Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Facilitating Childrens Self-Regulation Skills at the End...

Research Topic: Facilitating children’s self-regulation skills at the end of play-based activities. Introduction Self-regulation is an integral part of life, a skill that can be learned and practice from young. Self-regulation is apparent in different domains such as emotional, behavioural, and cognitive and are interrelated (Jahromi Stifter, 2008, p. 125). Self-regulation is needed specifically as children conclude the end of play-based activities. However, teachers often face children’s reluctance during these clean-up periods which result in the delay of instructional activities. The factors that contribute to the issues includes: children lack of skills to transition between activities, having difficulty ending a preferred activity†¦show more content†¦A transition from play-based activity to non-preferred activity might be difficult for young children. Play is an innate ability of children and is gaining recognition in early childhood education. â€Å"Through play, young children engage in active learning when they reconstruct their experiences, generate ideas, and test t hese ideas† (Saracho, 2012). Children often display reluctance when it comes to resisting work on a play-based activity and switching to a new one due to time constraints (Rimm-Kaufman et al, 2009). Rimm-Kauffman et al. (2009) also mentioned that â€Å"Classroom quality, particularly the nature of teachers’ interactions towards children, is hypothesized to support children’s display adaptive classroom behaviours in kindergarten† (p. 960). With effective communication present, teachers help to promote children’s internal management of behaviour and enhance their achievement. Therefore, it is vital that well-planned facilitation strategies are being implemented to help children regulate their behaviours at the end of play-based activities. Facilitation strategies There are different types of facilitation methods that can be helpful for teachers to facilitate children’s behaviours during the end of an activity. Using songs, auditory and visual cues, a multimodal approach, helps children to predict the next activity in a routine and develop on-task behaviour. Using music in routines gives a structure and as a cue for children toShow MoreRelatedEducation And Social Problem Solving Skills2213 Words   |  9 Pagessolving skills. The literature review revolves around this argument. The different topics to be discussed are inclusive of the children capabilities in terms of their social emotional development and skills that children need in order to become problem solvers. The other topic is the methodology which discusses the strategies used in different articles, the classroom environment and the action of teachers as models following their professional development from their training to coaching activities. 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