis of the macro environment where a business operates. PESTLE is a tool for the generation of an understanding on the relation of the firm to the external environment. The main reasons for PESTLE analysis is that it is relevant in decision making as it informs the management on the situation of the firm in relation to the external environment. This part details the impact of political actions on the external environment of Angel Coffee. Government policies would have an impact on the functionality of Angel Coffee in some ways including laws on minimum wages that has recently been passed will influence Angel Coffee and rumors of further increase affect the company. Food safety controls by the government affect the performance of food

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Marketing Myopia and article critiques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Myopia and article critiques - Essay Example Levitt spoke of the ‘Error of Analysis’ whereby, the company defines its scope inaccurately and is unable to grow because it has restricted itself. Companies tend to stop growing, not because of fall in demand or increased competition, but because they were mismanaged and failed to realize their own potential and the opportunities that would have come with it had they managed themselves properly and expanded their horizons, instead of having a very myopic view about their business. He gives the example of the railway, which has steadily declined over the years as other vehicles become mainstream transport. This failure is not because the demand for rail travel declined, it is because they had a â€Å"product-oriented instead of customer-oriented† approach (Levitt, 1960). In the same vein, the TV business is bigger than the film business ever was, just because Hollywood restricted itself to movies by categorizing itself as being in the film business and not the ent ertainment business and massively restricting its horizons. To explain the reverse side of the argument, TV is a success story because it has not restricted itself to one category. ... Levitt talks of the ‘Shadow of Obsolescence’ whereby companies stop growing once their products lose the sparkle, this often happens when a specific feature of their product that was supposed to have been bringing in the demand, becomes outdated and easily substituted by competition with time. He gives the example of the dry cleaning industry. Once thriving because it provided an effective way to clean wool garments, the industry is now dwindling as synthetic fibers replace wool, ones which are easier to clean and the dry cleaning industry becomes obsolete due to innovative products such as automatic washing machines. Another mistake is the ‘Population Myth’ whereby companies assume that a growing population is synonymous with a growing market demand and the ‘Idea of Indispensability’ whereby companies think they are safe from competition because their product is irreplaceable. This lulls them into a false sense of security and they end up funct ioning under a complacent strategy. An example of this scenario is the petroleum industry; due to its elaborate success throughout its history the petroleum industry has become complacent in its strategy and assumes safely that as long as the world’s population keeps growing, its customer base will forever increase. Complacency however, makes the industry myopic to the fact that many people are now becoming environment conscious and are interested in adopting alternative forms of energy that do not pollute, unlike petroleum products. Another mistake is due to ‘Production Pressures’, since companies are so engrossed in meeting production quota deadlines they lose focus of their

The Impact of Human Rights Violations on Refugee Women Essay Example for Free

The Impact of Human Rights Violations on Refugee Women Essay The international concern about the rights of women has been rapidly gaining attention from higher authorities.   Since the end of the World War II, the issue pertaining to this has received significant development until the millennium era.   The first among the organization that concentrated on the advocacy of the women’s rights was the Commission of the Status of Women, which was established in 1948 in order to promote women’s right and equality followed by the International Women’s Decade in 1976 to 1985 (Beyani, p. 29) dedicated to the promotion of women’s right as human rights.. In the same way, the United Nations had conducted several conferences to address the problem of human rights violations committed on women worldwide as well as to outline legal trends that could help minimize violence on women and to advance the cause of women specifically the refugee women. Spearheaded by the United Nation, the conferences composed of loose coalition of groups and individuals worldwide, they launched a petition in 1991 calling on the Vienna to comprehensively address women’s human rights. These campaigns were so successful that women’s right gained recognition in both the UN documents and treatises including the adoption of a UN declaration of on the Elimination of Violence against women. Cases of human rights violations among refugee women are ubiquitous because these people are exposed to numerous threats during all phases of the dislocation or displacement period Displacement period among women simply refers to their loss of jobs by either war or domestic violence.   Their experiences while at the camp leave emotional and physical impact on them, which in many cases traumatic that cause major changes in their lives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Likewise, those organizations have identified specific exploitations done on women including refugee women, which have the worst cases of human rights violations all over the world.   Among the recognized forms of abuses are rape, sexual abuse, sexual extortion, and physical injury as outlined by the United Nation. These abuses are rampant regardless of their geographical limitation; abuses are inflicted to many women in refugee camps around the globe most particularly in countries like Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Somalia, and many Asian nations.   The human rights of these refugee women receive less considerable attention unlike their male counterpart or the human right’s abuses among men., because in the first place, their interests have not sufficiently represented in the international body. Stedman and Tanner cited the definition of refugee from African Unity Refugee Convention in 1974, which he stated as, â€Å"every person who, owing to external aggression, occupation, foreign domination or events seriously disturbing public order in either part or whole of his country of origin or nationality, is compelled to leave his place of habitual residence in order to seek refugee in another place outside his country of origin or nationality† (p. 139).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Refugees are people who seek international protection for fear of persecution, civil war, or strife, abuses of human rights, and other reasons in their own country because their own country failed to provide that for them (Tarner, 139).   Nowadays, the process of seeking refuge or asylum is under an obligation and/or activity of United Nations with the assistance from United States of America and other participating countries.   The reported cases of refugee prepared by United States Committee for Refugees in 2003 are approximately less than ten million (Martin, p. 3); and the majority of these people are from the least developed countries such as Bangladish, which are mostly women and children. However, the irony here is that, the refugees who are after for protection have stumbled upon worst exploitations in the country they chose to settle.   Refugee women are defenseless in terms of abuse by people in the government and sometimes by rebellious groups.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are factors that can prove the relationship of refugee flows with social, cultural, and political chaos in the society.   Doreen Marie Indra stated that it becomes clear that in many cases these experiences are â€Å"grounded in politics† (p. 326).   Women become the subject of persecution at some occasion because they refuse to oblige with or they transgress social mores. Indra explained that because these women oppose the dictates of a political or religious system they are gendered punishment for violation of â€Å"particular social norms† (p. 326).In other words, even the prevailing social and religious system was oppressive in nature to the women’s right and they punished for disobeying even the simplest dress code (Indra, p. 328).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Michael Penn and Rahel Nardos saw the angle of discrimination of society to women as another ground for human rights violation of refugee women.   Violence against women according to him is a â€Å"manifestation of historically unequal power relations between men and women†¦[and that it] is one of the crucial social mechanisms by which women are forced into a subordinate position compared with men† (p. 182).   Likewise, those women in refugee camps and minority groups are vulnerable to violence according to him.   This concept prompts men to take advantage of women in refugee camps because of the idea that women are property of men.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the other hand, Erin Baines believed that problem pertaining to refugee crisis has something to do with the cultural differences among individual groups (p. 32).     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stedman and Tanner (2003) described the nexus of refugee flows as:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The result of the failure of the international system to prevent, deter, or terminate gross violations; from failure to hold governments that are guilty of gross violations responsible for the floods of refugees they unleash; from failure to assume political responsibility for refugee situations that threaten international peace and security; from failure to assume political responsibility to prevent violations that unleash refugee floods, and collective responsibility to guarantee remedies, including temporary protection or resettlement† (p. 155).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accordingly, refugees continue to suffer from exploitation simply because the international political system fails to recognize its collective responsibility in this issue, at least to place individual rights at the top of the normative deliberation in refugee catastrophes.(yes it’s mine.) It means that obviously the rights of individual refugee women were somehow neglected, although in general, there efforts to combat human rights abuses. The relocation itself causes difficulty to refugees especially in adjusting oneself to current culture, language, and society.   Most of them rely on donation from non-government organization, which does not sufficiently sustain the needs of the family. Though they wish to stand on their own, they find difficulty gaining access to important services such as income-generating projects and educational programs, Indra noted that women in many countries†¦ â€Å"Are denied education, access to profession, or paid work (p. 326)   which are important elements to support the need of the family especially in the absence of the husband. Due to this problem, many of them suffer financial complexity and emotional stress.   Meyer and Prugl noted that refugee women cannot enjoy the social services or employment opportunities or be protected in accordance with the UN High Commissioner for refugee   UNHCR policies since most of them rely on their husband’s document; and this resulted to great stress among them as they seek help from the authorities such as the United Nations (p. 250).   These people are likely to experience poverty, illiteracy, encounter conflicts within refugee population, domestic violence, and sexual torture. Poverty is one major problem of the refugees. They are lack of adequate food and safe drinking water that lead to high rates of child mortality and relatively poor health.   Cole, Espin, and Rothblum reported that most refugees â€Å"live in unsanitary conditions where epidemics and disease are common, water supplies are contaminated, and food resources are insufficient (p. 65).   In a report made by the United States General Accounting Office (GAO) narrated that women are often reduced to â€Å"exchanging sex for otherwise unavailable food and nonfood items such as clothing, shelter materials, and cooking items† (p. 25). Girls in the refugee camps have little opportunity to acquire education because families do not have funds for school fees, uniform, books, and others.   Lack of education worsens their condition because this limits the employment chances of women and youth in the future. Many refugees encounter conflicts within the refugee population because of major ethnic groups or political factions.   Martin noted that the conflicts among the refugees affect the participation in decision making of the representatives of different groups that hinder possible solution to their problem (p. 18). Domestic violence on women in the refugee camp occurs because male family members are away, or sometimes killed.   According to the report of Human Rights Watch Staff, the levels of domestic violence â€Å"could also be high in refugee setting.†Ã‚   For instance, in the Human Rights Watch’s report of the Burundian refugee camps in 1998, they had recorded relatively high incidence of domestic violence committed on women, which occurred inside or outside refugee camps by relief workers (p. 487).   This group acknowledged this problem as something largely unrecognized and the perpetrators â€Å"enjoyed free movement in the camps† (p. 487). Sexual torture somehow is different from domestic violence.   Martin specifically identified these tortures as something inflicted on the victims in an inhumane manner.   Sexual torture is in form of either heterosexual or homosexual rape; the rape of women by the use of specially trained dogs or forced witnessing of unnatural sexual relations, and many other forms (Martin, p. 33).   Basically, torture causes much severe emotional impact on its victims both physically and psychologically, because of the nature it is being carried out.which Martin describe as â€Å"inhumane, cruel and degrading punishment or treatment (p. 33) Aside from health and protection problems, women in the refugee camps are likely to suffer additional problems due to their gender.   According to Cole, Espin and Rothblum, women and girls are vulnerable to sexual violence in which rape is a common experience for them (p. 65).   Rape is the most frightening and humiliating experience for the refugee women; this is the most traumatic actually that many of them already committed suicide. (Espin and Rothlblum, p. 69) The raping of refugee women is unusually brutal; they are gang raped or raped repeatedly often for days at a time.   Refugee women’s experience while at camp produces both physical and emotional impact on them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   First, they suffer from emotional trauma leaving them alone to confront the issue.   Cole,, explained that for Asian and African women, being a rape victim is considered ‘ruined’ because their culture values virginity is â€Å"synonymous with purity† (p. 69).   As a result, they feel they lose all value in society and are rejected by their families.   Rape for Islam, Buddhist, and Taoist is associated with â€Å"karma† or punishment for the sin they have committed.   Thus, most of these women are unwilling to disclose the issue to others, in turn, their behavior show psychosomatic symptoms of these experiences. Theilade LD. Explained that sexual dysfunction is possible to occur if a person has experienced sexual torture or non-sexual, physical, or non-physical torture. He further stated that this problem is â€Å"seen in up to fifty-one percent of torture victims (par. 1).   However, the development of sexual dysfunction may occur largely to people who suffered from sexual torture.   Sexual dysfunction could also be attributed to post traumatic stress disorder.(This info. came from Kemp and Rasbridge mentioned about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by refugee women as a result of stress, physical or sexual torture, and trauma (p. 74).   Women who had been in this traumatic experience said that they avoided going out yet, due to their family responsibility, they had to force themselves to continue with daily activities. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder could be obtained if the person has previous anxiety disorder and other factor such as early childhood trauma or head injuries that may trigger the problem.   Generally, refugees suffer from mental health problem like flash backs and dreams and intense guilt or anger and the percentage is almost sixty-five percent, which lasted for many years especially when they do not receive treatment and support from family members.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, these women are likely to sustain physical injuries.   Others contract venereal disease or sexually transmitted diseases.   Some became pregnant after the rape. Indeed, women are not only victims of general violence and the lack of health care, they also contending issues unambiguous to their biology and social status. However, despite of predicaments faces by refugee women, Florence Howe (1996) noted that refuge and displaced migrant women are likely to endure any situation. Howe Asserted, â€Å"Refugee, displaced and migrant women in most cases display strength, endurance and resourcefulness and can contribute positively to countries of resettlement or to their origin on their return† (Howe, p. 213). Howe pointed out these women should be appropriately involved in decisions that affect them and their future, since it cannot be denied that women make significant but frequently unrecognized role as educators both in their families and their societies as Anthony Redmond noted (2006) â€Å"women will often be the first to deny themselves in favor of others, particularly children or male partners†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Redmond, p. 21) Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As some authors pointed out, the international human rights and the United Nations has done enough to protect human rights particularly of the refugee women. But is a fact that abuses on women continues to dominate in many countries in the world particularly in refugee centers. Perhaps this social stigma can be attributed to the two of the most pressing problems of the society ever since, Poverty and discrimination.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus no matter how many laws are legislated to protect women from abuses, or no matter how far is the international effort or even the United Nation’s effort to provide necessary protection for women’s right, these abuses on women will continue to persist unless the fundamental sources of the problems are addressed, although this problem maybe is as old as human civilization it self. Authorities therefore must not only look at the crime or run after the offenders but they should also consider the situations involve and gather evidences relating the crimes to the problems mentioned and suggest possible solution to the problems to law making body. The United Nations and all international effort on combating abuses on women must also pay attention to this problem, and try to realign some of their resources to help address the two problems mentioned earlier, along with intensified efforts of the law enforcement to run after the criminal offenders to put them behind bars. Intensifying efforts of both the international body and law enforcements agencies against the offenders and social problems may not completely erased this disease of the society but it certainly will help curb the problem. Work Cited Baines, E.K. Vulnerable Bodies: Gender, the Un and the Global Refugee Crisis. USA: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2004. Beyani, Chaloka. â€Å"The Needs of Refugee Women: A Human Rights Perspective.† Women and Rights. Ed. Sweetman, Caroline. UK: Oxfam, 1995. Cole, E., Espin, O., Rothblum, E. Refugee Women and their Mental Health: Shattered Societies, Shattered Lives. USA: Haworth Press, 1992. Howe, F. Beijing and Beyond Toward the Twenty First-First Century of Women: Includes the Complete Text of the Plattform for Action. USA: Florence Howe Graduate School and University Center, 1996.    Human Rights Watch World Report 1999.   New York: Human Rights Watch, 1998. â€Å"Humanitarian Assistance: Protecting Refugee Women and Girls Remains a Significant Challenge.† United States General Accounting Office. May 2003.,M1 Indra, D.M. Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Practice.   USA: Berghahn Books. Kemp, C. Rasbridge, L.A. Refugee and Immigrant Health: A Handbook for Health Professionals, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Martin, S. F. Refugee Women. USA: Lexington Books, 2004. Meyer, M.K. Prugl, E. Gender Politics in Global Governance. USA: Rowman Littlefield Publishing, Inc., 1999. Penn, M.L. Nardos, R. Overcoming Violence Against Women and Girls: The International Campaign to Eradicate a Worldwide Problem. USA: Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003. Redmond, A. ABC of Conflict and Disaster. UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. Stedman, S. J. Tanner, F. Refugee Manipulation War, Politics, and the Abuse of Human Suffering. USA: Brookings Institution Press, 2003. Theilade, LD. â€Å"Sexual Dysfunction in Torture Victims.† PubMed. 2002 Oct .