Friday, December 20, 2019

Sexism in Music Essay - 879 Words

How do we choose the music that we listen to? We could be affected by the music itself, the lyrics could touch us on a personal level, or we may have a predisposition to a certain genre of music due to the geographic area we live in. Our background and upbringing can even play a role in our musical choices. However we come to that ultimate decision, how many of us actually pay close attention to the language used in the songs that we like? Could it be that some of our favorite artists or compositions actually contain language that can be considered sexist or harmful? Many people associate sexist language with the music genre of rap and hip/hop, but the truth is that sexist language invades every style of music. While it is true that the†¦show more content†¦150 songs were selected from the Top 50 most popular songs ranging from the years 2006 to 2008 and were pulled from platinum albums. (A platinum album has sold at least 1 million copies.) Each song was listened to in its entirety twice and the lyrics were verified by the researchers through Results showed that songs classified as hip hop/rap â€Å"frequently included references to female ‘bitches’, than the other genres (87.5%)† (Frisby 16.) While there were no indicative results correlating artist gender or ethnicity to the use of derogatory slang words, her research found that hip hop/rap music was not the only culprit. In addition to showing that â€Å"of the eight genres, hip hop was found to more likely use slang words and rely on message themes that refer to women as sexually permissive and aggressive† (Frisby 16) the study also provided results stating that pop music also contained slang words demoralizing women. Frisby wrote that â€Å"Pop music and song lyrics sung by men may reinforce the cultural notion that women are only adored and valued for their bodies and appearance† (16.) 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