Saturday, December 28, 2019

Drunk Driver And Drunk Drivers - 923 Words

In 2013, 10,076 people died because of drunk drivers. One every 52 minutes. 290,000 were injured because of the accidents (MADD). In 2012, 3,328 people died because of car crashes due to the fact that drivers were on their phones. 421,000 were injured (Texting and Driving Statistics). Driving is not an easy task so you should always be attentive to what you’re doing. A big difference between both is being sober and being drunk. Someone that’s drunk isn’t fully aware of what’s going on. Someone who is sober but is on their phone is more dangerous because they aren’t looking at what’s ahead. Even though both drunk driving at texting while driving are different, the thing that’s most important for both is to keep yourself as well as the people around you safe. The exact definition of â€Å"drunk† is â€Å"being in a temporary state in which one s physical and mental faculties are impaired by an excess of alcoholic drink† (Dictionary). When someone’s drunk they are not functioning at their 100%. You will never ask someone to make an important decision while they’re drunk. So why would someone who is drunk drive? Usually they think they aren’t as drunk and are able to drive safely. That is not a good idea. Driving while drunk can cause a serious accident which will harm you and the person who you might run over. Be safe and be aware. A one word text can mean the difference between life and death. The minimal amount of time taken away from that one text is 5 seconds. A lot can happen inShow MoreRelatedDrunk Drivers And Drunk Driving946 Words   |  4 PagesWhile I have never personally been involved in a crash caused by drunk driving, as a firefighter I have approached the aftermath of many. The worst drunk driving accident I have witnessed was a car that had rolled three times. The guy flew out the front window, leaving deep cuts all over his head. 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Blood alcohol concentration, also known as BAC, is the amount of alcohol in the blood of one’s system, and is used as a measure of degree of intoxication in an individual ( In the United States it is illegal per se, to drive with a BAC of .08 for all drivers who are 21 and older ( As the blood alcohol concentration increases, the risk of car accidents, highway injuries, and vehicular deaths also increase. Drunk driversRead MoreDrunk Drivers Should Not Be Banned1279 Words   |à ‚  6 PagesSince there is a large amount of drunk driving accidents almost every year there are drunk drivers getting away and not having any harsh consequences.Drunk driving has killed over hundreds of citizens due to the mistakes by over intoxicated drivers. States all across the country have lowered the blood alcohol limit to keep drunk drivers off the road from hitting a pedestrian. Some citizens believe that drunk drivers should not be punished more harshly due to be over intoxicated while driving. 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These two words together are uncordial behaviors. The crime of driving a vehicle or operating a motorized machine while under the influence of alcohol is totally against the law of the land, but some people still won’t stop. Is there any gain in drunk-driving than loss of lives, loss of driving privileges, and property—vehicles? One-third of traffic deaths invo lve alcohol-impaired driving (MADD). Therefore, a behavior that involves a tiny proportion of drivers is oneRead MoreHow Does the Bottle Taste in Prison? Essay769 Words   |  4 Pagesresult of drunk driving which equates to approximately 10,000 people a year. Driving under the influence is a crime when a person’s blood level of alcohol exceeds the legal limit of 0.08%. Standard penalties against first time offenders include: having their driver’s licenses revoked and paying a fine ranging from $500-$2,000. 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