Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Performance Management System of Banglalink free essay sample

The mark an employee receives in his/her evaluation plays a very important role in his/her chances of promotion. Banglalink uses the Performance Review form which is generally termed as â€Å"Adjective Checklist† The Performance Review forms are sent to all the people who act as supervisors of a certain number of employees. The supervisors are instructed to evaluate their subordinates They are specifically instructed to evaluate the job performance of the employee; and not to evaluate the employee himself or herself as a person. The supervisor fills out the form himselfDuring his evaluation, he may consult with the employee if the supervisor has any remarks; he puts them on the form also. After all these are completed, he assigns marks on the rating. The marks are specified on the form. After the supervisor completes his evaluation, his section head reviews the form If he has other thoughts about the person evaluated, he then consults both the supervisor and the subordinate, whose performance was evaluated, and then clarifies the matter. We will write a custom essay sample on Performance Management System of Banglalink or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He then gives his own remarks. Then the form is sent to the Departmental Head, who gives the final acknowledgement when he assesses that everything is in order.Thus all the filled out forms are gathered and sent to the Banglalink head-office, where these forms are sorted and arranged Then the top management reviews these forms. They evaluate the markings received. Then they can make a certain judgments on the employees abilities and performance The present position of the employee and his current salary along with the marks and recommendations he received are combined to make a matrix With this matrix, the employees increment is calculated. [pic] Appraisal Feedback After the evaluation has been done, the top management makes their decisions nd forms future plans Where the evaluation results are not satisfactory, the top management asks for more information After getting the information, they sit with the Departmental Head of the employee under scrutiny and then they proceed to assess the situation. Later they discuss the situation with the rater and the employee he rated and then they make their decision. When the evaluation results are positive and the top management has made their decisions about the employees increments or promotion, the employees are given the information in an informal manner.Thus, they are assured of the assessment that has been made of them. In this way they are kept motivated. 3. Research Methodology Type of Research The project falls in the category of exploratory and descriptive research, i. e, a research designed to evaluate the Performance Appraisal of Banglalink. This applies to the research part. Prior to that, the organizational part is helpful for the clear understanding of the existing position of Banglalink and also serves the purpose of the exploratory.Besides, a limited scale of causal research has been also included to examine the cause and effect relationship among variables. Basic Research Method The basic research method in this theoretical Knowledge, field survey and practical orientation. In that the annual report and websites were the major source of secondary data. Besides, the discussion with the concerned managers/employees (Primary data) yielded the additional information to fill up the gaps and helped in clear understanding. Sources and Method of data collectionTo carry out the research study, data has been collected both from primary and secondary sources Primary Data Primary data have been collected as follows Structured Questionnaire Keeping the problem statement in view, a number of questions in the form of checklist had been formulated. The checklist had been the main tool for relevant question to the primary data sources to formulated the operational definition of the problem statement and precisely find out the area of study. Questionnaire were developed incorporating mixed type of questions.One type of questionnaire for the managers at Banglalink and the other type is for employees. Some questions were common for all while some questions were exclusive for either group. Questionnaires were designed in such a way so that all-important elements of the performance appraisal system can be covered by it. After questionnaire formulation, an exhaustive and deliberate discussion was conducted and necess ary adjustments were made. Pretest for screening of the questionnaire has been carried out. After pretest, the final questionnaire has been prepared.

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